Election for fire service area in Two Rivers, hit by arsonist in 2021, has been certified after short delay


After a delay of a day and much debate, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly certified an election that will create a fire service area in Two Rivers, which is within the boundaries of the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

The Nov. 15 election drew criticism from some residents after a reporter from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner published the wrong day for the upcoming election, and there was also a complaint that a borough worker gave out bad information to voters.

The election was to be certified late last week but some Assembly members balked until they could consider the concerns brought by the public. The question was, “if a reporter gives out wrong information about an upcoming election, can that election be considered valid?” The answer from the Assembly’s legal counsel was “yes.” And most on the Assembly agreed, with certification passing 5-3.

The community located along Chena Hot Springs Road is unincorporated, and has about 650 residents northeast of Fairbanks. In 2021, a young man set several buildings on fire in a string of gasoline-fueled arsons, and there was no volunteer fire service to respond. That’s when a group gathered to put together a fire service area, and they’ve been working on the project for more than a year and a half.

The area in question is about 40 minutes from the nearest fire station. A fire station comes with costs that will be borne by property owners in the area. The vote by area residents was 149 Yes, 92 No, and 5 not counted.

Assembly member Jimi Cash broke the tie. Because of the confusion over the date of the election, it’s also possible for the Assembly to set a new election.


    • Presiding Officer Aaron Lojewski, and alleged conservative, sided with the left-wing faction on a 4-4 vote, with another leftie absent. I think Suzanne’s information is a day old. I bet a lawsuit develops out of this and a new election will be held. Maybe Suzanne can clarify?

  1. What bothers me is citizens relying on the paper to know election dates.

    Not excusing News-Miner for bad or even deliberate misreporting, but it’s the responsibility of the citizens to know when and where to vote.

    It will be interesting to see when/if the arsonist is caught and convicted their motivations and potential political affiliations.

    • The arsonist has been caught and unless my memory fails me has confessed so that part is clear.
      As to his political affiliation I’m not sure as he was 17 years old living with his grandmother and had a history of arson while growing up.

      • Unless it is postponed again at the defendant’s request, I believe he has no right to postpone his sentencing.
        My opinion is he committed domestic terrorist acts in the Two Rivers Community. He should additionally charged with Domestic Terrorism
        Sentence to death Shame Alaska does not have a death penalty. But Federal Courts do in Alaska

        • Unless it is postponed again at the defendant’s request, I believe he has no right to postpone his sentencing.
          My opinion is he committed domestic terrorist acts in the Two Rivers Community. He should additionally charged with Domestic Terrorism
          Sentence to death Shame Alaska does not have a death penalty. But Federal Courts do in Alaska

  2. The fraud lies and misinformation presented by borough officials and the lies put out by fire association about cost are the reason of protest the news paper is a small part of issue maybe you should talk to the people who are getting screwed by this vote before you start parroting assembly bs.
    Who can afford another 400$ a month in taxes for a fire service that will never put out a fire

  3. I agree LonnyLofts. We have zero say in the added mil rate. I didn’t know about this kerfuffle. If one isn’t on FaceCrack you can’t communicate with legislators, know anything about what’s going on, etc. We have PO and store bulletin boards; should be required to post this stuff.

    • The entire election was fraud, designed by the FNSB to increase taxes. Election fraud seems to be the new SOP of Democrats and bureaucrats. Republicans and Conservatives need to know how to fight fire with fire, not try to put it out.

  4. Snuffy, I discussed, when I found d out about the election, at length with the borough clerk that day when I voted. I don’t trust any elections here, for good reasons and the way votes are counted for this and road service areas, and I have direct experience and a long email from the elections department.
    Anyway. I don’t do Rs v Ds; Ds are worse but I’m not in that trap. Check out the Legislature for the past several years for example.
    The whole process of this is just wrong, and the people setting our mil rate aren’t up to us. I learned alot. In the early mid 90s, some of us tried to do this. The borough kaboshed it. The demographics of Two Rivers have changed, and a bunch of us oldies are dead.
    But it’s all wrong; the elections and the rest of the process for this.

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