Many conservatives have had criticisms of Nancy Dahlstrom, who is running for Congress and simultaneously serving as lieutenant governor of Alaska.
One of the criticisms is that she hasn’t really done anything. Dahlstrom filed for Congress in November after serving as lieutenant governor for a year. Before that, she was the top official at the Alaska Department of Corrections.
But while she was commissioner of the Department of Corrections for Gov. Mike Dunleavy, she was in charge of a vast many lives during the Covid pandemic. Back then, she made sure prisoners were not allowed to see their families or lawyers for over a year.
When she finally eased up on what was a hard year of extraordinary confinement for many, Dalhstrom put in a condition: Prisoners could only see their families if the prisoners got the full series of Covid shots and waited two weeks.
This was a form of medical coercion.
Prisoners could not see their children. They could not see their wives or husbands. Not their mothers, fathers, sisters, or brothers. They could see no one from outside the prison unless they submitted to what was being marketed by the federal government and Big Pharma.
The coercion demanding they take the needle if they wanted to ever see their loved ones again is all laid out in the press release from April 19, 2021:
That means for over two years, some prisoners didn’t get to see anyone who cared about them unless they took the shot. Few of them would have had the information needed to make an informed choice.
Under the policy, even the inmates that were fully vaccinated were not allowed to hug their visitor or even touch them. Visitors had to undergo screening procedures and wear a mask at all times.
Dahlstrom also prevented prisoners from seeing their lawyers, saying that in order to see their attorney, they would have to get the full Covid shot series.
Anchorage Superior Court Judge Una Grandbhir put an injunction on Dahlstrom’s no-lawyer order after a group of attorneys sought injunctive relief. After all, there are constitutional questions about being locked up and not being able to consult an attorney.

Back then, the public and public officials were frightened by the Covid pandemic, which came from Wuhan, China, and the information they were receiving from the federal government in 2020 and 2021 was dire.
Like the Biden Administration, some Republican officials made decisions based on the advice of health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022. Some may have made decisions they later might have come to regret. They were scared, decided to play it safe, and thought they were doing the right thing, based on the information they had.
Dahlstrom was one of those who was tasked with making such life-altering decisions and these were the decisions she made. No announcement has ever been made by the department rescinding the Covid vaccine mandate.
Maybe people should not commit crimes, then this would not be an issue
Ever heard of cruel and unusual punishment?
I sure hear scumbags crying about it. I don’t have much sympathy for them.
That may actually be the most obtuse comment I have ever read, within my lifetime.
Only a democrat would say something like you just said Frankie. Forced vaccinations. The vaccine that doesn’t keep you from getting Covid and doesn’t keep you from giving it. Need I say more. FYI Frankie 9/10 th of the prisoners are democrats. Can’t make this shit up. FYI I’ve got more vaccinated friends with serious health problems now you can’t even deny what happened to them. Heart, lung, leukemia, cancer.
Because the majority of the Sheeple willingly took the experimental gene therapy they aren’t holding the Covid crazy politicians accountable.
After Covid I realize how the Nazis, stalinists, leninists, maoists, and Obamunists came to power and held on it.
Scary how easily people fall prey to propaganda.
I view the world differently now.
Evil exists, truly.
The flu vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting the flu or giving it to someone and yet its been proven to be a safe and effective vaccine against severe illness and death, just like the Covid vaccine. What’s your point?
Negative cman. Covid vaccine is very different from flu vaccine. .
In fact I’ll go 1 further. If you have been vaccinated for Covid the transplant units don’t want your organs and that’s a fact.
Get off your high horse , you sound like a fascist
Who you calls facist Eric. ?? Hope it’s not me. I don’t care to ever be called that.
Frank, it appears that it is Nancy Dahlstrom who has committed a crime.
Forcing an incarcerated person to take the experimental shot is cruel and unusual punishment.
Really Frank?
As though the Troopers, Fairbanks cops, prosecutors and judges are straight up, honest authorities? We have an incarceration industry in Alaska. It is similar to Mississippi in the 1950s, except nothing has changed. The favored drug dealers are protected, their competition is arrested. The Covid jabs have killed dozens of our relatives, and many are suffering severe health issues due to them. Actual medical people were fired for logically refusing these toxins, leaving a more notoriously dysfunctional Native Health system than we had before. Dahlstrom personifies a police state, and is incompetent, with no ethics or a soul. I never bought into Dunleavy as a conservative, he has proven the fraud he is.
