Diane Kaplan nominated to Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s governing body


U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan released the following statement after the Diane Kaplan, President and CEO of the Rasmuson Foundation, was nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as a member of the board of directors for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Kaplan announced earlier this year that she is retiring from the foundation in 2023, which she has led since 2001. She will face congressional confirmation for this appointment, but with two Alaska Republican senators supporting her, that seems a mere speed bump.

“Diane Kaplan’s work in Alaska has touched all sectors – business, government, nonprofit, philanthropy and so much more. Diane has been a particularly strong advocate and leader in the world of radio, having previously served as the CEO of our state’s 28-station public radio network. I am pleased that an Alaskan will be stepping into a role on the CPB Board,” said Murkowski. “Diane understands the importance of telecommunication and broadcasting—the opportunities and challenges we face and the type of innovation and collaboration it takes to solve them – and I have every confidence she will serve as an incredible representative for our great state as well as the country.  I am pleased that Diane’s talent and knowledge has been recognized in this important and meaningful way and I’m proud to have supported her through the process.”

“I want to congratulate Diane on this prestigious appointment to the CPB Board, a fitting capstone to an already impressive career and a life of service to others. Public media offers an invaluable service in a state like Alaska, particularly for our rural communities, which Diane understands well given her deep roots and many years leading Alaska’s public radio network. Diane’s tenacity and vision at the helm of the Rasmuson Foundation has likewise grown Alaska’s nonprofit sector exponentially, enriching the life of our state and better serving the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities. We look forward to all that Diane will contribute and accomplish for her fellow Americans at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,” said Sullivan.

The Corporation of Public Broadcasting was created by Congress in the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 to help advise the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting. 

The nomination comes after a letter sent a year ago by Senators Murkowski and Sullivan recommending Kaplan for the prestigious positioin.

The White House wrote: “Diane Kaplan is President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Rasmuson Foundation, based in Anchorage, Alaska. As President and CEO, Kaplan’s approach to philanthropy raised the bar for funder partnership with business, government, and other nonprofits. Before joining the Foundation, Kaplan provided consulting services for philanthropic organizations, Native corporations and tribes, and nonprofit organizations. Prior to that, she served as Chief Executive Officer of Alaska’s 28-station public radio network. She serves on the board of United States Artists, and is a member of the Anchorage Homelessness Leadership Council, Anchorage Rotary Club, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco community advisory council, and Recover Alaska’s governance council. In 2019, Kaplan received the Anchorage ATHENA Society’s Leadership Award, the group’s highest honor. Kaplan earned a degree in Communications and Women’s Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude.”


  1. Hey Dan and Lisa it’s a little to little it’s a little to late you both are not of integrity you had your chance ENOUGH. Kelly time Dan resign. Integrity of our oath takers now is needed immediately no more fake and old. Bold and of integrity so help us GOD.

  2. How can our Congressional delegation support the nomination of someone who managed NPR in Alaska during its formative years & help turn it into National Propaganda Radio for the Democrats?

  3. Same “lady” who publically harrassed my elderly handicapped friend for conducting business in his own midtown store , dictating to him how he should take medical advice regarding personal choices for free americans and didnt he know WHO she was? If you dont like it, leave…she was told.

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