‘Faces of Choice’ ad that wasn’t shown during Super Bowl


A powerful video created to be shown during the Super Bowl LIV broadcast on Fox TV was rejected by the network, but the Faces of Choice organization may have the last word, as hundreds of thousands of people have now seen the ad on social media and in churches — and the group didn’t have to pay $5.6 million for 30 seconds of prime time airtime:

Several versions of the ad are in circulation on social media.

Lyric Gillett, founder of Faces of Choice, told reporters that Fox strung her along since July, but ultimately blocked her ad, while allowing ads that celebrated drag queens and political candidates.

The ad, which features the stories of real people who survived abortions, was also shown in mega churches around the country on Sunday morning, prior to the big game.


    • Maybe watch and listen to the ad again and it will help clear it up for you…I am hoping our Senior Senator has seen and heard this ad..

      • Excuse me for being blunt but what kind of rock we’re you born under? What kind of education did you have or possibly not have? I’m not trying to be too cruel but fail to understand how life can be so meaningless to some people. Sea turtles are afforded more protection by the same people that condone abortion and they exert extreme amounts of pressure to further that protection! Dogs and cats at humane shelters are adopted around the world. This ad is very clear! I don’t understand how the supporters and the foes can be so far apart on human babies and passionate about unwanted pets from the animal shelters other than instant gratification is more important than a commitment.

      • Uh, hello! Our uhhmmm, senior senator, princess Lisa Murkowski, Catholic girl, supports abortion. Of course, she also hates Trump, Kavanaugh, etc….

  1. ‘Choice’ is the Nazi-like euphemism touted by the abortion industry ad campaign to try to mischaracterize hiring a prenatal hitman to ‘terminate’ innocent human lives as supposedly somehow something other than the cruelly vicious violent act abortion is.

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