Did Trump vet this endorsement at all? What the…
It was Trumps vaccine.
Actually it wasn’t
What are you smoking now?
Shoe laces?
Nope , he’s just mad that Palin lost . His endorsements aren’t always great. Good thing we aren’t a hivemind cult .
From another article – this explains everything.
It’s Nancy Dahlstrom’s job, but she’s too busy trying to get Alaska’s congressional seat. Here’s how this year’s Alaska election is supposed to unfold, according to the secret, willfully conduct of Mike Dunleavy:
Trump wants Dunleavy as his Secretary of Interior in order to open up oil and gas lands in Alaska and other states. That would elevate Nancy Dahlstrom to the Governor’s Office. But Dunleavy thinks Nancy is better in Congress, so he gets Trump to campaign for Dahlstrom in the hopes that Dahlstrom can beat Nick Begich in the Primary, then Nick signs out from the General as he promised. Then, Dahlstrom has a fair shot at taking out Mary Peltola with Begich out of the way.
If Trump wins, and Dahlstrom wins,
Dunleavy will first appoint a new Lt. Governor,
much like Bill Walker did when Byron Mallott resigned in 2018. Valerie Davidson, who was Walker’s Commissioner of Health and Social services became Lt. Governor for a few short weeks.
Dunleavy would appoint his little known Alaska Transportation Commissioner Ryan Anderson to the Lt. Governor’s seat. After Dunleavy departs for his new job as Secretary of Interior, Ryan Anderson moves quickly into the Governor’s seat.
That’s the Dunleavy game plan. And that’s the reason Nancy Dahlstrom is still going to hang in there without agreeing to drop out of the Primary. Nancy gets access to Trump, and money, for her campaign, Dunleavy moves to DC, and a virtual nobody named Ryan Anderson, who is Mike Dunleavy’s best friend, becomes governor.
So, who can stop Dunleavy’s scheme?
Nick Begich III, and all of his supporters.
Betting on Nick to actually get out if he loses is the week point in the plan he has a history of not doing so!!
chuck clarke last election was the first time ranked choice voting happened in alaska. no one knew how it would work. we now know and he agreed to get out which more than nancy is doing.
she doesn’t care about anything but her own career. the DOC job was just a job to check off in a laundry list of “to do” to move up the ladder
The Left’s corruption has no bounds!
Many in leadership are drinking COVID-19 Kool-Aid. It makes for a nice payday.
She just keeps getting worse and worse.
Another Dunleavy Democrat.
We called her the Covid Nazi. Like a fat, German prison guard in a Concentration Camp. The real Nancy Dahlstrom.
Finally the truth about how bad Nancy was as Corrections commissioner is coming into the public light. We suspected that she ran the department unconstitutionally and now we know for certain. Thanks for this important information! She is really quite a bad specimen.
LOL. She even looks the part. Hogan’s Heros 2.
We love you at DOC, fat Nancy.
Hilarious. ? Dahlstrom is going to get more than just low votes in this Primary.
One of many egregious decisions made by the Dunleavy administration.
I’m glad to see this is getting coverage, but what about at the time when we were fighting these clear infringements of the Constitution and personal liberties? Lora Reinbold stood with us. Which other Republican officials did?
In response, Dunleavy unleashed on her, publicly accused her of misusing state resources in questioning his not-so-constitutional policies, like this one.
At the time these inmates and their families and so many others were abandoned by our party under misguided notions of needing to support the Dunleavy Administration because it was “Republican”.
After Dunleavy’s complaint, Sen. Reinbold lost her committee chairmanship and was even kicked off her committee, her valid concerns were swept under the rug, and the violations continued unabated.
This is how we end up with the current administration still out marketing Covid vaccines today. Years after we discovered that they are anything but “safe and effective”, our state still proudly declares today “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. They are available for everyone aged six months and older.” (‘
Kudos to the four other Republican legislators who stood with us this year in voting to finally put a moratorium to state marketing of Covid vaccines that are neither safe nor effective.
The vote was 5-35.
Correction: the vote was 8-32 this year.
