As the noose tightens on Hunter and President Joe Biden and allegations of influence-peddling with foreign companies during the Obama-Biden White House, the Department of Justice has taken over the news cycle with another announced indictment of former President Donald Trump.
A grand jury on Tuesday announced a four-charge, 45-page indictment against Trump relating to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 march to the U.S. Capitol that ended up disrupting the certification of the Electoral College.
The indictment was not unexpected, as special prosecutor Jack Smith had already warned the Trump legal team that it was coming.
The grand jury named three conspiracies that Trump is accused of: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct the election, and conspiracy against people’s rights.
The indictment says, “Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power.”
Trump already faces several other charges, including financial dealings in New York, a supposed hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, and federal charges for mishandling classified documents.
On Saturday, Trump held a campaign rally in Erie, Penn., attended by over 4,000 people at Erie Insurance Arena. A few days before that, an estimated 50,000 people came to see him in Pickens County, S.C.
Minutes before the indictment was announced on Tuesday, Trump wrote on his social media platform, TruthSocial: “I hear that Deranged Jack Smith, in order to interfere with the Presidential Election of 2024, will be putting out yet another Fake Indictment of your favorite President,” he wrote.
He wrote that the indictment is timed to take attention away from damaging testimony earlier this week about the Biden criminal activities.
Trump will appear Thursday before Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya at the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in Washington, D.C., less than two miles from the White House.
Timing of Hunters issues a coincidence?
Weird. Didn’t Hunter’s business partner testify in front of Congress today?
Nope. He testified yesterday. His testimony included the fact that business was never discussed with the Big Guy and that your doppelganger HB was selling the illusion of access to the Big Guy.
Shocking, isn’t it?
Leftists: “We GOT him NOW!”
For the billionth time…
A little disappointing only 4 counts. Looks like his six fellow seditious insurrectors turned on Donny which is a smart move as they would have otherwise been thrown under the bus. A triumph for all Americans and the one-tier justice system! Looking forward to some tRump toast.
Go get another booster, and give Princess Lisa a kiss on the way there.
“Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas.” – Eleanor Roosevelt, Admiral Rickover.
Small minds – “Trump is bad. Throw him in jail.”
Average minds – “Did you hear that Trump got indicted? I hope he gets a fair trial.”
Great minds – “How can I be certain that government does not use force to stop political opposition?”
When ordering a new hat, I recommend you order small.
How can you be certain that the government IS using force? It certainly seems like the majority of commenters on here are very certain but provide zero evidence other than their own opinions.
The government has no other tool to use. Everything they do is backed up by the threat of use of violent force. Everything.
Prove me wrong.
How do you figure a triumph for all Americans? Maybe all you socialists see it that way, but not all Americans do.
Me, too. The guy is criminal.
Read the indictment.
Go read the constitution. There are no amendments to the act of treason.
I don’t believe he has stolen anything. I don’t think he killed or kidnapped anyone. I don’t think he has run anything but squeaky clean businesses. He has not war mongered. He caused the nation to prosper while he was the president. Oh the horror.
The Ham Sandwich is the 7th unindicted co-conspirator. Enjoy your from the gulag of their choice.
I have.
Last time I checked, prosecutors are not capable of reading minds. Every criminal accusation in that indictment is based on “President Trump intended to…”
Not a valid basis for an indictment.
Good to see you back Maureen.
I read the indictment and I see it as empty as my wallet around the end of the month. I watched the events of 06Jan unfold in real time and can tell you from simple observation that none of these charges are legit.
And when you consider that the people pushing these charges have taken cash payments from hostile foreign governments (like china for example) and that members of that group would have been in jail if not for their political association (bidens, clintons, obamas) then the idea of a two tier ‘justice’ system looms large.
What’s funny is you think this might be the one.
Regarding the alleged 1 tier justice system, get back to us when Hunter is in jail and Grandpa is in court for bribery and racketeering.
You do understand bribery is a treasonous act? Right? There is only one verdict for treason. Jail time and fines are not involved.
Bribery requires a trial and a conviction before any punishment can be rendered.
Bribery, in and of itself in not treason against the nation. It can be linked, but legally isn’t necessarily connected.
Jail times and fines are common punishments for many crimes.
Many people are currently in jail for treason.
There is zero way this nation will have an octogenarian put in front of a firing squad and shot at dawn. We’re not that Banana Republic yet.
No but we are a Contitutional Republic, and please source those being held for treason.
We do.
When are we going to indict President Biden?
Significantly more evidence on that charge.
