Flight taking legislators to Juneau for Special Session turns back due to malfunction


It could be just a malfunction or it could be foreshadowing of more legislative delays: An Alaska Airlines flight carrying several legislators to Juneau for the fourth special session of this calendar year turned back on Monday morning and landed at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. It was surrounded by fire trucks and police cars briefly and was not parked by the terminal, while inspections were made.

At least five legislators are known to be on board. Reports are that there was excessive fuel being used from one wing tank.

About 15 minutes into the flight that left Anchorage at 8:15 am on a clear day, the pilot of the Boeing 737 advised passengers the jet would return due to a fuel problem.

At this writing, it appears there will be a change of planes for those heading to Juneau for the next 30-day session. The House and Senate both gavel in at 2 pm.


  1. Each one of those legislators need to start reading their bibles and praying God to correct the errors of their fleshy ways. Their lives nearly blow-up! if it wasn’t for God’s mercy alerting the pilot and giving Him wisdom to turn around than just chancing it.

  2. Here’s an idea. Instead of invoking God for intervention, saddle up and work to solve the issue ourselves.

    In high school I dated my pastor’s daughter. He had a sign on his office door. Had two men in a leaking boat. Caption read: while you pray to God let’s row towards shore.

    Quit asking God to do the heavy lifting He expects us to do for ourselves.

    • That’s exactly what the Pilot did, he turned around instead of chancing it ignoring (divine inspiration inclining the pilot to the direction he turns around) than chancing it thinking he could make it to Southeast blowing up the plane one the way. How many people can relate afterward reminiscing I knew what I needed to do and chose different resulting making the problem worse? Or I sp am Thankful I didnt do what I was about to do or say after reaching the future!? It’s one of those moments we could had lost half our state legislature! I don’t recognize over half our state’s legislature is ready to meet death.

  3. Its a good thing they caught the early 8:15am flight and that the pilot was wise enough to turn, per that timeline they had plenty of time to catch the 11:05AM which arrives in Juneau daily at 12:40PM. I sure hope they did not come up with an excuse to not fulfill there obligation to the people of Alaska and get to Juneau, even though very very few of them are serving us anyways…..

  4. Good thing with the current timeline presented all 5 of them had plenty of time to catch the daily 11:05am flight departing Anchorage which arrives in Juneau at 12:40pm. All of them should have felt the obligation to hop on the next flight available and still be in Juneau in time to gavel in, thus serving the Alaskan people as they are required to do. Curious to if they actually did or not.

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