Fairbanks: Alaska Fire Conference canceled


The 2021 Alaska Fire Conference in Fairbanks has been canceled due to the surge in cases of Covid-19 around the state and country, the planning committee for the event announced today.

“The safety of the public and the state’s first responders is of utmost importance to the command staff and this decision was not made easily,” the group wrote.

The annual conference, which was also skipped last year, rotates to various communities around the state and was to be in Fairbanks on Sept. 27 through Oct. 1.

Usually, over 100 fire and emergency services professionals attend these training conferences, which are also a boon to the local economy. Plus, wherever there’s a fire conference happening, the public has an enhanced level of safety.


  1. I think everyone is Crazy talking about a covid surge, because I am not seeing life any different. My communities residents are running around looking just as simple minded as they always looked, it’s just some are playing Nurse and Doctor wearing a medical mask that’s different. Just as last year when there was so called pandemic I have some expectations: my neighbors should be dropping dead around me for me to had taken it seriously. That didnt happen, so I had no need to worry. I don’t have a good reason to be fearful and worried about anything, I should not be fearful about anything, anyway. Hahahaha

  2. Maybe it’s cancelled because the Fairbanks arsonist may attend. 11 structures burned to the ground over the summer and he/she still hasn’t been caught.

    • Two Rivers Lodge got torched a few nights ago…..while patrons were in the bar. This arsonists is bold. And extremely dangerous.

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