Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, 96, passes


Just two days after entering hospice care, former first lady Rosalynn Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter, has died. She was 96.

The Carter Center said she died at home in Plains, Georgia. Born in 1927, Mrs. Carter was recognized as a leading advocate for mental health, a cause she advanced during her long life as the wife of a Georgia governor and president.

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” President Carter said in a statement released by the Carter Center. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

The Carters, lifelong Democrats, were married for 77 years. In 2000, they visited Alaska to commemorate the 20th anniversary of President Carter’s signing of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which Alaskans call ANILCA. The Carters both fly-fished in Lake Clark on that trip, as they had all over the world; both were experience fly-fishers.

They were also world travelers, and made many diplomatic missions through the Carter Center, which they founded to advance human rights and the alleviation of human suffering. The center, associated with Emory University, focuses on resolving conflicts, enhancing freedom and democracy, and improving health.

President Carter entered hospice care at home in February after health issues, including a brain tumor. Rosalynn entered hospice care just two days before she died.


  1. The First Lady from Plains. I remember reading this and some of Jimmy’s autobiographies and let’s not forget Billy Beer. A passing of an era.

    • One of my worst hangovers ever was Billy Beer. I’d have been better drinking out of my gas tank.

      Love them or hate them, it is the end of an era.

  2. A life that long, and to pass at home with loved ones is a blessing.

    I disagreed with her politics, but rarely her sincerity of commitment to what she believed in.

    God’s mercy be with the family.

  3. The Carter years in America were lean ones and I disagreed with their policies, but no one could ever doubt their commitment to and love of each other. They were good people, with kind hearts and I hope that she rests in peace with the Lord.

  4. No disrespect to Rosalynn or the humanitarian work the Carters did, but he wasn’t fit to be president. RIP

  5. May she rest in everlasting peace.
    I’m sure she was set at peace knowing that Joe has taken over the reins of worst president ever in US history. Although Jimmy still holds that record for an elected president.

    • The Billy Beer was sud’s sucker. Didn’t go well with peanuts, either. But an unopened six pack goes for about $12K today. Some billionaire Democrat will buy.

  6. I still have an unopened can of Billy Beer if anyone wants to swig a 40+ year old beer that was bad when it was new. Jimmy was not a good president, he was however, easily passed by Biden. RIP and a true end of an era.

  7. She and Jimmy Carter were old school Democrats. Rosalynn was against abortion in part because of her faith. Compare this to Biden and Pelosi- both Catholic- who make an abomination of their religion for supporting abortion until the 9th month of pregnancy.

    The hard work she and Jimmy did for decades after leaving the White House made the world a better place. This work should inspire others….

    God bless.

  8. Hmm. Who has died recently? Mrs. Carter and Kissinger. I thought for sure it was going to be Mrs. Carter and then Jimmy Carter. Anyway, so what else just happened that we missed because we are being distracted by these deaths?

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