Endorsements: Alaska District 6 Republicans get behind Nick Begich and Rep. Sarah Vance

Nick Begich for Congress and Alaska House Rep. Sarah Vance

The Republican District 6 Committee has endorsed Nick Begich for Congress and Rep. Sarah Vance for Alaska State House at a meeting on Thursday.

The committee is a subdivision of the Alaska Republican Party and joins a growing list of districts and other groups that are supporting Begich for Congress.

Rep. Vance first ran for office and beat incumbent Rep. Paul Seaton in 2018. Her district covers a wide conservative area on the Lower Kenai, formerly called District 31 before redistricting in 2020 changed it to District 6.

Begich is one of three candidates running for U.S. House to unseat Democrat Mary Peltola, who was the first candidate in Alaska to win with the new ranked-choice voting method that favors Democrats and Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Other districts that have already endorsed Begich are District 8-North Kenai; and District 26-Wasilla, and 34-Fairbanks. Six of the seven Republican women’s clubs in the state have endorsed Begich, and the Alaska Young Republicans have also endorsed him.

“We’re thrilled to have the support of Homer, Anchor Point, and Seldovia Republicans! Conservatives around the state have been incredibly supportive and are speaking with one voice: we must come together in August so that we can defeat Peltola in November. This election is the most important of our lifetimes and as a result it’s never been more important for Alaskans to get out and vote. The future of our state and nation is on the line,” wrote Nick Begich as a text to Must Read Alaska, upon learning of the endorsement.


  1. Nancy Dahlstrom is a BIG loser. She might as well seek Democrat support like Lisa Murkowski resorted to. Republicans don’t want Nancy Dahlstrom. That message is loud and clear.

  2. Glad to see Nick getting lots of support, you’d think dahlstrom would of figured it out by now that’s she’s unpopular and that we see her for what she is. Go Nick

  3. Thank you for the great read, Suzanne! I should have sent you my pictures from our meeting to use if you chose to. Have a great day!

  4. Big push down by the left in District 6 to unseat Vance..she has beat such challenges twice against powerful opponents since originally unseating a very popular Seaton..hoping conservatives show up strong down here!

  5. Congratulations to Nick and Sarah on their endorsements AND campaign donations from Republican District 6. Both are known and respected for their hard work, integrity and dedication to making Alaska a better place for all. They both very much deserve our support in the upcoming elections.

  6. Representative score cards: ‘https://thefreedomindex.org/ak/

    There is only one Alaskan rep really working for the people.

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