Like California, Anchorage’s Assembly has this month relaxed jaywalking and bicycling laws in an effort to create more equity since, according to the Assembly, more people of color are arrested for violating pedestrian and cyclist rules of the road.
But in the City of Los Angeles, similar measures in the name of equity have led to an increase in pedestrian fatalities.
In 2023, according to the Los Angeles Police Department, while the city has seen a reduction from the 20-year high in pedestrian fatalities that was set in 2022, fully 75% of the fatalities this year involved jaywalkers.
Deputy District Attorney John McKinney, a district attorney candidate, is calling the deadly results “predictable outcomes,” Fox News reports.
“The new law, which legalized jaywalking, was enacted in January of 2023 and has already led to 19 fatalities due to unsafe crossings” out of the 26 pedestrian fatalities in Los Angeles through Aug. 7, McKinney said, according to Fox reporting.
McKinney called the new state jaywalking law “equity run amok.”
This, in a state where the pedestrian fatality rate is already 25% above the national average.
Jaywalking became legal all over California after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law in January that allows people to jaywalk or cross outside of an intersection – without being ticketed – as long as it’s safe. The Freedom To Walk Act changed the law so people can only be ticketed for jaywalking if there’s an immediate danger of a crash.
Beginning in October, Anchorage pedestrians will not face fines for jaywalking, after the Assembly recently passed new laws in the name of equity that allow walkers to cross streets wherever and whenever the walker thinks it’s safe to do so. Typically, police have not ticketed people for jaywalking in Anchorage, but the new law will mean that if they do cite someone for unsafe crossing, they’ll probably end up in court.
If California can do it wrong, Anchorage can do it wronger.
Anyone with logical thinking would know this is what happens. Same for the bicyclist laws they just changed.
My husband and I were just talking about the “NOW LEGAL J WALKING IN ALASKA!”
Personally, the fact is, you can’t rein in stupid people. The police have enough to deal without having to chase down these dumb asses that continually take chances! Let the now “legalJ walking” take care of the problem ?
I don’t follow bike laws, I just use common sense. I am still alive and well.
Anyone dying from crossing the street wasn’t paying proper attention.
I have already seen 2 bicyclists who blew through the stop sign on 8th and E Streets narrowly missing being hit by an SUV, saved only by the swerving they did and the stopping the SUV did. And i doubt that either of these two actions would have saved them had it not been that the SUV was in the right hand lane instead of the left lane; E Street being one way going into town at 9th Ave, the SUV could’ve very easily been in the left lane and plowed right in to them without any advance warning. Way to go Anchorage Assembly.
They are on a mission to make Anchorage just like LA in any way they can because they are already there in their sick minds
Anchorage Assembly – “hold my beer”!
“……..more people of color are arrested for violating pedestrian and cyclist rules of the road.” So now in the ‘name of equity’ more ‘people of color’ will die or be severely injured, as they are encouraged to break laws that were for the safety of all, laws that are indeed equitable as all of us can follow them to lessen our chances of being run over. Is stupidity contagious?
Next up: The Anchorage Assembly’s Marxist Nine legalize the use of heroin by children, as long as they shoot-up in a safe manner.
Well right or wrong they will lose when a big metal vehicle meets their flesh and bones. Stupid is the new norm for politicians and the fools that vote for this.
But but but how much more relaxed the place is toward addicts and mental health/ demonic spiritual possession issues. Not in the right mind. I’m already accounting safety pedestrian issues at the 36th and New Seward highway since the drug addicts recently moved into The Golden Lion. People are going to start dying there just letting you all know.
But but but how much more relaxed the place is toward addicts and mental health/ demonic spiritual possession issues. People Not in the right mind around vehicles. I’m already encountering safety pedestrian issues at the 36th and New Seward highway since the drug addicts recently moved into The Golden Lion. People are going to start dying there just letting you all know.
This reckless and disingenuous endeavor will most likely drive-up insurance premiums!
As the old saying goes, ya just can’t fix stupid. If pedestrians are getting killed in accidents, by making it legal to jaywalk, does the assembly actually believe that the fatalities are going to go down? I guess what they need to do is get more people not of color to jaywalk.
Darwinism at work.
But damn, I feel bad for the drivers who actually have to live with the consequences of California’s stupidity.
Maybe we should start paying attention to what is going on in California so we will know what to expect from our assembly.
Democrat polices and mandates, in the name of health and equity=unintended consequences. This plays out over, and over, and over…
So Anchorage has a new “relaxed” law with built-in mechanism for reducing repeat offenses.
What’s not to like?
Just another approach to population control ?
Wait for the documentary “ Died More Suddenly 2024”
No sense writing tickets to someone that isn’t going to pay it anyway.
What will the politburo do when black/native/lgbtq pedestrian & bicycle fatalities suddenly go up even higher in Anchorage (as any fool can see that coming)? How will they ensure that equitable proportions of law-abiding white people are killed by cars?
I think we call this natural selection. My only concern is that drivers should not be held responsible when pedestrians cross the street in an irresponsible way.
Shhh! Natural selection and Darwinism at work. We just need street sweepers funded and working all the time now (higher taxes) to clean up the mess of those who want to leave their brains splattered all over the pavement.
I am wondering where the Marxists are going w/ this.
My fear is now that it is LEGAL to walk in front of a moving car, the State (marxist controlled) will start arresting drivers who hit jaywalkers.
The Politburo will say the jaywalker had every right to walk in front of you (& die) & so we are arresting you for hitting them, they were “legal” ….. you hit them “illegally” ….. & you are under arrest.
Thus promoting a “fear of driving”, which is the end game.
Walking good ….. buses good …..bicycling good.
Vehicles BAD.
You hit the home run. Now we also know who’s writing the playbook. Wonder if the insurance companies will give a discount if we state that we will never drive in Anchorage.
Government laws for jaywalking are just government saying that you are too stupid to cross the street by yourself. Stupid laws lead to tyranny.
Jaywalking is necessary to avoid passed out bums and fecal matter.
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