Document drop: Former editor of ADN on attack mission against Must Read Alaska, Save Anchorage, Reclaim Midtown, Russell Biggs, Jamie Allard. But wait, there’s more…


The now-retired editor of the Anchorage Daily News has requested all the emails of Assemblywoman Jamie Allard that contain the key words or that are addressed to Must Read Alaska, Must Read Alaska Publisher Suzanne Downing, MRAK, Save Anchorage or SA, Reclaim Midtown, and citizen activists Russell Biggs, leftist activist Chelsea Foster, and Anchorage Library Deputy Director and Republican activist Judy Eledge.

Pat Dougherty, who was forcibly retired by the Anchorage Daily News in 2014, is now a leftwing activist in the Rabbit Creek area of Anchorage. He spends his days peppering social media with foul-mouthed leftist political commentary. We have the receipts:

Dougherty is looking for something in those requested emails between Nov. 1, 2020 and Nov. 15 of 2021. Must Read Alaska has learned there are over 653 emails in the batch of emails that the Assembly Clerk is giving to Dougherty, apparently at no charge. His addition of Chelsea Foster on his list of requested emails is a mystery — she is the person who tried to get Allard recalled, and who failed.

In an indication that there is a witch-hunt under way in coordination with Dougherty, the Anchorage Assembly Nine’s outside attorney, Bill Falsey, has been working far beyond the scope of the original contract he was hired for by the Assembly, which was to legally advise on separation of powers issues between the mayor and the Assembly. Now, he is working on an item called “member discipline” that appears to involve Allard. Member discipline could mean Falsey is looking for something that would embarrass Allard and allow the Assembly Nine to draft a resolution to sanction her or censure her.

He billed for that “member discipline” item back in November of 2021, and was paid. In short, the Assembly Nine has paid an outside lawyer to attack one of the minority members of the Assembly.

Falsey has also recently worked on issues where the Assembly Nine — Chair Suzanne LaFrance, Vice Chair Chris Constant, Pete Petersen, Austin Quinn-Davidson, Forrest Dunbar, John Weddleton, Felix Rivera, Meg Zaletel, and Kameron Perez-Verdia — are attacking Mayor Dave Bronson for various issues, as well as budget and other items. Falsey has, since the Assembly granted him the waiver he requested after having left municipal service, become a personal attorney for the Assembly Nine.

Read: The Tom Sconce Scandal: Assembly covers up hundreds of pages of secret emails to a nonexistent Mr. Sconce

The Anchorage Assembly Nine authorized up to $150,000 for Falsey, who most recently was an unsuccessful candidate for mayor, after serving as city manager for Mayor Ethan Berkowitz.

Most of what Falsey is now billing the taxpayers for is far outside the scope of his approved contract but all his billings have been approved for payment. The city already has 44 attorneys and the Assembly has one attorney assigned to them, Dean Gates. Here are some of the recent invoices for Falsey:


  1. Suzanne ma’am I knew they would be coming for you ma’am must be your integrity they hate, and the truth must read Alaska gives to the people of the people by the people. Let the citizens know what you need ma’am ladies union getting it done. We need integrity oath integrity

  2. Sad to say but…… nothing will happen to these scumbags. I doubt we even vote out more than two of the wackos this year. This is Anchorage now. The left wins….always. The right usually goes along until they have a majority and then play it safe until they lose the majority. RINOS and pansies. Sad to see

    • Well Frank, nothing will happen if good people don’t stand up and say “no more”. The corrupt people running our government, both State and Local, will continue to do what they do if the people don’t reclaim their God given power under the Constitution. It doesn’t say “We the People” for nothing. It is faith and human agency that will expose their crimes and remove them from office. It will come down to people saying enough is enough, we will not turn our freedom and families over to your illegal and unconstitutional decrees. You do not own us and we will remove you from places of authority. The left wins when we as a people don’t organize and stand up to them.

  3. Really? Doesn’t this come close to taxation without representation? If the MOA has 44 attorneys on staff, and one dedicated to the assembly, why on gods green earth are we property tax owners having to support Bill Falsey? I guess it’s far past the time to start putting propositions on the ballot to curb these peoples spending habits, especially when said services are already provided by the MOA. SMH

  4. Wow! No better investigative reporter in the business than Suzanne. Can you imagine Dougherty, Carey, and Weaver in the same room together? Radical political partisans giving us “the news”.