We all know who the real enemy is here…our very own Government.. They wanna bury Trump with this crap to harm the upcoming election. Guess what? It’s only cementing in the very devious nature of those trying to STILL prosecute him for nothing! Bumbling Bidens son does blow in the White House behind his mother in a video, but yeah let’s go after a completely innocent person because of their Agenda!
Joe Biden could still put quite a few supporters in the basement of the White House, cheering him on during his rally. But most Democrats are so embarrassed to have a complete moron, degenerate, pervert, and DUMB titular head of party. Democrats: the party of intellectuals and progressives? The joke is on them.
Come on man!
Does anyone notice that Jack Smith bears close resemblance to Hunter Biden? DNA check time.
We already knew this was gonna happen. The DOJ is wildly corrupt and is after Trump at all costs.
Two things to remember:
-Smith is a gun for hire with a history of botching these kind of persecutions. He did such a bad job in Va SCOTUS went 8-0 against him.
-All anyone is hearing now is the media and DOJs dream scenario. The very best Smith has to offer up. Now that he’s moving the defense can participate. The counts can be fully vetted, challenged, and pushed back on.
Assuming Smith bothers to release all his evidence this time. He’s been caught once this week.
I sure hope this is worth it to the progressives. Payback is gonna be brutal. Joe should go ahead and pardon Hunter now before Hunters sad life gets any more revealed.
The left wanted a Banana Republic. Be care in wishing, you might just get it.
I am confused about this Banana Republic reference. Banana Republics typically rely on one product for export. Bananas for example, imagine that. They also are typically unstable democracy’s. I can kind of understand the unstable part after what tRump pulled on Jan 6, however, the US does not appear close to relying on one export?
“I am confused” is the most coherent thing you’ve said today
I have no time for deliberately ignorant trolls. Go play elsewhere
Are you trying to convince anyone that TMA was comparing exports?
Ohhh…. I get it. You are doing the troll thing. Where you will dismiss any points made because the commenter accidentally used “then” instead of “than.”
You are overlooking a critical fact Skippy. Now that Trump is formally indicted he has the right to subpoena all documents related to the elections. As you recall, all his earlier attempts to discover evidence were thwarted by court-imposed procedural roadblocks. These included lack of standing, jurisdiction or compelling evidence (which is an opinion). Trump’s now unleashed ability to gather evidence will likely be a significant game changer.
They got him. If he does time, he should spill his guts on Kennedy, roswell and warp drive.
I never heard that before. (For the multi-billiionth time.)
Seriously, they got him? Turn the record over. That song is old.
For what? Asking those present to peacefully protest and remain calm? Capitol Police attacked the crowd with flash bangs and tear gas. Asking Judas Pence to do his duty and return the electoral vote to the states for further review? I think you been drinking Kool-aid Greg.
All this is is a sad version of Letters to Penthouse, progressive style.
That’s ?
????? This is a flipping joke!!! Keep it up dumb a$$’s!!!
TRUMP 2024???
It never ends. It was never about justice it’s about owning the news cycle, as mentioned, to deflect the true crimes being perpetrated by the Biden crime family.
This just in: Peter Smith is seeking an indictment against Trump’s haircut.
In the immortal words of James Comer – “If its not illegal it should be”. Who is Peter Smith?
You really don’t get sarcasm, do you?
Sorry, I though I missed something.
The Trumps and Bidens are side shows. Brace yourselves for life–floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, unrelenting heat waves, social unrest, financial upheavals, hunger, despair.
When the finale “kicks in,” neither the Bidens nor the Trumps will have done a damn thing.
The weather things, I do not know about, they may happen, they may not.
But, the social unrest, the financial upheavals, the hunger… those are definitely on the horizon and approaching fast.
We get it Upshot. Its not breaking news. It was foretold in writing abut 2000-yrs ago by a follower of Jesus named John on the island of Patmos, Greece.
Will see what Gen Eric Smith (USMC) and the head of White Hats does now. The criminal cartel was supposed to be arrested in June.
I’m sure this will fall on deaf ears based on most of the comments here, but federal regulations were put in place for the use of a special prosecutor specifically in cases where there is a clear possibility of a conflict of interest. If those here claiming that this is politically motivated, then please provide actual evidence that Biden is leading the charge with any of this.
Trump has nobody to blame but himself, his big mouth, and his bruised ego.
Nice dilemma. Going between the goat horns: you left out foreign influence among others. “Who do I gotta answer to; the queen?” Who, indeed. The jesuits? Old religionists? A mason or two? WHO? I’ll leave out the obvious others for another full moon evening. The arrogance is a bit thick.
Your reference to foreign influence, is that meant to refer to Putin’s control over tRump or Saudi Arabia’s purchase of tRump?
