Daily Covid count: 351 cases yesterday


After a daily count of more than 800 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in Alaska last Thursday, the Sunday new Covid count was down to 351 on the state Covid data dashboard. The decrease in new cases is 18 percent from last week.

But the number of people in the hospital with Covid crept up to 34, and the number on ventilators is also high — 34. Some 22 percent of the patients in Alaska hospitals have Covid. For comparison, 31 people were hospitalized with Covid on Oct. 21.

19,207 doses of Covid vaccine were administered in Alaska during the week of Oct. 11-24, an increase of 5 percent over the previous week.

There are 16 ICU beds available in the state and 279 non-ICU beds available.

The number of deaths attributed to Covid held at 678 since Covid first arrived in the state in March of 2020.


  1. These numbers don’t jive!
    I’m not a math person but I can add! and subtract, multiply, and divided=!
    What is the census of this state? and people?

    numbers are all over map!

  2. If you don’t think the numbers are real, ask a healthcare worker. We all have friends/family that are busting ass in our local hospitals. Every day people are dying and its not just old people….or compromised, they are the unvaccinated.

    • The two non-elderly deaths I know of recently, have been middle-agers taken out in their prime approx 3 to 6 weeks after the ‘vaccine’ (aka genetic therapy drug). Another I know is in the same condition, with micro blood clots and not doing all that well. And we don’t even know long-term effects yet–which I bet will be devastating.

    • LJ,
      The professional health care workers were fired. Low end workers and support staff that are left chose the experimental medical treatment injections, but the administrators and senior doctors aren’t stupid enough to gamble with their health. They require others to do so.
      And the mandatory VAERS reporting is not being done.

    • You got that right LJ. I for one, hope never to be on a ventilator fighting for my life because I was unvaccinated. Vaccines and boosters provide the backup and if all else fails, on to plan B.

  3. Devastating that almost 20 thousand people received this covid therapy over the past couple weeks.. By now it’s very easy to see the injuries that this therapy is doing right out of the box. I’m devastated at the thought of what the next couple years may bring, as a result of this jab.

    • I read a virologist stating something along the lines of system overload (immune / lymphatic, way out of whack granulocytes, lymphocytes) that will occur approx 44 to 48 weeks after the mRNA clot-shots. So–if true–we are at the very early stages of this aspect of the saga.

  4. Are “total beds available” a function of the number of “beds” or the maximum number of patients that there are a minumum number of specifically ICU trained and experienced staff to tend to?
    How much “bed” capacity has been lost after firing experienced ICU employees who worked through the SARS-2 event, only to be kicked to the curb by corrupt administrators and forgotten by a selfish and ungrateful public?

  5. Where are they hiding the deaths from vaccines? The VAERS site is way under reported. This is why the third wave is so large and stubbornly not going down as fast as it would be in usual virus life cycles.

  6. Most people were home watching football yesterday, instead of lining up to get their noses swabbed in their lunch break?

  7. Most of these comments are sad. The numbers have been decreasing for 3 weeks. The mask mandates are not the reason. Responsible citizens began wearing masks 4 to 5 weeks ago and may have contributed to lower numbers. Increased vaccinations may have also helped with decreasing numbers. No one should expect this to fade away. There is far too many unvaccinated folks who offer ample opportunities to catch and pass the virus. Many folks who were vaccinated 6 months ago, now may have lower antibodies and also get sick, but probably not sick enough to be hospitalized. The ones going on vents and ending up dead are unvaccinated, or at least 90% anyway, but most of you will never believe that so why bother.

    • RG, instead of listening to those who are actually informed and aware, I suggest you go (mentally) back to sleep. Or go back to listening to and trusting CNN, which is the same as going mentally to sleep.

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