Challengers of Rep. Sarah Vance have this one weird thing in common

Donna Aderhold, who promoted sanctuary city status for Homer, walks in the Fourth of July Parade in Homer holding a Brent Johnson for House sign.

The three candidates who are challenging Republican Rep. Sarah Vance for her seat in the Alaska Legislature all have something in common — the support of the Alaska Democratic Party or those associated with the party.

Dawson Slaughter, a Republican, got a contribution of $100 from Rep. Zack Fields, who is one of the hardest of the hardline Democrats in the Alaska Legislature and who was the communication director for the Alaska Democratic Party.

Candidates Brent Johnson and Alana Greear, both registered as nonpartisans, have paid for campaign coordination services from the Alaska Democrat Party, which provides wrap-around campaign help to Democrat candidates and, evidently, those who are Democrats masquerading as independents.

Johnson also received $2,500 from the House Democrat Campaign Committee. Greear has spent over $6,000 on her campaign, and is in debt to the Alaska Democratic Party for $3,000 for the coordinated campaign services she is committed to.

Vance is running for her fourth term in Alaska State House District 6, and is the only candidate who stands with President Donald Trump. District 6 is north Homer and Anchor Point. It’s a conservative-leaning district, but false-flag nonpartisans are taking advantage of the open primary to try to woo unsuspecting voters.

It does not hurt Vance’s campaign that she has the last name “Vance,” the same as the Republican vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance. Her husband and son also share the initials “J.D.” Voters in the Homer district might expect to see Trump/Vance signs popping up between now and November, a win for both the former president and the House member running for reelection.


  1. Deep State taking advantage of Yellow Dog Democrats and RINO NeoCon Republicans.
    Look at all the RINO’s that have been voting for Lisa M for the last 20 years – yet they’ll look you in the eye and say they are conservative.
    The very same people, without one iota of proof, will tell you how “conservative” Begich is – despite the family he comes from.
    Scary times we live in.


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