None of the above. It’s in reference to the biden cabal taking cash from china, ukraine, russian oligarchs, etc. in trade for ‘special favors’.
“Special favors”, isn’t that what led to Putin’s control over tRump? Paul, why are you ok with tRump receiving large amounts of cash from China when he was president? Ivanka receiving trademarks from China when she served as something in the WH? Jared received a couple billion from Saudi shortly after leaving office. Jared receiving $1.2 billion from Qatar while in office? Aren’t you a man of principal and integrity? If any evidence against Biden should ever be produced, I am all for sending him to prison. However, your deities in the GOP are not providing any positive role models for you, let alone any evidence. Sorry about that.
But then that pesky lap top turned up.
If Putin really controlled Trump, why would he wait until Trump was out of office to invade Ukraine?
Whether you like Putin or not, he is not that stupid.
The fact out of 300+ Million people the only two people we can get to run for President is an Useless Old leftist / Environmental activist with Dementia and a lying ego maniac who surrounded himself with unqualified family members as key members of his cabinet. No one seems to comprehend that neither candidate is worth anything and don’t care about the constitution at all.
This is Rome and the Visigoths are at the gate and it’s about to get sacked and NO ONE cares everyone is so entrenched in their tribalism. Veterans we tend to forget that Trump referred to us as “Suckers” and called McCain’s time as a POW (not his time as a Senator) a waste and said “I root for winners”…Same guy used executive order to do more damage to gun control (bump stocks) than Obama did in 8 years.
There has to be someone better suited to this than 2 guys near or in their 80’s (Trump 77 & Biden 80)
Karma finally comes calling…again.
So when’s the hit man Jack Smith going to indiicte the 75 million Legally registered voters who will vote for him again. Anyone who can’t see what’s obvious here is a complete and total moron, and Trumps popularity grows by the day lol.
I don’t see Mr. Smith indicting the 75 million legally registered tRump voters, however, I do see him possibly referring them for counseling!
I guess we finally imported enough bottom-of-the-barrel third worlders to achieve bottom-of-the-barrel third world-style politics.
Were they all on the grand jury looking at the evidence? Have you seen the evidence?
Does he have to be on the Jury to make a comment? you made a comment above about “we got him” where you on the Jury? No? Then go back into the corner and color, adults are talking.
I guess you’re referring to the workers who mow your lawn, clean your hotel rooms, harvest your produce, collect your trash, and also…pay their taxes so that you can receive your Social Security checks and Medicare benefits.
When I look at the people bringing me Third World-Style politics, I see mostly old, white, educated American males – guys that probably look a lot like YOU.
‘I guess you’re referring to the workers who mow your lawn, clean your hotel rooms, harvest your produce, collect your trash,’
Wow Whidbey. Marvelously racist comment there; third world people are only here to do manual labor. Wouldn’t have guessed that an old, white, educated American male, such as yourself would not be more enlightened.
Sadly this is a home grown collapse. Conservatives ceded the schools to the left 40 years ago.
The seeds were planted during Carter, and are in full bloom now.
The American people decide who their President is gping to be not some foreign booger or a prosecutor!
3 articles about this nonsense today on ADN. I haven’t seen any stories about Biden’s corruption once on ADN.
You didn’t think there would be, did you?
It’s not coincidence every time Hunter gets in trouble Jack Smith rolls out new charges or indictments the very next day.
Could it be due to lack of any credible evidence?
It could be.
But, one would think a former business associate of Hunter’s testifying under oath in front of Congress would constitute a newsworthy item, and even rise to the level of evidence. I know, crazy right? Remember when an extremely unreliable accuser was brought in front of the Senate, making claims of rape? I do. Seems that was well received as damning proof by the left, despite the fact the woman could not remember when, where, or produce any corroborating witnesses.
But… hey, ignore testimony damaging to the left, believe it if it damages the right.
CBMT, help me out here, did the business associate actually provide some meaningful evidence? If so, I missed it. What was the bombshell?
FYI, not on the left, just a moderate republican, not a Tumplican or Magabillie.
You are a RINO at best. Everything you write here is leftist, perhaps not extreme, but leftist.
And, the testimony provided by Devon Archer contained much more investigable information against the Bidens than anything I have seen so far against Trump.
Here is a tip. Put your dislike for Trump aside. Replace his name in the indictments with a politician that you can support, say Nancy Pelosi, and see if you think it holds water.
Here’s what gonna happen barring a major surprise.
-The DOJ will warp speed this trial. They need it to happen late summer/fall next year.
-Trump’s lawyer will try and fail to get a change of venue, setting the stage for multiple appeals.