Glad to see this actually happened. And to give it more legitimacy, Dr. Fauci, who is no longer a federal servant and is retired, was questioned by the Oversight Committee this Spring 2024 who found in the questioning and admittance of Fauci that the shot everyone took was not a vaccine but just a shot without proper research done on the chemistry of the sot itself. They had no clue what the shot would do to each person taking it. it began as an engineered virus for biological warfare in Texas, then to off shore and then to China with Fauci aiding the cost through grant moneys. It should never have been promoted as a good solution for a virus. Just about everyone that has taken the shot has had substantial problems related to the material in the shot.
Its designed to elicit an immune response and therefore, IS a vaccine. Oh, and Fauci never said it wasn’t one. You see what you want to see.
Well considering the very poor performance of the shots, one has to seriously wonder IF it actually elicits an immune response or just an allergic reaction. The Covid inoculations had no impact on the spread of the disease unlike advertised and promised. A flu vaccination of about 50% of the populations generally works to limit communicability of the virus. Containing the spread via immunity of those who were vaccinated is the entire point of a vaccination program and Covid shots failed miserably at that.
An antihistamine elicits an immune response. Is it a vaccine too? You’re probably much too young to remember the Swine Flu “vaccine” rolled out in the mid-70’s but the results were the same. Look it up kiddo.
I’m 54 “kiddo”.
seems like age did nothing for you though, kiddo!
Yeah the Guv never got back to me re my recent letter discussing his admin’s continuing full-on support with respect to pushing the “vaccines” which have impaired and/or killed millions worldwide. Crickets.
Clearly Dahlstrom is bought & paid for by the Bio Pharma Industrial Complex and will not get my vote.
Thx for your service Honourable Eastman for all Wasillians.
Whoops! No vote for you! I really dislike authoritarian vaxxers. That puts her at the same level as tampon tim. While you’re at it “Nancy”, why don’t you take every booster, twice while you’re at it.
Disappointed – vaccine mandates are wrong.
I wish Nick Begich had a history in a governance or representative role so we could see what choices he would have made.
Good pitch. Right across the plate.
I would say it could be an asset that he hasn’t. Instead he has loads of private sector business experience, a much better background I believe. Too many career politicians, such as those ‘running” (ruining) our country have lots of “governance” experience but no real world experience.
With Palin, there was a clear choice between Begich that was only talk and no record and Palin who had some bad policies but was great on other issues such as the clot shot.
With Dalhstrom, Begich could be lying on many things and would still be loads better than her.
That’s my concern.
He says all the right stuff – like Graham, Sullivan, McCain, Jeb, George Jr and sr, – then they govern with the UniParty.
Free trade, endless wars, and open borders.
I remember Begich calling out Don Young for the vaccine mandates in his office. At least some people were standing up for personal rights.
Look everyone, there’s a lot of fake news going around about Nancy. The bottom line is this, she has been endorsed by DJT, the leader of our party. She will be instrumental in the his next administration. Everyone he has endorsed and who he will put in his administration have a specific roles to play in the fight against the Deep State. You may not like her much, but we need everyone DJT endorses to win if we ever want to get our country back. He has a plan. Most of us may not understand it, but he has a plan. Support DJT or support the Deep State.
DJT 2024!
Trump may have a plan but he picked some of the biggest losers to put in his administration in 2016. I support Trump but he has a poor track record of getting the right people around him.
The conservative movement doesn’t belong to Donald Trump. He belongs to us.
Sorry – we’re not Democrats or North Koreans. We support Trump but he’s not “Dear Leader”.
Oh please. People need to stop relying on political saviors to do the thinking for them, right now more than ever. Trump has most definitely made some mistakes, unfortunately this is one of them.
Yes because nothing says fighting the deep state like imposing vaccine mandates!
hill clearly you are not from alaska. there isn’t any fake news about nancy, just facts.
Trump doesn’t know Nancy Dahlstrom. Alaskans do. She’s a zero. Just a string puppet for Dunleavy, who likes Trump.
Very true. I sent Trump a donation of $1. Then I told him in a brief note that $999 more was forthcoming if he quit promoting Nancy Dahlstrom. My friends are doing the same thing.
Hill, no thank you!
I don’t play “follow the leader” if President Trump wishes to endorse her that is his business. For me however Nancy Dahlstrom never struck me as a mover and shaker for personal rights, the constitution and liberty, more like an opportunist and this article confirms my suspicions.
