District 7, SCC Republicans endorse Gattis over Kurka


District 7 Republicans in Wasilla have endorsed former Rep. Lynn Gattis for House District 7, and today the State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party followed suit.

Gattis is running against Christopher Kurka in the Republican primary. Whoever wins will face Jamin Burton, an undeclared candidate who is going straight to the General Election.

“No other candidate came close to Lynn’s evaluation and resume. She is committed to working with her fellow Representatives to improve our economy and create meaningful jobs as well as pursue our platform. Her past tenures in the House has proven her commitment to our Alaska ARP platform, goals, and values,” the District said in its request to the State Central Committee to join it in the preprimary endorsement.

Gattis is a former representative for the district, winning in 2014 with 64 percent of the vote over Verne Rupright, a nonpartisan. Before that, she had represented the area that was then known as District 9, shuffled during redistricting.

In 2016 she ran for Senate and lost to David Wilson. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard, the current District 7 representative, has chosen to retire, which leaves this an open seat.

Gattis attended UAA and studied in aviation technology. She is a pilot with over 40 years work experience, including with Gattis Aircraft, and as an aviation business manager overseeing more than 50 employees. She also has a farm in Wasilla, where she has raised cattle and grown and sold hay.

She served on the Mat-Su School Board from 2010-2012. While in the Legislature, she served on House Finance, was Chair of Education, chaired the Mat-Su Valley Delegation, was a member of Transportation, Fisheries, State Affairs, and Economic Development & Tourism Committees.


  1. Hard to find a more solid conservative than Kurka and with many years to offer to the cause.

  2. Is she the politician that said something to the effect that elderly Alaskans should leave the state – several years ago? I used to keep a file on politicians like this but recently cleaned out the drawer. If she was the one, she is not a friend of people who lived and worked hard in this state for all the good years of their lives.

  3. She was a huge proponent of sb91 as I recall. She is not representative of my Republican values and I do not believe that she is an answer to the mess that we are in.
    I will have to look and see who the members of the SCC are – there are probably some answers to be found there…

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