Don Young’s campaign office broken into in Anchorage


Early Monday morning, the campaign office of Congressman Don Young was broken into by unknown individuals.

The alarm system inside the building notified Campaign Manager Truman Reed, and police were notified. By the time Reed arrived, three Anchorage Police vehicles were on site and officers were sweeping the building, taking fingerprints and searching for clues.

The side door had been pried open at about 3:30 am, and the motion light above the door had been smashed.

“At this time, we have no idea who the perpetrators were or what they were looking for. We can’t say with  any certainty if it was a random act of burglary, or a planned, malicious attack on the Congressman’s campaign,” Reed said.

There’s no money or merchandise in campaign headquarters of Alaskans for Don Young, which is on Fairbanks Street in midtown. The congressman’s office has been located there for over a decade.


  1. What did they get? Maybe notes to remind himself not to use the F word at high school presentations? This has got to have been a couple of Berky’s refer cigarette addicts and as long as they were wearing masks they’re good to go.

  2. TB… long as all of Berkie’s vagrants, homeless, indigents, antifas, and out-of-work Democrats wear masks and receive their ballots in the mail, or at the camps, every one of them is good to go.

  3. I suspect that they broke into the headquarters to steal his huge supply of masks. Rep. Young noted early on that America was dealing with a beer virus. You won’t see the Congressman for all Alaska wearing anything on his face but a well trimmed beard. I won’t for anyone who wears a mask because I believe America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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