It’s now in writing. Nancy Dahlstrom, who has just one endorsement in Alaska — Gov. Mike Dunleavy — said she will not commit to dropping out of the race if she is the second-place Republican finisher after Tuesday’s primary election votes are counted.
The Alaska Family Council issued its 2024 voter guide this week, asking the candidates a number of questions that are of interest to conservatives. Naturally, the Democrats and some Republicans did not answer the questions in the survey.
But congressional candidates Nick Begich and Dahlstrom did. Dahlstrom answered most of questions. She would not commit to whether she supports ranked-choice voting in Alaska. And she would not commit to dropping if she is not a viable candidate for the general election.
Here’s the comparison between the leading Republican candidates:

Rep. Mary Peltola did not respond to the survey. Read the entire survey and see the other candidate responses at this link.
As of Tuesday, 36% of Republican district committees have endorsed Begich for Congress. None has endorsed Dahlstrom. The primary election ends at 8 p.m. Aug. 20. Learn how to vote absentee or vote early at this link.
That’s one more reason to not vote for her. What has she done for our state?
Nothing, for her it’s all about her.
Why aren’t our voter rolls cleaned up? One would have to work too hard I guess. Not much of a leader I say.
I believe she’s trying to ride the coat tales of the Dunleavy administration for her own personal gain.
Nancy Dahlstrom has done nothing for us in Alaska and will do nothing for us in DC. She’s weak at best. Nice doesn’t cut it in Washington.
Interesting, from another article.
It’s Nancy Dahlstrom’s job, but she’s too busy trying to get Alaska’s congressional seat. Here’s how this year’s Alaska election is supposed to unfold, according to the secret, willfully conduct of Mike Dunleavy:
Trump wants Dunleavy as his Secretary of Interior in order to open up oil and gas lands in Alaska and other states. That would elevate Nancy Dahlstrom to the Governor’s Office. But Dunleavy thinks Nancy is better in Congress, so he gets Trump to campaign for Dahlstrom in the hopes that Dahlstrom can beat Nick Begich in the Primary, then Nick signs out from the General as he promised. Then, Dahlstrom has a fair shot at taking out Mary Peltola with Begich out of the way.
If Trump wins, and Dahlstrom wins,
Dunleavy will first appoint a new Lt. Governor,
much like Bill Walker did when Byron Mallott resigned in 2018. Valerie Davidson, who was Walker’s Commissioner of Health and Social services became Lt. Governor for a few short weeks.
Dunleavy would appoint his little known Alaska Transportation Commissioner Ryan Anderson to the Lt. Governor’s seat. After Dunleavy departs for his new job as Secretary of Interior, Ryan Anderson moves quickly into the Governor’s seat.
That’s the Dunleavy game plan. And that’s the reason Nancy Dahlstrom is still going to hang in there without agreeing to drop out of the Primary. Nancy gets access to Trump, and money, for her campaign, Dunleavy moves to DC, and a virtual nobody named Ryan Anderson, who is Mike Dunleavy’s best friend, becomes governor.
So, who can stop Dunleavy’s scheme?
Nick Begich III, and all of his supporters.
Exactly! Not much. No voter roll cleanup, no control over illegals and possibility of them voting in our elections, not willing to support repeal of Ranked Choice Voting, not willing to allow inmates to have visitors without getting the jab. Eh, what’s not to like!
Can’t/won’t vote for a Begich. Period.
I can rank him under Dahlstrom and above Heikes and Salisbury. I suspect the general election ballot will offer Peltola, Dahlstrom, Begich, and Howe.
Painting with too broad a brush, wouldn’t you say?
Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were former Democrats. NB3 is a lifelong Republican. But, it’s your right to be stupid!
As I believe it is yours to be *stupid* enough to vote for a Begich. But hey y’all do you. No thanks from me.
Howdy Chuck.Nick voted for Berkowitz.
Let’s put it this way. She did nothing to challenge RCV or tighten mail in voting or cleanup the voter rolls.
She had a chance, it WAS HER JOB. And she did nothing.
Basically, she was the “Election Czar” and did nothing.
I see a pattern here
ABI: 06-76332 pattern?
She a rino thats only running to aid Peltolas re-election
But she is Trump endorsed!
Unlike the Democrats we do not vote strict party line. You should try conducting your own research and not rely on Google (aka Democrat machine).
There’s something about the national party endorsing her and not Begich (Trump, Dunleavy, Johnson, Scalise, etc). Obviously, the national party machine doesn’t want Begich.
She just handed the election to Peltola.
Hope she is proud.
Voters do that. If you want Peltola then vote for her, or don’t rank candidates. It’s on you and if you don’t follow the stupid law and rank candidates then you have no one to blame but yourself.
I now know all I need to know to cement my vote for Begich. Dahlstrom has shown that she doesn’t play well with those who refuse to put her on a pedestal.
Dahlstrom like Dunleavy are a couple of corrupt hacks in jobs that the rank choice voting put them in. She is not going to give that up. The biggest problem with all the mess, is the corruption of the pair in the top job of government. Dahlstrom doesn’t have to do a good job as Lt. Gov. The system got her where she is and she doesn’t have to be concerned about election integrity because her boss is not. She made amess of the commissioner job in Corrections with murders, suicides and drug running in her last job, Dunleavy swept it under the rug and went on with his election with rcv. They both cater to Murkowski when she floats her shirt tail, and its proven beneficial to them as a pair. So, why would Dahlstrom give anything? She has gotten away with everything and she is still in the running. Best thing to do is vote just one vote on each candidate. Don’t follow the ranking. Just one top candidate. Vote on bill to get rid of Rank choice voting. No election can become honest until the sickness is voted out of service.