It also appears that you are implying she will be in his administration…you do know she is running for the US House??? Which is a separate branch of our government. That statement alone invalidates your entire premise and her action in violating the constitution invalidate her right to represent anyone!
It’s interesting to hear the radio advertisements blaring that Trump has endorsed Dahlstrom. Some (because there are two different strings of adverts) of these replay the oral statement from Trump about his full endorsement of Ms. Dahlstrom….and these adverts end with “Paid for by the Congressional Leadership Caucus, not endorsed by any candidate or candidate’s committee”, or something similar.
I am certain that Ms. Dahlstrom would be, however slight, an improvement over Ms. Peltola, but unfortunately, Ms. Dahlstrom is supported by the very Deep State that DJT is against.
Some of President Trump’s biggest mistakes were in staffing selections, so while I will do everything I can to support him, I will not blindly follow his endorsement of what I think are inferior candidates
They were not his mistakes he was fed bad information about people and made poor choices based on that information. he had no way of knowing he was making a bad choice because he was given false information.
This time around he will be much more involved in the process – because HE HAS A PLAN! And he won’t let it fail. Will you?
Shes a rino. DJT was clearly confused on this endorsement
Even great leaders get it wrong, and in this case, DJT got it wrong.
I’m fully MAGA, but I’m voting NBIII. This is one of Trump’s bad endorsements.
She’s nothing more than a Palin clone and spoiler, she will not get my vote.
Stay out of jail if you want to see your family & we the people should be mad at those who released COVID onto the public to steal an election. We was all learning how to deal with COVID Monday morning quarterbacks give me a break. Don’t put Nancy under the bus because you all are stuck on stupid. The governor & Nancy if not for them Lisa would already have us all woke. List Lisa or nicks accomplishments I am waiting to compare our list. Stuck on stupid got us all here.
Stuck on stupid. Haha. Listen clown; anybody that pushed the bioweapon covid vax needs to be prosecuted. Nancy Dahlstrom is scum and deserves prison time. Simple as that.
Stay out of jail? See Britain where the people who are not lawless are thrown into jail and the lawless are left to roam the streets. Happening in our nation now and becoming more common place. Judicial system is generally no longer just in many cases.
Stuck on stupid is an excellent summary of your post.
She ran for safety, not for the Constitution. She’s not a leader. Nick Begich called out Don Young for having vaccine mandates for his staff.
Sympathizing with prisoners is hard, but the heartbreak of mothers not being able to visit their sons and daughters for so long is, well, reminiscent of something a Nazi would do.
Hard NO on Nancy.
This isn’t fake news. The government documents are right there. We don’t want government controlling us. This shows us who Nancy Dahlstrom actually is under pressure. No thanks.
Not surprised. Her campaign team is a who’s who of Niki Haley people.
Dunleavy is endorsing her as well as Trump because of cronyism. Trump is offering a cherry role in his administration and resulting agreements are that he support dahlstrom no doubt. Enough of this childish cronyism; support and work for the good of the American people, not other politicians. Stop this corruption!
Authoritarian government is bad whether it is from Democrats or Republicans.
You commenters that are quick to criticize, please reconsider that fact you are engaging in 20/20 hindsight. Do you recall the dreadful accounts of refrigerated semi-trailers being stacked with Covid corpses outside hospitals in NYC? Please read the accounts of the Spanish Flu in 1918, which killed more people than WWI. That includes the Battle of the Somme in which over 1M men perished. It is a fact that a pandemic can wipe out millions of lives. It is a fact a prison population is especially vulnerable to communicable diseases. It is a fact a prison warden must err to caution in such matters. It is a fact that, during times of emergency, civil rights can be suspended. Let us be careful second-guessing. At least consider all the facts in the context of how a reasonable person might see them without the benefit of hindsight.
BTW, I am an ardent Begich supporter.
Those of us that had an IQ higher than a rock saw through the covid hoax from the very beginning.
Umm, no. We are not engaging in 20/20 hindsight. Many of us were calling Covid for what it was from the very beginning and were censored and ridiculed and mocked mercilessly. Many lost their jobs for their 20/20 FORESIGHT!
Uh, no. No way in hell.
Its reveling how much of someone else’s civil liberties you’re wiling to toss away for your perception of safety.
