Former Anchorage State Rep. Chris Tuck filed a letter of intent to run for Anchorage mayor. Tuck served in the Alaska House for then-District 23 from 2009 until January of this year, after he declined to run again when he and Rep. Andy Josephson were moved into the same district during redistricting.
Tuck is a graduate of Dimond High School and was a business representative with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1547, and an instructor at the Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship School.
A moderate Democrat, he is the second liberal to file candidacy against Republican Mayor Dave Bronson. Earlier this year, former Assemblywoman Suzanne LaFrance, a hardline Democrat, filed.
His Facebook page is at this link.
LaFrance has a fundraiser scheduled for June 22 with dozens of the top-name Democrats endorsing her.
The word around Anchorage is that Bill Popp, President and CEO of Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, is also planning to file for mayor. He is a registered undeclared, not aligned with any political party.

This story will be updated as details emerge.
What a joke. Tuck is about as liberal a Democrat as the 9 on the Assembly We will have nothing but
woke and Zuckerberg’s son -in -law’s version of CRT in our schools. No vote from me Tuck. Homelessness will abound and our city will go down to the ground.My bet is unions and outside money will line his pockets as well as the Assembly’s.
Yep. Union money for advertising blitz incoming. I’m voting for Bronson again but at this point until the assembly problem is corrected there’s not much the mayor is going to be able to accomplish. As for voting for a democrat he’s not as repulsive LaFrance but still…. It’s gonna be a “Tuck No!” from me.
Not bad for a joke.
Should be even funnier when Eaglexiters have the last laugh.
About the only hope Bronson has is if the alleged “conservative majority” of Anchorage gets off their backsides and actually voted for a change.
Bronson needs to have a lawyer ready and waiting to take the muni to court over any hint of counting irregularities or obstruction of poll watchers. Now, not weeks later.
Yeah Bronson needs to have a lawyer ready and waiting to take the muni to court over any hint of counting irregularities or obstruction of poll watchers. He’ll lose if he messes with it.
Are you saying there are counting irregularities and obstruction and the mayor has every right to address them? I agree with you there, which makes your last sentence interesting… do know that the municipal clerk works for the ASSEMBLY and is in charge of counting votes in this city….right?
Now I begin to understand the tuck-friendly swimsuits.
Does Chris tuck?
Whatever happens remember God still on his throne and he isn’t pitching a fit if his favorite loses. Too bad Democrats couldn’t behave better when Forrest Dunbar lost and respect Bronson’s victory. The word of God says HE lifts up kings or leaders and tears down kings or leaders, for a reason HE wanted Bronson as Anchorage’s mayor last four years. Sometimes I wonder if we have Chris Tucker if then those God is trying to reach will finally turn from their wickedness and fears to submit to Himself and finally rededicate their life back to the cause of Christ. I would not be surprised if we have Chris Tucker, cause a lot more can get accomplished under hardship and sufffering. the anchorage churches need to rededicate itself back to Christ and teaching the gospel to know how to serve others with a genuine love.
When I worked for the legislature in Juneau, Chris Tuck had the reputation of behaving badly. We called him a classic “Lothario”. If he manages to move into the MOA mayor’s office, nobody will be safe.
Despite Democrats complaints of Bronson, we just have to remember it’s their job to be critical of him, He’s not a democrat. Take the group’s criticism as a grain of sand. If he truly was with the in-crowd of anchorage these guys on the assembly would love him. Those who voted for Bronson can’t afford to be fearful believing his democrat critics when they are supposed to oppose him. I’m reading From the shores of Ship Creek-stories of anchorage first 100 years, and we are a long way from the way our anchorage ancestors done things spoken in chapter 14 page 123 paragraph 2 except the part city’s politics can be quite heated hasn’t changed but every other detail has changed, we lost ourselves probably because these generations don’t know our city’s history, culture, and its former leaders.
“A moderate Democrat, he is the second liberal …”
So which is it? Is he a moderate or a liberal?
Noooooooooooo………..whatever is Suzanne LaFrance going to do?
Oh I know, she is going to claim that as the only oppressed woman in the race, she deserves everyone’s vote, only to revert to the agenda and forget what a “woman is” again afterwards.
Think of it as a marriage of convenience, a venture in joint ownership.
IBEW represented by Tuck, and Alaska Municipal League, a virtual union for governments, represented by LaFrance, finally decided to team up, take what they believe should be theirs which, in this case, happens to be Anchorage.
One group owns Alaska, the other operates it. Neither are accountable for what they do. Both are sustained by unlimited money and easily corruptible elections.
Another in-your-face perfect crime in the making, no?
Morrigan, I don’t see the logic in the leftist sporting two candidates, unless it’s because they hope Mr. Tuck will drain off some of Bronson’s base?
Tuck has some positive things going for him, (Pro Life for example) however those same things are antithetical to the commie party of which he is a member. I find it interesting that the commie’s dumped him in favor of Joe the last go around, especially so since Tuck carried their water in going after David Eastman.
Our sense is Tuck and LaFrance are but figureheads, hood ornaments for their respective owners, IBEW and the Alaska Municipal League.
Seems reasonable to expect if one gets elected, the other’ll turn up nearby as advisor, assistant, consultant.
Can’t imagine either one doing anything important without IBEW and AML approval.
AML has $627,470,383.01 of taxpayers’ money stashed safely out of taxpayers’ reach. AML is literally a union of local governments, “… a nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide organization with a purpose to strengthen Alaska’s local governments”. “Strengthen Alaska’s local governments”, not people, that’s worth pondering.
The IBEW, another union, seems to control nearly everything important involving electricity in Alaska.
Anchorage’s election system seems so far out of control, so easily corruptible, even the Municipal Clerk saw the writing on the wall and retired.
So… AML has major money, IBEW has major political power. What stops them from marrying up, forming an unbeatable “super union”, arranging for either Tuck or LaFrance to be elected Mayor of Anchorage?
If they’re successful, it’s gonna be fun to see what’s next.
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