“Dahlstrom like Dunleavy are a couple of corrupt hacks in jobs that the rank choice voting put them in………”
Neither Dahlstrom or Dunleavy were elected from a ranked choice ballot.
Exactly, fact don’t matter to many.
Dunleavy was the object of the RCV. Les Gara and Bill Walker thought they could take him down on the second run but he was the only state officer to win on the first ballot. It is just possible that Dunleavy, if Trump happens to pull this election out and the guv heads for DC, would prefer that Sasse succeeds him rather than Dahlstrom. Dahlstrom was on the same ballot as Dunleavy, they ran as a team. As for Murkowski, she still trades votes for funding for Alaska, so whoever sits in Juneau has to deal with her. It’s called reality politics.
Dumbest advice DK …. that is not the “Best thing to do…”
If we only vote one conservative then Peltola will win.
All liberals/rinos will vote for her and the GOP vote will be split
Conservatives are losing AK because too many think like you.
Smarten up, voting is not hard, but you are making it that way w/ your ignorance
Just like the Democrat candidate in this race, Nancy Dahlstrom is a follower and not a leader. She is not in this race for Alaska or Alaskans … she is in it for her selfish self only. VOTE FOR NICK BEGICH!
Why is she running? She knows she won’t win, but refuses to drop out.
So she must have other motives.
There has to be a quid pro quo. What is it?
Can’t the same be said for the majority of those running? Are you afraid of having options? I don’t plan on voting for her, but if she makes the general election I will rank her.
The Tall Man was elected before RCV. I like Mike. Nancy, not so much – she looks more and more like an egotistical idiot that the dems are encouraging to stay in the race so as to reelect no-other-chance-Mary.
My first comment was in reply to DK… As to MA – I doubt Suzanne would post what I think her motive is…
It appears to me that she was selected by the Republican establishment, and not those of us who live and work in Alaska.
Ummmmm……….yeah, the party chooses its candidates, and voters choose their representatives from the ballot. It has been this way for, oh, a couple hundred years or so. So in a couple weeks we’ll have a primary election. Then we’ll know who the people prefer. That’s how it works.
She was selected by the Republican national candidate, Donald Trump and the big $$$ donors of the Republican Congressional Campaign Fund. She has been roundly rejected by every single Republican district at the state level (those that have so far decided to weigh in). She is a cramdown, not unlike what the dems did with Kamala. Cheers –
Zach, the more I read about her the more I agree with you.
A small population state like Alaska needs to favor the candidate with the potential for seniority. Dahlstrom is in her 60s. Begich is in his 40s. If it were the other way around, I’d support Dahlstrom.
Sounds like naturally created term limits to me. I don’t want a Congressman for life, I want one who will serve the people instead of their own interests.
Seniority only creates a more corrupt and fatter hog at the trough of government printed money, which is not sustainable and will soon implode the economy, finance system and break the value of the dollar. Better to have a representative that has integrity, foresight, willing to wean Alaska from federal dependency to a resource exploitive economic base. Instead of arguing over the Permanent Fund, the money should be used to purchase our independence.
You are right on the money. Now if people will just swallow their hatred of the Begich family and vote for NB3, and not make it that much easier for Peltola to continue, maybe we can see a long term congressman again for Alaska.
Just another darned conceited Palin wantabe and spoiler.
Poor Nancy, she’s no better than Mary 5 name. The Dems contrived this silly ranked choice voting to confuse the republicans and it’s working like clock work. The republicans are too closed minded to see this ploy and will take the general population the vote it out.
if dahlstrom cared about alaska she would have stayed out of the race and given nick begich a chance to get over 50% to get rid of peltola.
she is lieutenant gov in charge of elections how does she not understand this?
Begich 100%
We have enough pant suits in congress. Vote NB3
“ Dahlstrom won’t commit to dropping out if she comes in as second Republican”, sure reminds me of a guy who got third… twice last time. What was his name?
Nick the Spoiler
Alaska the “Fake State” , Red on the outside , Blue on the inside. Where it counts. The least educated state in the republic. The worst state to do business in. I can’t/ won’t vote for “A Begich”, dumber words were never spoken. Whenever I ask someone who their school board rep is , or their state reps, or what district the live in the vast majority do not know. But in their child like ignorance they believe one man, Donald Trump will repair everything. Then, when a local election is held, they dont vote. They are not stupid, just ignorant, lazy and irresponsible. So, so sad.
If she won’t say RCV is not something she supports or she will drop out if she receives fewer votes, Nick Begich has my vote… as does everyone I know. I trust him for the positions he espouses. He says he will drop out if he doesn’t get the vote majority. That’s integrity. Trump can err and this is one of them so vote for freedom. Time to save our country.
Nancy Dahlstrom is actually worse than Lisa Murkowski. A plague on the Lt. Governor’s house.
You people have no idea how bad Nancy Dahlstrom really is.
Nancy tells AK voters she is a pos.
If Dahlstrom stays in, she and Begich split the vote. Peltola strolls on in like last time. RCV works as planned.
Dahlstrom is not going to like her place in the Lt. Governor’s Office anymore after the primary. Take this selfish woman down.
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