District 29 and 30 — Valley-to-Valdez — Republicans are backing Sen. Mike Shower … and saying no to Doug Massie


Sen. Mike Shower, former Air Force pilot and now a state senator for a vast district in the conservative heart of Alaska, has the unqualified endorsement of District 29 and 30 Republican committees.

His opponent, not so much.

The chair of District 29 is putting out the word about candidate Doug Massie, who she describes as, well, a moderate mess.

In an email to her list of hundreds of voters in the District, D-29 Chair Carol Carman, longtime valley political influencer, said phones started ringing off the hook for her when Massie filed for office. And it was troubling. He’s closely associated with a public employee union, and that’s a deal breaker for many, but she heard of incidents that worried her.

Carman points to problems: Massie was first promoted in the Troopers to become the Director of Wildlife Troopers, and he wasn’t qualified. He was demoted by then-commissioner of Public Safety Amanda Price for unprofessional conduct. Massie had an exclusive contract that allowed him to retain his employment at his original rank of sergeant, and was later reappointed to the position of director of AWT with restoration to the rank of colonel after Commissioner Price was fired by Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Carman says.

Carman also says Massie was later forced to retire under internal scrutiny for his alleged interference in two Trooper criminal investigations, and that there is active litigation occurring.

“This is very well known among Troopers, and is alluded to in podcast episode #49 below,” Carman said, and she provided podcast links for “Heroes Without Capes,” by former Trooper Luis Nieves, who discussed “good guys and the bad guys in the Trooper workforce. He is a whistle blower greatly respected and sometimes feared by Troopers.

Episode 41: Background of the host of the show.

Episode 43: Start at the 1-hour mark.

Episode 49: Start at 47:50 mark.

The District 29 newsletter is the sixth in a series on Massie, whom the district is strongly opposing even though he is a Republican, and even though his mother is a well-respected Republican, as was his late father. The newsletter can be read at this link.

Alternately, the District 29 Republicans are really happy with their current Senator, Mike Shower.

“Sen Shower brings over 20 years of military experience to the legislature, retiring as a Lt Colonel and Squadron Commander. As a combat veteran he has command, operational, test, training, and joint staff experience around the world including in Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific theaters, as well as various domestic US assignments. 

Shower’s educational background includes a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in business, as well as a variety of military command, leadership and education programs, the newsletter notes. Shower has 12 years of private sector experience working for FedEx as a commercial airline pilot and inside the state of Alaska for a small business. 

“In addition to these qualifications, he now has 5 years of experience as our state senator. He has the expertise, staff and knowledge to hit the ground running. He is the right person, at the right time, to best serve us in Juneau. His reputation, character, and integrity are beyond reproach. Now is not the time to replace him with a rookie freshmen legislator who brings none of these attributes or experience to the table,” the District Republican chair says.

Senator Shower’s interview with former Trooper, Luis Nieves, on his podcast is at this link.

Sen. Shelley Hughes, a popular conservative in the Valley, gave her endorsement to Shower: “Senator Shower is not only an asset to our Mat-Su Delegation, but he is a consistent, reliable conservative vote in the Senate and a team player in the legislature. He’s a tough guy when he needs to be – and that’s usually the side the public sees – but he also knows how to get down to brass tacks and work through to consensus with House and Senate members in a reasonable way to get sensible items across the finish line. I’m proud to work with him. He’s a great colleague.”

In addition to the praise from Sen. Hughes, Sen. Shower has the endorsement of a long list of conservative leaders in the state, including:

  • Dave Bronson, Anchorage Mayor
  • Tuckerman Babcock, Former ARP Chair
  • Suzanne Downing, Must Read Alaska
  • Karen Lewis, Pro-Life Alaska
  • Edna & Noel DeVries, MSB Mayor
  • George & Dee McKee, MSB Assembly
  • Mokie Tew, MSB Assembly
  • Ron Bernier, MSB Assembly
  • Tom & Kim Bergey, MSB School Board
  • Pam Melin, Palmer Deputy Mayor
  • Richard Best, Palmer City Council
  • Colleen Sullivan-Leonard, Wasilla City Council
  • Frank Buzby, Sutton Community Council President
  • Jim Psenak, Alpine Bar Owner
  • Jill Alford, Pinnacle Peak
  • Cathy Tilton, House Minority Leader
  • George Rauscher, State Representative
  • Kevin McCabe, State Representative
  • Ben Carpenter, State Representative
  • Mike Cronk, State Representative
  • Ron Gilliam, State Representative
  • Mike Prax, State Representative
  • Laddie Shaw, State Representative
  • Sarah Vance, State Representative
  • Mia Costello, State Senator
  • Roger Holland, State Senator
  • Robert Myers, State Senator
  • Ron & Janet Johnson, ARP Region 2 Representative
  • Cathy Mosher, Valley Republican Women’s Club President

Doug Massie rebuts the charges in his op-ed here:


  1. The liberal media don’t like Mike Shower. However, whenever I hear him speak in committee or on the floor of the senate he is concise, respectful and intelligent. He is careful to be fair to everyone, even nut-jobs. He is the best current example of a citizen legislator. The Alaska Democrats want to see a senate joint coalition that locks out conservative senators and forms a majority with the Democrats; Hoffman as Senate President, Olson and Stedman as finance co-chairs, etc. That kind of thinking got us into the mess we have right now in the Alaska Legislature! Alaskans need Shower to remain in the senate.

