Bronson’s chief fiscal officer resigns


Mayor Dave Bronson announced that Chief Fiscal Officer Grant Yutrzenka submitted his resignation. Yutrzenka’s last day with the Municipality will be May 19th.

Yutrzenka served in an acting and official CFO capacity since September 2022 when Bronson appointed him to the role. Yutrzenka previously served the Municipality as the Assistant General Manager and Chief Financial Officer for the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility.

“I have enjoyed my time as CFO and thank Mayor Bronson for his confidence in me,” said Mr. Yutrzenka. “I look forward to spending more time with my family and enjoying the great outdoors this summer.”

“Grant’s leadership skills and strong financial mind will be sorely missed in City Hall. I wish him nothing but the best going forward,” Bronson said.  

The search for a replacement CFO has begun. Yutrzenka has committed to helping find a replacement and will work with the new CFO through the transition phase.


  1. That’s a tough loss. I met Grant at AWWU and staff there shared nothing but ‘good things to say’ about him. I’ll reserve judgment and restrain my comments until I learn more via other avenues.

  2. We need several licensed public accountants to return Anchorage to a plausible, respectful corporation. We need several cpa’s in this city department to say “no” to the assembly and make it stick.

  3. I am sorry to say this. I must, okay! Bronson let go too many men using the family excuse. Men are born to lead. Woman must allow him to lead let him work, while woman takes care everything else.

    • Talk to me about “pressure” when you’ve had a communist, excuse me, Democrat State Commissioner, a Cabinet Officer screaming at you in the 5th Fl. hallway of the Capital, “You son of a bitch, I’ll make sure you never work in Alaska again.” He didn’t get to make good on the threat.

  4. Grant is a super guy. But most successful baby boomers don’t work forever. His time for due retirement. No story here.

  5. Poor Dave. Poor, poor, pitiful Dave. How many more Million$ in lawsuits until the neocon clown car goes totally off the rails and gets stuck in the inlet mud? Too bad he’s incapable of resigning himself to resignation status. That’s what a real man would do, for his family, his party, his city and himself. Like the other Mr. B. had the good sense to do.

    • I’m curious how you might know the actions of a “real man”, how you would identify one, and if you have ever interacted with one?

  6. Oh that’s what (some) of the dips on the assembly want: for Mayor Bronson to quit so they can reward themselves like they did last time and award the Mayorship to the “Assembly Choice Du Jure” of their terribly august choosing among their woke selves. All we would need is a woke coronation and stone of destiny… We see what they are attempting to do here.

    • Then DO SOMETHING ANCHORAGE! Stop sitting on your laurels and DO SOMETHING! Recall them all…it can be done…BUT the conservatives have to stand together and get out and VOTE!!

  7. Hate to disappoint all the lefty rumormongers, but my usually good sources tell me he is leaving for a new and very attractive job.

  8. I’m very curious how many of these are because of pressures coming from within Bronson’s office or because of pressures on Bronson’s office, which there are plenty, obviously. Bronson fails and he hears about it. Bronson attempts to succeed and he receives even more resistance from everybody except the residents that understand how our news outlets mislead and lie by omission.

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