  5. Seems to me there is a conflict of interest involved here that will embarrass the commies – IF we can get the truth out. Is the Muni going to pay for Jamie Allard’s legal expenses? Not likely… Suzanne, watch out for Falsey inventing something to accuse you and Ms Allard… Concoct an “email” that didn’t previously exist for instance?… New term for false accusation: “To Falsey”.

  6. With all the real work to do all the turd nine group spends taxpayer dollars on bs witch-hunts and then wants more money for their wasteful spending habits. Way to much hate and spite with these losers. Anchorage wake up and vote this bunch out then we need to arrest them for all their crimes.

  7. Suzanne, you just keep doing what you’re doing.
    These sociopathic Communists have a diabolical hatred for the truth, and that is why they are coming at you….because you continue to perform random acts of actual journalism, all well researched, and written with the truth.
    I believe you will find that a lot of people have your back. You’re our only beacon of truth in a state with an otherwise Communist and monopolistic “media”.

  8. Hahaha. Mr Dougherty is the main reason that I canceled a long standing subscription to ADN…..His stain remains and I’ll not be returning.

  9. I am in the Philippines right now and there is a lot of anger about the corruption that infects the government here. There is every bit as much in the state(s) as there is here and it is just as corrosive on the trust we have/had/should have in our government. Seems the progressives are actually pretty successful in their attempt to tear the values of our nation/state to shreads.

    • I agree we are pretty corrupt. However, I’m not sure I really care what opinion people in the Philippines have on that issue.

  10. It’s worth investigating. If Allard has nothing to hide, then the evidence will help her.

  11. More leftist tactics to censor and shame conservative voices. Expose them for what they are and refuse to stand down. Thank you Suzanne for having a freedom of speech zone!

  12. Dougherty is just another out-of-work, snot-nosed, smart-ass communist punk who wouldn’t know how to refill a water pistol.
    When the flack starts getting thick, Suzanne, you know you’re flying over the target area. Keep your bombay doors at the ready.

  13. If the communists are attacking MRAK, you must be doing something right. I noticed the Sunday edition of ADN is a thick as the Monday edition. Communist rag spiraling down to crashing…?

  14. It is so inappropriate to WANT to squelch opposite political speech and to act forcefully or quiescently on the insane impulse. IT IS unAmerican! Another step in the wrong direction. Ask why he did that. Did he stop up his ears in civics class? I hope he travels to a commie land for a awhile to experience the bloom of communism. The US Constitution is better than this.

  15. We need his home address and phone number in case we need to talk to him or watch him to make sure he is not a out of control person.

    • How about your name and address Mark? Are you kidding me with the threats? He has a different point of view. THAT is what is America-different points of view coming together to figure the best for all, not a few.

    • Mr Dougherty is requesting information regarding government officials’s work. You are wanting to menace a first amendment right in going after his personal phone and home for doing this. A rather deepstate thing to do, no?

      Thought you may want to rethink your proposal.

    • Mark, please provide your full name, phone number, and home address to the Anchorage Police Department. It will save them some time if Mr. Dougherty is assaulted.

  16. Jamie Allard does not need help being embarrassed, she does fine by herself. Eagle River constituents have clear choices in the upcoming elections

    • On the contrary, Frank, other than Crystal Kennedy, Jamie Allard is the only sane Anchorage assembly member. You radical leftists, and the Marxist Nine, just have such an abiding hatred for her because she is willing to call our your, and their, innumerable lies, ethical violations, crimes and hypocrisies, and because she does not pander nor bow to your politically correct agenda nor to your ‘woke’ neo-Marxist social insanities.

  17. We learned during the Trump years about how effective the power of allegation can be to whittle away at voter confidence. You don’t have to have evidence when making baseless allegations; all you need is a lapdog media willing to spread them far and wide. You only have to plant enough doubt in a very small targeted group of voters to persuade them to switch sides in order to win an election.

  18. I said it in the east anchorage debate. You won’t fix this until you get new people in.

    I’m Christopher Hall. Let’s stop this underhanded stuff.

  19. Thank you for your diligent reporting! It’s refreshing to see someone get at the facts. Make them cringe—you’re on the right track MustReadAlaska

  20. Dougherty and Dermot Cole have both been extracted from participation in the mainstream media. Lefties, communist sympathizers, and America haters understand the baggage that goes with having Dougherty and Cole listed as ex-employees. The stench is too much, even for the Stinking.

  21. The leftists in this city have gone off the rails. The underhanded crap that is being perpetrated by the continual misdirection and money laundering by the assembly is criminal.

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