Alaskans Against Dunleavy? Spoof site emerges


“Alaskans Against Dunleavy” opened up an Alaska post office box late last month and registered with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, but it’s not quite an Alaska group.

And it may have forgotten one key component of a campaign: Buy your URL — your online address — right away.

Since it was still available, the group that actually supports Mike Dunleavy for governor purchased the name and set up a site spoofing Alaskans Against Dunleavy, its founder, Seattleite, Justin Matheson, and the candidate Matheson supports: Mead Treadwell.

Such are the hijinks that happen in independent expenditure groups — those ad hoc groups that form up to support or oppose a candidate.

In this case, we’ll let the site do the talking. It’s all in good humor …. (until, of course, it isn’t):


  1. Great spoof and wonderful evidence of an incompetent campaign/candidate who should to “remedial” class rather than to Juneau!

  2. Well in this same spirit I have a question for the group that supports Mike Dunleavy for governor. As we all know, many Juneau people are elitists. That is especially true when they discuss people who live in the Railbelt. Just the other day a fellow in Juneau told me that once Mike is elected there will be two mobile homes placed on the lawn of the Governor’s House. Today I read that Downton Abbey is being made into a movie, same actors as the PBS series that was shown in Juneau during the Palin and Parnell administrations so locals could have a diversion. So my question is whether this group will lobby Governor Dunleavy to invest Permanent Fund money in Downton Abbey, the movie. Walker is paying almost $4 million of state GF this year to play Downton Abbey reruns on PBS (look it up if you don’t believe me). Why not invest in the movie? It would be a much better investment than the Walker gasline – far, far less risk.

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