F-22s at Ted Stevens — weather-related or sign of global tensions?


The appearance of a dozen F-22s at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport tarmac could be due to snow removal at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson. Or it could be a sign that tensions between Russia and the United States are ramping up, with the impending invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

The F-22s were parked overnight at the Anchorage airport, spotted after 1 am by several passengers on commercial flights.

Earlier this week, Biden spoke with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  

“President Biden made clear that the United States would respond swiftly and decisively, together with its Allies and partners, to any further Russian aggression against Ukraine.  The two leaders agreed on the importance of continuing to pursue diplomacy and deterrence in response to Russia’s military build-up on Ukraine’s borders,” the White House said.

On Friday, President Joe Biden said that he believes an invasion of Ukraine will come soon.

“We have reason to believe the Russian forces are planning and intend to attack Ukraine in the coming week, the coming days,” Biden said.

Several of the fighter jets departed one at a time from Ted Steven midday on Friday, and were heard widely around West Anchorage.

Also in Anchorage, C-17s were spotted leaving the Anchorage airspace.

While military planes are commonly seen in Southcentral Alaska, observers say it’s rare to see F-22s at TSIA at any time, especially the middle of winter.


  1. Retired AF Vet. There are numerous reason that TSIAP is a back-up runway for the AF jets, fog off the inlet is the biggest and the wild weather days we are having makes since. If you can’t see…. you can’t land safely. I’d rather they divert to TSIAP than wreck an aircraft and endanger a crew member. I can remember a few times as a 19th FS crew chief driving in my POV to the IAP to recover aircraft that had to divert.

    Radar, Tsgt retired.

    • Retired AF, 90th FS Dice-men from the Strike-Eagle era… Spot on assessment, you are 100% correct in your explanation.

  2. More likely than not, they were there for training, i.e. how to land in civilian airports close to their prospective targets or for close ground support. Although F-22’s are more for the “interceptor role”, they can be used in conjunction with ground based armament for defensive purposes. Still, F-22’s are pretty cool to watch on take-offs … loud too!

    • Really…… an airport landing strip is not a practice or training issue for the military. Had they landed short strip like Birchwood, Palmer, or Wasilla it might be news. Not a big deal.


  3. I’d really like to see the transcript of Biden’s call with Putin a while back. This Ukraine thing has every sign of a “wag the dog” exercise. I wouldn’t doubt if Biden has an agreement with Putin to play this game for a while then Putin will back off so Biden can claim he was the tough guy forcing Putin to back down. All for cover for Biden’s disastrous first year in office. Not that I’m a conspiracy theorist mind you.

  4. It would be good to know if the F-22s had AK displayed on their tails, or a different pair of letters indicating their origin. AK indicates they are from JBER. Other letters would indicate they were from other bases around the country. Perhaps a shifting of assets is underway. Or like you say, might be as simple as weather related issues at JBER. Hmmm…

  5. Beijing Biden is literally a loose cannon. He’s been flapping his lips for war with Russia for weeks now. He even gave a date for when Russia was going to invade Ukraine – February 16th. Thankfully, like much of his rhetoric it was a lie.

  6. We can only hope we get more aircraft and military presence up here. With Biden at the helm its anything goes with Russia. Biden having conversations with Russia’s top brass? Are you kidding? He can’t have a simple conversation with anyone, he loses his thought process. A sign of dementia.

    • Reminds me of Obimbo. Remember “corpsman? Knew nothing about the military as he spent his life being against it.

  7. For those unable to read between the propaganda from our lovely mainstream media and current resident acting president in D.C., the Deep State is trying to protect their criminal HQ in Ukraine and Putin is outsmarting them by making peace agreements with the satellite states that make up Ukraine’s borders so he can neuter the Deep State warmongers plans to start a war. Putin does not want war, Biden and his committee of Neo-cons in Washington do! They want war as a distraction for the American people to draw their attention away from the abysmal condition they have our nation in, the John Durham indictments that now have released the evidence of Hillary Clinton’s payments to hire folks to spy on Trump (can you say treason) and the mountains of evidence showing their election stealing operation that is being exposed everyday. The real “insurrection” was the collaboration between domestic and foreign entities to illegally remove a sitting president and take away American Citizens ability to choose their president. America is currently in a state of war between forces loyal to the Constitution and the people and those opposed to our freedom and Constitutional Republic. There is no turning back from this reality and you can’t sit on the sidelines. Either you fight everyday for freedom or acquiesce to tyranny. The choice is yours and I highly recommend you obtain the app on your phones for Trump’s “Truth Social” and educate yourself on the truth about the matrix (a perceived freedom) we have been living in for decades and the freedom we are currently trying to reawaken in the USA.

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