Fabulous fakes: Candidates’ financials show which no-party candidates pay Democratic Party for help

Savannah Fletcher on duty for the Alaska Interior Democrats

Candidates around the state who claim to be not aligned with a party but who are paying massive amounts to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign services include:

Savannah Fletcher, Senate Seat R, Interior-Fairbanks, has paid $3,700 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Agnes Moran, House District 1, Ketchikan, has paid more than $3,974 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Grant Echohawk, House District 1, Ketchikan has paid more than $1,856 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Rebecca Himschoot, House District 2, has paid $3,010 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Brent Johnson, House District 6, Homer, has paid over $3,040 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Ky Holland, House District 9, South Anchorage, has paid $2,171 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Walter Featherly, House District 11, South Anchorage, has paid $3,182 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Alyse Galvin, District 14, Anchorage, has paid more than $4,886, to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Calvin Schrage, House District 12, is $1,510 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

Nick Moe, House District 16, $1,414 to the Alaska Democratic Party for coordinated campaign buy-in, including consulting, media support, communications, publicity, voter file access, training, use of facilities.

The grand total that the Fabulous Fakes gave to the Alaska Democratic Party, reported as “negative expenditures” by the Party on its APOC reports, is $28,783.

These candidates tell voters they are not aligned with a party, but they are taking thousands of dollars from Democrat donors and giving it to the Democratic Party, which means they have picked their team, while simply telling their friends and neighbors that they are not part of a party.

The Republican Party gives its candidates access to services such as walk lists for door knocking, but does not charge for the service.


  1. ANYONE listed as “nonpartisan” is a lying, scheming Democrat just like Chris Constant .. Who told me in an email” we don’t do partisan politics here”.

  2. Not surprised on Moran, and Echo-hawk doing the dirty. Proud as punch to claim “Non-Partisan” with their hands out behind their backs to accept Democrat funding. And how do one expect them to cozy up once their in office???. In the case of Moran, having the NEA support is an automatic turn off, knowing the goals of that bunch, and it isn’t about the “Kids”. I’d pass on Echo-hawk just on general principal after watching his antics on the Assembly, but any funding is and would be grabbed and be at ease touting the Democrat party line. It’s a “No” vote on these two.

  3. No wonder Assemblywoman Barbara Haney appealed her conviction by the Assembly. The presiding officer, Savannah Fletcher, is the one who should face censure for all of her shinnanigans against the People. Conflicts of interest, non-disclosures, and being an all-around bully and tyrant. She should not be in a position of power, ever again. A dictator.


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