By the numbers: Peltola campaign is being bankrolled by Dems in Congress


Rep. Mary Peltola’s campaign is being bankrolled by her out-of-state Democrat colleagues, as well as corporate PACs, lobbyist PACs and Democrat-aligned PACs.

Over 77% of her itemized receipts in the third quarter of 2023 came from out-of-state. Here is a snapshot of some of her donors:

Leadership PACs: $82,301

America Needs New Innovation and Energy PAC – AnniePAC (Kuster): $1,000

American Defense And Military PAC – ADAM PAC (Smith): $1,000

As Maine Goes PAC (Golden): $1,000

Betty PAC (McCollum): $1,000

Blue Hen Federal PAC (Coons): $10,000

BRIDGE PAC (Clyburn): $2,500 (misreported to be coming from a Republican LPAC of the same name)

Bridge The Gap PAC (Schneider): $1,000

Build Our Movement PAC (Jayapal): $1,000

CA LUV PAC (Aguilar): $2,500

Carolina Victory Fund (Ross): $1,000

Clean PAC (Huffman): $2,500

Committee For A Democratic Future (DeLauro): $2,000

Coyote PAC (Nickel): $500

Democracy Action Now PAC (Goldman): $2,500

Doing Right – Results Action Unity Leadership PAC (Ruiz): $1,300

Evergreen PAC (DelBene): $2,000

Fair Shot PAC (Clark): $2,500

Frontera Vision PAC (Escobar): $1,000

Getting Results by Engaging the Grassroots PAC (Stanton): $1,000

Hawaii PAC (Schatz): $5,000

HoulaPAC (Houlahan): $1,000

Individuals Dedicated To Ethics & Science PAC (DeGette): $1,000

Jobs & Innovation Matter PAC (Himes): $1,000

Leading People Forward PAC (Fletcher): $1,000

Livable Communities PAC (Grijalva): $500

MA 4 Dems PAC (Auchincloss): $5,000

Mainstream PAC (Lofgren): $2,500

Making A Difference PAC (Dean): $1,000

Making Americans Count PAC (Cartwright): $1,000

Michigan’s Future PAC (Kildee): $2,500

PAC in the Saddle (Pettersen): $2,500

Purpose PAC (Booker): $8,000

Remedy PAC (Swalwell): $2,000

Reviving American Jobs Again PAC (Krishnamoorthi): $1,001

SAC PAC (Matsui): $1,000

Securing Progress Across Our Nation PAC (Spanberger): $1,000

Shore PAC (Pallone): $1,000

Spike PAC (Trahan): $1,000

Victory in November Election PAC (Thompson): $6,000

Corporate PACs: $30,090

BNSF Railway Company RAILPAC: $2,000

Coeur Mining, Inc. PAC: $2,500

Comcast Corporation & NBC Universal PAC – Federal: $2,500

CRH Americas, Inc. PAC: $7,500

CSX Corporation Good Government Fund: $2,000

Fedex Corporation PAC: $1,000

Granite Construction Inc. Employees PAC: $1,000

Hecla Mining Company/Hecla Limited PAC: $2,500

Humana Inc. PAC: $1,000

Norfolk Southern Corporation Good Government Fund: $2,000

Oracle America, Inc. PAC: $90 (In-kind, conference room)

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Federal PAC: $500

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. PAC: $2,500

Union Pacific Corp. Fund For Effective Government: $2,000

Vulcan Materials Company PAC: $1,000

Law Firm/Lobbyist PACs: $3,000

Dykema Gossett Federal PAC: $1,500

Hobbs Straus Tribal Sovereignty Defense PAC: $500

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Federal PAC: $1,000

Campaign PACs: $12,364.47

Brittany Pettersen for Colorado: $2,500

Friends of Don Beyer: $2,000

Kweisi Mfume for Congress: $1,000

Mike Thompson for Congress: $1,864.47 (In-kind, travel)

·         Reimbursement for spending by Peltola in disbursements

Paul Tonko for Congress: $1,000

Scanlon for Congress: $1,000

Tokuda for Hawaii: $1,000

Wexton for Congress: $2,000


Across The Aisle PAC: $1,000

AOPA Legislative Action PAC (C00309856): $2,500

·   PAC was terminated in 1999 and has not since refiled

Blue Dog PAC: $3,000

Elect Democratic Women: $8,000

Human Rights Campaign Fund: $1,000

Moms Fed Up: $1,000

SD PAC/Save Democracy PAC: $1,000

Tribal Sovereignty PAC (C00367177): $1,000

·  Listed name is for a PAC was terminated in 2000 and has not since refiled, but the listed FEC ID number is for the Indian Gaming Association


  1. If the alaskans vote stupid, like they did in the past, it doesn’t matter. The worst candidate for alaska won by RCVing.

  2. Again, this isn’t news. Nor is the fact the GOP routinely fails to react and adapt.

    This is another reason the GOP routinely loses. Instead of fighting the battle in front of them, they posture and bitch. But effectively do nothing.

    • Republicans don’t depend on government for their success. That is why we don’t give money to politicians. Democrats, however, are dependent on government. So their success depends on their party winning.

      So I would cut Republicans some slack for not spending money on something they don’t need.

  3. I just got a call from the Breast Cancer Awareness PAC, coming in from Honolulu , Hawaii.

    How do I start a Free Coffee for Moms PAC? I’m sure some rep would be happy to take our money and vote our cause.

  4. If Peltola would hurry up and find a very wealthy husband number 6, she wouldn’t put so much stress on Democrats.

    • Brystole,
      Are you sure it’s just #6? I’m hearing she has a roster that goes to about 15. Knock another off and go down the list. The Democrat way.

      • Actually, Peltola had a huge life insurance policy on her husband. Did anyone check the struts under the wings, or the elevator cables?

  5. Peltola is a total sell-out. Sad that she has pulled a lot of Alaskan Natives and Native Alaskans down with her.

    • That’s just, like, your opinion dude!

      If it wasn’t for Palin Begich would be in congress and Peltola would be in Bethel.

      • Again it wasn’t Palin who fouled out..It was the “Palin haters” who voted for Begich put down Petola for their 2nd choice, meaning..It was THAT 2nd choice that swung the the hanging ball into Mary’s court.

  6. We’ve been reading the PAC lists on candidates now. Nick lll looks quite similar and he has his money investments with uncle Mark. Yea don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which side of his toast is buttered by

    • Thank you for bringing this up Vern! Begich III has pulled the wool over many Alaskans eyes with his smooth talking points! He is playing the game just like all of the other RINOs – promise a lot and appear to be on the side of team humanity, but just as soon as they get in office, they flip. Begich III’s businesses and investments would profit nicely from him being in Congress and people are going to make a grave (literally) mistake if they vote for him. People need to dig deep and research this guy and ask around – don’t take what Begich and his family/friends say as the final word!

  7. Sammy “the Bankman Freid” should be released soon from his short term incarceration and get his money sham up and running again.
    We can rest assured Alaskans will send “Proud Mary” rollin down the river to DC for another term in Pelosi’s circus.

  8. It looks like she has little or no financial help from the bush as they have no money. She is bought and paid for by the democratic regime. We can get rid of the Xander but it will have to be cut out by smart voters. Opps we don’t have enough smart voters.

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