Hardworking Carmela Warfield will represent us well as Alaska GOP chair

Carmela Warfield


We have seen a great deal of change since our last convention two years ago. The election of new leadership is crucial to Alaska and the nation as we enter the very critical 2024 election season.

During the Alaska GOP convention in April, delegates will choose a new chairperson and other officers to lead the Alaska Republican Party for the next two years.

We must choose a leader who will work to heal divisions within the party, spearhead successful fundraising, implement planning for electing strong conservative Republicans, work with other states and the National Republican Party on election strategies, implement training for districts and affiliates, and much more.

The position of chair of the AKGOP is a volunteer position; the new chairperson will need to have the time, initiative, drive, love for our state, and experience to “hit the ground running.”

The Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club believes Carmela Warfield is the best person for this job. We know from our constant contact with Carmela over these past several years, that she is honest, energetic, intelligent, knowledgeable about the issues, a woman of integrity, and has a great deal of grassroots experience within and outside the party.

Over the years, both she and her husband, Jason, have volunteered countless hours at our booth at the Alaska State Fair, where they engaged outside at ground-level with citizens, talking about the party platform, and the petition to repeal ranked choice voting. They were instrumental in directing hundreds of citizens to the table where our club collected thousands of signatures.

Carmela has regularly attended our monthly meetings, as well as our large semi-annual fundraisers. She has spoken to our members on several occasions, and to many other groups, about issues critical to Alaska. She also campaigned door-to-door with Republican candidates in recent elections and attends many of the Republican candidate’s individual fundraisers. She has proven to be open, accessible, and helpful — both to the club and individual efforts.

Carmela believes Alaska and the Alaska Republican Party can accomplish great things, and she is willing to put in the time and effort to make that happen.

Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club, est.1947: Executive Board, Kathy McCollum, president; Rina Bretz, vice President for fundraising; Lynn Hallford, assistant treasurer, Carolyn Porter, past president; Cherie Kajdan, vice president for membership; Jan Engan, secretary; Linn McCabe, vice president, programs; Natalie Martin, treasurer; Colleen Vague, assistant secretary.


  1. I’ve heard of a lot of people for the GOP chair position but never Warfield till now . But, the most important thought is does this state need another person working the good ole girls thinking in this endeavor? No we do not. We have seen what Ann Brown was into with the position so we should consider a break from that type of management. Take a look at all of the candidates for this position, By the way, is this the Warfield whose husband is the treasurer in the past and will this be another nepotism pot of you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours? All of the women’s clubs are pushing for this person but this person has not done anything worth mentioning for our votes. No! She is not a good candidate for this position in the GOP for Alaska.

  2. This is why Republican women overwhelmingly support Carmela. Republican women are called the “heart of the party” for the selfless work they do over and over. Carmela is the epitome of the “heart of the party!” She is the one who shows up to do the grunt work to ensure the success of our party unlike others that send out texts and emails touting all they have done, but most of us have not seen.

    • Whose picnic table did she clean up? How much money was given in donations? Where did she work? What party was that one?

  3. The party should be about like-minded conservatives binding together to assure a like-minded conservative is elected that will uphold shared principles without wavering. Anything else is window dressing and blandishments.

  4. Might one respectfully request Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club members to share, without platitudes, what makes Hardworking Carmela Warfield tick, why HCW and no other is best for Alaska’s GOP Inc.?
    No right or wrong answer… trying to figure out what’s likely to change among Alaska’s GOP leadership if this one wins the chair.

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