There was nothing “reasonable” about the responses by authorities to Project Covid. The Corona virus family has been researched for decades by the US as it facilitates weaponization. The Obama Administration outsourced the development to China due to the international illegality of bio weapon research and deployment. As the US was funding the contract work they were privy to the data and progress. Too convenient the mutated “Covid-19” variant “escaped” during election season. The responses were prepared and executed in sequence to justify complete totalitarian control by federal, state and local authorities. It brought out the inner tyrant in the mass of incompetents that populate the governance class. All the knowledgeable medical professionals warned you never vaccinate populations during an epidemic as it causes the virus to mutate faster. Most of our doctors and hospital industry prostitute themselves to Big Pharma. Dunleavy revealed who he is by allowing the forced injections or loss of employment.
I am really tired of the comparison with the 1918 Spanish Flu. It is like apples and oranges.
In 1918 antibiotics did not exist (Dr. Fleming did not discover them until 1928 and Penicillin was not commercially produced until 1942). There were no anti-viral meds or ventilators, hygiene and sterile surgery procedures were in their infancy in large cities people were cramped together in tenements and there was a war on! Not just any old war but a World War, its trade mark, the trenches, wet, muddy holes in the ground were troops lived in for months and months. The war contributed greatly to the spread of the disease.
Fast forward to 2020, all those things not available in 1918, we now had and handy wipes! (But somehow no toilet paper)
In my opinion the reliance on and zealous “or else” promotion of just ONE remedy and an experimental one at that bordered on the criminal. That the medical community at large did not explore all other options and instead certain quarters maligned the ones who did, speaks more to a social engineering experiment than arresting a disease. The minute they uttered “lock-downs” I was leery as it interrupts the creation of herd immunity by young, healthy individuals, to protect the more vulnerable in society.
As for prisons, you can pretend all you want that it is a closed system, but the simple fact that staff comes and goes negates that very premise. (Especially considering that the shots did not prevent transmission). I never understood, why facilities prepared to deal with communicable disease outbreaks, (as a facility housing many individuals a plan for this contingency should be in place, allowing for the continued operation of the facility and outside visitors/counsel) did apparently not use that protocol, but instead just shut everything down and extorted its inmate.
Hey Trump! We want a pitcher – not a belly itcher!
Just as an observation why is Dr. Anne Zink getting a pass in this article?
She in my opinion was the one person pushing all these mask/vaccine/lock-down demands the most (remember how she advised all Alaskans to stay home, while her family was gallivanting down the West Coast?)
Does it excuse Nancy extorting inmates to submit to the shot protocol and withholding constitutionally guaranteed legal counsel? No it does not, it is in times of crisis that our constitutional rights are most important. Now we know we can not count on Nancy Dahlstrom!
Ann Zink needs to be prosecuted and imprisoned for her crimes.
How about Robert Lawrence who was DOC’s chief medical officer during Zink’s tenure and facilitated the State’s forced medical procedures on the incarcerated. Everyone from the governor to his corrections staff and dept of health managers are complicit.
Glad to see this actually happened. And to give it more legitimacy, Dr. Fauci, who is no longer a federal servant and is retired, was questioned by the Oversight Committee this Spring 2024 who found in the questioning and admittance of Fauci that the shot everyone took was not a vaccine but just a shot without proper research done on the chemistry of the sot itself. They had no clue what the shot would do to each person taking it. it began as an engineered virus for biological warfare in Texas, then to off shore and then to China with Fauci aiding the cost through grant moneys. It should never have been promoted as a good solution for a virus. Just about everyone that has taken the shot has had substantial problems related to the material in the shot.
ONCE AGAIN!!! … What is exactly is her record // anccomplishments and why should she be on the Republican ticket? What is her platform and/or vision for Alaska? Why should we vote for her?
NB3 has been very engaged and forthright with the public. Dahlstrom, not so much at all … it’s been nothing but crickets. Makes you think that maybe it’s a “Power-Play” by Daddy’s Little Princess’ candidate of choice, someone whom she could potentially control – navigate to her commands.
This is totally unacceptable. That’s not the kind of government I expect from a so-called conservative.
Her being part of the Covid cult rules her out of ANY consideration.
Any politician that mandated sovereign citizens being forced to take experimental gene therapy is truly an enemy of Free Men.
