The three candidates who are challenging Republican Rep. Sarah Vance for her seat in the Alaska Legislature all have something in common — the support of the Alaska Democratic Party or those associated with the party.
Dawson Slaughter, a Republican, got a contribution of $100 from Rep. Zack Fields, who is one of the hardest of the hardline Democrats in the Alaska Legislature and who was the communication director for the Alaska Democratic Party.
Candidates Brent Johnson and Alana Greear, both registered as nonpartisans, have paid for campaign coordination services from the Alaska Democrat Party, which provides wrap-around campaign help to Democrat candidates and, evidently, those who are Democrats masquerading as independents.
Johnson also received $2,500 from the House Democrat Campaign Committee. Greear has spent over $6,000 on her campaign, and is in debt to the Alaska Democratic Party for $3,000 for the coordinated campaign services she is committed to.
Vance is running for her fourth term in Alaska State House District 6, and is the only candidate who stands with President Donald Trump. District 6 is north Homer and Anchor Point. It’s a conservative-leaning district, but false-flag nonpartisans are taking advantage of the open primary to try to woo unsuspecting voters.
It does not hurt Vance’s campaign that she has the last name “Vance,” the same as the Republican vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance. Her husband and son also share the initials “J.D.” Voters in the Homer district might expect to see Trump/Vance signs popping up between now and November, a win for both the former president and the House member running for reelection.
Deep State taking advantage of Yellow Dog Democrats and RINO NeoCon Republicans.
Look at all the RINO’s that have been voting for Lisa M for the last 20 years – yet they’ll look you in the eye and say they are conservative.
The very same people, without one iota of proof, will tell you how “conservative” Begich is – despite the family he comes from.
Scary times we live in.
I’m sure others have begged you to meet Nick Begich and ask him the tough questions. I, too, was concerned about his family connections but he is legit. I have family members who are diametrically opposed to me politically and I would hate to be judged by having the same name. He is to be commended for being completely upfront about his family and not changing his name for the sake of politics. Try to be more open minded (in a good way) and check him out. I was very pleasantly surprised.
I hear you Gretchen – but, how many politicians talk a ” good game” then vote and legislate with the UniParty aka the Deep State.
I’m voting for him – but I’ll be holding my nose when I do it.
Maybe I’m wrong – but I think he deliberately sabotaged the last election, by not dropping out – he finished in THIRD PLACE two times and this gave the election to a dimwitted Kamala type Democrat.
AND he didn’t even encourage his voters to rank the Red.
Anyone who votes for someone in a local election because they have the same last name as a presidential nominee; probably deserves to have their voting card taken away.
Slow down, i have never cast for princess.
You heard why all the nutbars moved to Homer?
They heard no one was hiring.
There’s a strong footing for Ms Aderhold’s sanctuary preference in that remark and as the typical person hoping for sanctuary would be a democrat there’s yet another connection.
Anyone that says they are non partisan is only trying to trick you into voting for them shoild you be a moderate or Republican. They are anything but. Always caucusing with Democrats because that is exactly who they are. It is deceitful and that’s the last kind of politician you would want.
All part of the plan. Make alaska purple.
Here’s a piece of advice that is both true but will never be needed again: Don’t let Don Jr. choose your vice presidential candidate. JD Vance is making history as the least liked VP nominee (non-incumbent) since 1980 following his/her party’s convention. He’s the first to have a net negative favorable rating. Yea, real helpful to remind everyone in town about Trump’s fateful pick for VP.
You really need to put down your National Enquirer while you’re sitting in your Anchorage outhouse. Dumbest thing I’ve heard anyone say since Dementia Joe said the border was secure.
JD is articulate extremely smart came from nothing and singlehanded made his own way. He hasn’t been a government tit sucker his entire life. Thank god.
Lord knows we would not want a person like JD for vice president. Instead we could pick a dim whit. What’s wrong with you Sebastian???
Does he scare you?
You are correct!
Dawson Slaughter (R) has received donations from Republicans, Democrats and Independents.
He represents District 6, and he has committed to represent ALL residents of his district. A refreshing change from special interest candidates to someone wanting to represent all district residents.
Anyone getting money from Zack Fields won’t be representing “everyone”!
Wait, wouldn’t rank voting and splitting the vote help Vance in this case?
As much as I disagree with rank voting counting isn’t really that hard.
Democrats don’t need to count
Dawson Slaughter, a Republican. Just like now long gone Rep. Paul Seaton, a republican. Almost choked on my Oyster Rockefeller reading that! Meanwhile its clear the scallywags and fraudsters want Rep. Vance’s seat so bad they may be losing their minds over her. Oh the humanity!
And the photo of Donna Aderhold is rich. How it must sting. Her decision to attempt to quietly turn Homer into a sanctuary city that brought on a recall of half the City of Homer’s council members. And the best part, District 6 got Sarah Vance out of that deal!
And speaking of the three Homer scallywags – uh, I mean honorable council members, they sued the City of Homer in a failed attempt to block a lawful recall against them, then stuck the tax payers with their $80,000 plus debt they owed to the ACLU. So yes, it’s easy to see why they want Vance gone while they long for Dear Paul (R), and all their Neo-maxis dreams . Oh how they lament Dear Paul’s plans to bring back a state income tax that they were so hoping for. But then there was a young home schooled mom by the name of Sarah….
Sarah is a kind lady but is a little (how do we say it politely) “slow”. She’s way ahead of dingbats like Lora Reinbold or Sarah Palin, but she struggles with a poor capacity for analytical decision making and a clear articulation of even a hint of independent thinking. Put simply, she’s ripe for replacement. The Republican Guard of the S. Kenai should proceed cautiously.
“but she struggles with a poor capacity for analytical decision making and a clear articulation of even a hint of independent thinking” That’s hilarious! Right out MSNBC, or better yet The View! So…
Apparently you haven’t spent any time in Juneau while the House is in secession, or when she chairs her committee meetings, and listen to Rep. Vance speak? Guess you and your lefty friends are terrified Rep. could become Governor of our great state some day. And then what? You and your friends would vow to move back to Portland? Oh the humanity!!!
Support true conservative candidates even if not in your district. Any amount helps! We need to rally as grass roots supporters since we do not have the Democrat advantage of Marxist billionaires to funnel campaign funds.
Brent Johnson a nonpartisan Ha, that’s a laugh he’s as close to a democrat as the borough assembly would stomach and that’s not saying a bunch. Closer to self serving politician as you get.
Isn’t it amazing what a monster of an industry politics have become. From advertising to party’s. Huge $$$ the person with the biggest checkbook wins as in life.
Was down fishing where all the tourists go this time of year and bjorkman had signs everywhere. That dude’s a straight nea union rep and democrat running as a republican. Who let’s these people run? What is going on in the AK republican party?
Wake up, pal, this is Alaska: everybody is on the loose! You should know by now that all the frontiersmen–and the “frontierswomen”–are on the take. As the party hacks say, “Put me down for whatever you want; I’ll see that you get a double dose!”
What’s the system for if you can’t milk it? Besides, why stop when you can take it all?
How about an in depth report on Luise Stutes and Kelly Merrick?
Sarah Vance does have the handicap of being a Christian Zionist zealot!
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