    • Mike Shower is a GREAT SENATOR. Alaska Needs him in Juneau. We are EXTREMELY fortunate to have him in office.. He has to put up with a lot of crap, and would rather be fishing. His sense of Duty, and Loyalty to Country and State are greater than personal comfort. Life without Mike Shower in the Senate, would be like living UNDER the Anchorage Assembly.. Stewart Graham, in the House would help Mike. Keeping Shelly Hughes, Cheryl Tilton, Roger Holland, would also help Mike keep Alaska free. The Walker Commies, and UNION LEADERSHIP . are still trying to take control of our state resources and Permanent Fund. Mike is Alaska’s Body Armor.

  2. After having first hand knowledge of Massie’s personality, I am not surprised at reading of his numerous dismissals. Good to see the word get out.

    • He reminds me of belly-acher Gary Knopp. Once in office, untrustworthy and a turncoat. And we all know what happened to Knopp.

  3. Mike Shower has proven himself to be absolutely dedicated in his efforts to improve things in the State of Alaska. He is a very hard worker who truly cares about doing what is right. He deserves our votes!

  4. This article is full of untruths, it is sad that people stoop to such baloney to discredit someone who has spent their whole career protecting Alaskans… shameful Suzanne.
    I’m ashamed of the the District Chairs of both 29-30.
    When you resort to creating false rumors and innuendo tells me the incumbent is in big trouble….

    • Just because you are ignorant of the facts does not make them nonexistent. Information came from (more than one source), but verified with a trooper who has inside information.

    • If the incumbent is in trouble, why is it so many conservatives in that loooong list are supporting Shower, Charisse? What is it about Doug Massie that makes them certain he doesn’t have the temperament for the job? Why are you of all people even concerned, since you don’t live in the district? Oh right, it’s all about getting defined benefits for your members. Lemme be clear: You have a dog in the fight. That dog is Doug. Probably would be best if you acknowledged that your association has been funding attack ads on Shower before you call shame on two House districts. That would go over better.

    • Y’know what’s shameful, Charisse? You stepping up to try to cast shame on anyone at all while you neglect to disclose that you’re also making a buck or two agitating on behalf of well-paid public servants and your failure to admit that Massie’s support for unsustainable public employee pensions vs. Shower’s unwavering fiscal conservatism is very much a core issue in the race.

      Since you wouldn’t post it, here you are: https://www.psea.net/about/about

    • Aren’t you the woman who went on the Dan Fagan show a year or more ago and laughed about killing a moose or caribou with an axe? This after you allowed your little 10-year-old child to attempt a shot with a rifle not fit for her. Result being a botched hit on the animal and recoil injury to the child’s eye from the scope. The resulting panic had you chopping the animal with an axe to finish it off. People like you should not be allowed to hunt and certainly not to vote. Zero common sense. You give true outdoors people a bad name. Your attitude when telling that story on the air was atrocious and Dan the goofy host was not smart enough to cut you off, censure you or do anything other than laugh with you, because he’s your “friend“ he embarrassed himself and his show by allowing you to go on with that story, though very telling about you as a person and the type of poor sportsperson that gives hunters a bad name. A lot of people heard that show, no one cares what you think now.

    • Fighter pilot v. wildlife cop? Excuse me, but I’ll take the fighter pilot everytime. As a matter of fact, I did.

    • Charissse, I see you still hold to your flight attendant days in hating pilots. Get over it, Mike Shower is a good apple.

    • Let me guess; you don’t test well.

      As a government employee is it ok for you to take a disparaging position with regard to the public’s overwhelming preference for Mr. Shower’s leadership history or is that the exclusive realm of Charisse Millett and others that would like to put a shill in place such that they can have another crack at botching up the pension program again?

      Look real quick to see if the answer’s written on your hand somewhere. I know you can do this.

  5. Charisse M. Nothing but a clueless stooge featherbedding her own nest. Don’t worry though she’ll throw her hat into the ring for some political position soon enough. People like her always do. Remember her name and remember how she runs her mouth on talk radio and other places. When she calls into talk shows run by clueless hosts who call her a friend, we see it coming and turn the show off. And we call the advertisers. People like her are a pox on the state.

  6. I am very pleased with all that I know about Mike Shower and will feel quite fortunate to have him as our Senator. He is quite personable, his knowledge of the issues is amazing and he is a man of his word.
    He is responsive and attentive to the needs of his constituents, as well as those of the State.
    He will help make Alaska a better place to live–


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