So….I just voted absentee in my small town….the clerk told me that the city is not going to count ballots for the primary and the November elections. She needs to send the absentee ballots to Juneau/state. The state is going to “send their own people” to our community on Election Day to count the ballots. I have lived here for 15 years and this has never happened here before. Does anyone know if this process is happening in other communities? How much is it costing the state to send people to all these communities? More importantly, WHY????
Is this how Nancy plans to “win” in November? Her ONLY job as Lt. Governor was to fix elections….I guess she didn’t understand that meant to actually make them legal, rather to fix them for herself and other cronies.
Interesting! Contact Cause of America Alaska and tell them your story. They might be interested in hearing it.
’[email protected]
Follow the dollar. Who had the contract to vaccinate the prisoners? What is their relationship with the Governor? And to Nancy? Was it a fair bid, or an inside job? It has all the elements of an inside job and a noncompetitive contract.
Nancy Dahlstrom is Alaska’s version of Kamala Harris. No brains. Does nothing in her current job. Pulled up the political ladder by others in exchange for some nefarious role and acts.
Sure looks like it! It is sickening to watch and to know that Dunleavy does nothing to hold her accountable.
Most of those nefarious acts were committed at DOC. Are we going to tell? Hell yeah! Hang on. It’s coming. Nothing like eating many, many meals with your friends at the crowbar hotel.
Maybe Sean Parnell needs to be in the cell with her? She can be his advisor as to which cell units have the best meals. Pay is low, but will buy her cigarettes and a Mad magazine.
Hard “NO” on Dahlstrom no matter what Trump says. She’s done absolutely zero in the office she held under Dumblevy. She will be one the first to act as a tyrant if given the chance.
A Nancy and a Karen all in one
Hindsight is always 20-20. I remember that period quite well. Fauci had so many of us buffaloed at first, him and the CDC. It was only after about 6 months or more that many of us began to smell a rat. If you think it was bad in Alaska, try California. No drivers’ license renewals for over a year, no driving for anything but groceries or doctor. No going any place without a mask. Kind of like Anchorage on steroids. After his initial reaction, Dunleavy started to pull back after 6 or 8 months, but the democrats were still screaming for full lock-downs. Yes, it was a nightmare. Fauci has never admitted to anything, even though it came out that his organization helped finance the work in Wuhan.
How many of the illegal aliens have had to get the shots???? The answer to that question should cause questions regarding any lawmaker making issues over citizens having to get the shots regardless of their jail status. Anyway, where is a jailed prisoner going to go???
Sounds like a Uniparty shill. No thanks.
What amazes me is that none of you seem to comtemplated the cost associated with managing a prison population infected by Covid. The fact that a shot might help mitigate the cost of caring for inmates in a close quarter enviroment makes total sense; and might even indicate smart management practices. Not to mention saving YOU the funder of government, whos largess we complained about. I suspect her decision to require visitors (or those working there) to have the shot was about health and cost of those in her charge – those INCARCERATED. She didn’t take away anyone’s rights not INCARCERATED to chose, rather she put it smack in their hands. Her decision was related to those who had already violated our laws. Some of you need to think more logically and less emotional.
Mark my words, you may well regret a vote for NB3 when his “business acumen” takes over and he feathers his own (and his associates) bed at the cost of your rights. Remember his predecessor “Don” who many of you wanted ride of.
Don’t be blaming Dahlstrom for the Covid mess, the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American people. The CDC and Fauci are the ones to blame. The prisons were actually a very sterile environment and allowing the public in and out could have spread germs like wildfire (especially for those with weakened immune systems). BTW, were hospitals allowing visits? Even to those dying? Nope!
Taking of civil rights is not an express delegation of express constitutional authority so not within reach. The US Constitutional rights are not to be usurped.
Tell that to the CDC.
Does she have a license to practice medicine in AK?
She was following orders from the CDC and Ms. Zink who was the state health director at the time.
We missed our chance to clear the prisons out. Shucks.
Best be watching our comments on here. We could all be on an fbi watch list if we are not already.
Can we lawfully pay them to do work outside of their express authority and the job description of their emolument from the public trust funds?
You can’t be serious, they have medical staff…
Most of the medical staff were at home quarantined for 14 days,
Those officials that mandated these shots should not hold any position with that kind of authority ever again. Being scared isn’t a legitimate excuse for mandating other people to do ANYTHING. The fact that they did shows their complete lack of competence to be in a position of authority.
See the long list of adverse effects that will plague us forever at: ‘
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