-Trump will lose the trial. With a jury in DC, a radical judge with a horrific track record involving anyone related to Jan 6, he has little to know chance of winning in court.
-Trump’s team will immediately appeal on a massive set of grounds.
-Trump may or may not be elected POTUS. 50-50 at this moment.
-Trump will lose his appeal in the DC circuit court. Too hostile.
-Trump, if he wins, will begin the ugly political battle of purging the DOJ of partisans. The DOJ will probably being investigating anyone named Biden not pardoned on Joes way out the door. Garland, pardoned or not, will be hauled before Congress.
-Trump’s appeal will work its way to SCOTUS where his conviction gets laughed out of court.
-the media and the progressives will then launch a full court press against SCOTUS.
-the country continues to fracture at the seams.
You may be missing a significant likely scenario. Due to the current GOP clown show and lack of meaningful production, both houses of congress will be controlled by the democrats. If tRump does win he will be impeached and convicted.
If one takes time to step back and look around, you’ll likely understand what’s really happening is not good for America. That is, unless you favor communism.
How much of an America will we have after this debacle?
If we’re not very lucky and very careful, this rabid partisanship from both sides can tip us into civil war.
Might Smith’s newest indictment be a bit overhyped and overblown?
I concur with my favorite law professor, the distinguished George Washington Law School professor Jonathan Turley, who recently wrote:
“Special Counsel Jack Smith just issued the first criminal indictment of alleged disinformation in my view. If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku…”
I’ll put my money on the analysis of Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Emertus Laurence Tribe, who believes that Mr. Smith carefully crafted the indictment to avoid first amendment issues as it does not focus on or address incitement.
Jack Smith’s track record proves he is as inept as Lisa Murkowski when it come to matters of the law.
Might it be that TDR (Trump Derangement Syndrome) skews facts and logic every time? No worries though TDR-ers: TDR is cured the same way deep-seated hatred and bitterness is cured. Hatred and bitterness only hurts the hater, so let it go man, let it go.
***Oops, correction***
TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome; TDR is Trump Derangement Rehabilitation.
It’s interesting to see the progresses crowing about how they “got” Trump.
Problem is, the indictments appear to be lacking in substantive charges/specifics.
Wonder what they’ll say when Biden is charged with very specific charges?
The reality is, he’ll probably be kangaroo court convicted and it will be vacated by SCOTUS because there is literally no actionable “there, there.”
The quality of rebuttal by the usual suspects is really lacking.
Either they actually know how bad this is for Smith/Biden, or the s there a weed sale somewhere today?
The basic nut here:
Is the President allowed free speech? Or is he not?
Many Presidents have challenged legitimacy of elections. Obama included. This is the only time one has been indicted for it.
When has any previous President claimed that an election was rigged? Please give an example. A sitting President questioning the legitimacy of a national election is a dangerous precedent and all because he’s a sore loser. Every court that heard his challenges rejected them. Do you have evidence that wasn’t available to them?
I did not specify sitting POTUS or elections a sitting POTUS was involved in. Whatever you came up with is your fantasy and yours alone.
I’ll not take your bait for the simple reason there is nothing I could link to you’d accept. So why bother when I could do more productive things like watching paint dry.
What difference does the actual words of the statement make? Opinion, and free speech apply.
If the President sees something, and says in their opinion that the election was rigged, does he not have the right to do so?
Also, do you understand why the courts that saw the lawsuits rejected them? It was not because of lack of evidence. Please do not assume you are right because you read a news article.
cman is correct, even MA’s buddy Al Gore accepted the 2000 results after the Supreme Court ruling.
You really want me to notice you. But thank you for proving my point.
The beauty of it is, you don’t realize you did it.
I’ve been listening to a couple lawyers attempt to rationally discuss this. I make no claims about accuracy or inaccuracy.
A couple of takeaways:
-if Trump was genuinely following the advice given, or ignoring counsel he genuinely thought wrong, this is solid grounds for proof of lack of intent. A client can’t be held overly accountable for the actions of bad lawyers.
-this is an unprecedented stretch by Smith and the DOJ. One predicted to bite them later.
-even a change of venue probably won’t help Trump.
-any other person, this case doesn’t exist.
-On its merits, it’s weak. Probably to a degree politically motived. Smith and co are counting on the “righteous anger” of DC to do the heavy lifting for him.
-the real risk to Trump is the Miami case. He stands the best chance of a conviction there regarding Obstruction of Justice for denying a grand jury subpoena. The concern there is sympathy he might garner from being targeted.
-there was open speculation if all charges would be dropped if Trump would quit the race.
-there was significant discussion on how this mess will bleed him dry financially, and is that the real point of this.
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