With District 10 joining, now 36% of Republican committees endorse Nick Begich for Congress

Nick Begich and Congressman Byron Donalds, a supporter

The District 10 — south Anchorage district Republicans — endorsed Nick Begich for Congress on Tuesday evening.

Now, 13 Republican districts are endorsing Begich, and not a single district has endorsed Nancy Dahlstrom. There are more endorsements for Begich to come, Must Read Alaska has learned.

Districts that have announced their endorsement for Begich now include 1, 6, 8, 10, 17, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, and 36. 

There are 36 organized districts in the state, so District 10’s endorsement brings the percentage going on record for Nick Begich to 36% of those organized districts.

Also, six of seven Alaska Republican women’s clubs and both of the Young Republican clubs endorse Begich. Rep. Byron Donalds, inside Donald Trump’s inner circle, also endorses Begich.

Dahlstrom, who has physically disappeared from the Alaska race in recent days, is said to be raising money in Wyoming. Her campaign is being mainly run by D.C. political action committees.

District 10 also decided to endorse Rep. Craig Johnson for reelection, and refused to endorse his false-flag Republican opponent Chuck Kopp.

The latest Division of Elections reports shows that 6,594 Alaskans have voted — 4,324 of those are early voters and the remaining 2,270 are absentee ballots received by the Division of Elections, so far.

The primary ends at 8 p.m. on Tuesday night, Aug. 20. Learn how to vote absentee or vote early at this link.


  1. Good for Nick, but what’s Nancy doing in Wyoming? Only person to raise money with down there is Liz Cheney

    • arctic thunder: she’s there because no one in alaska supports her. she needs DC money to run ads and radio promoting her lack of work ethic and effectiveness

  2. Nancy Dahlstrom is in Wyoming?! Isn’t the election next week? Why isn’t she doing her job in Alaska? This is the first election she is overseeing as Lt. Governor.

    No wonder these districts are supporting Begich. He actually is campaigning in Alaska!

    • she’s wining and dining to advance her career. her and dunleavy don’t care about this state. they only care about advancing their careers. alaskans vote nick begich and not for nancy do nothing dahlstrom

  3. Nancy won’t come out against ranked choice, has no in-state support besides her boss, has done nothing in her job as Lt. Gov and has to leave Alaska to raise money. Got it.

  4. I support the man but whatever you think of Begich, you have to admit he’s a hell of a fighter. Alaska would do well to have someone like that again.

  5. I made my calls to the offices of the Reps that endorsed Dahlstrom. Her poor performance plus so many
    Republican Districts not supporting her and the poor performance of work as Commissioner of Corrections the most extreme problems because of her lack of leadership and management made good conversations. She and Dunleavy both have been poor performers in the state. No reason to spread the problem any further.

  6. District 35 is ready to endorse NB3. Dahlstrom is like an old skalliwag sniffing around for any friend she can find. I’ll rank Peltola ahead of Dahlstrom.

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