Dunleavy for Alaska does it again: Scoops up ‘Defeat Dunleavy’ web address



Oops, they did it again. In another lightning quick campaigning move, a group supporting Mike Dunleavy’s campaign for governor has outfoxed an out-of-state “Defeat Dunleavy” group, this one started by the Democratic Governors Association.

Dunleavy for Alaska bought the web name defeatdunleavy.com.

The “Defeat Dunleavy” group was formed to elect Democrat Mark Begich. The Democratic Governors Association has purchased significant television advertising through Monday via this group. It will also likely be spending its treasure on digital advertising.

Dunleavy for Alaska is an independent group that operates separate from the Dunleavy campaign itself. No coordination is allowed to occur by law between a campaign and a supporting effort. Dunleavy for Alaska has become known for unconventional campaign messages and colorful signs. It’s also known for its rapid response times.

This is the second time Dunleavy for Alaska has jumped on a web name that describes an opposing group.

When an effort formed to oppose Dunleavy on behalf of Mead Treadwell, a Republican who ran in the Primary Election, Dunleavy for Alaska bought up the group’s web address, and started posting spoof content that made fun of the supposed “Alaskans” who were really from the Lower 48.

No word yet on whether Defeat Dunleavy will succumb to the same fate as Alaskans Against Dunleavy, which fell victim to this spoof ad:

“Defeat Dunleavy” was founded by the Democratic Governors Association, under the direction of Joe Shafer, the director of independent expenditures. He was the Northeast political director at the Democratic Congressional Coordinating Committee, and was the campaign manager for the successful race of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. He was campaign manager for congressional races and state races going as far back as 2004. This would be his first race in the West, and his first foray into Alaska politics.

“Defeat Dunleavy” did manage to secure an email address, but it appears to have let the Facebook handle slip away to the Dunleavy for Alaska group.