Breaking: Nick Begich gets unanimous endorsement for Congress from Alaska Outdoor Council


Republican candidate Nick Begich received yet another big endorsement on Thursday: The Alaska Outdoor Council has just voted unanimously to endorse him for Congress.

One of the most respected organizations that advocates for hunting and fishing, the Alaska Outdoor Council was ranked by the University of Alaska as a top influential advocacy organization in Alaska. It has thousands of members and raises millions of dollars to advocate for access to Alaska’s outdoor recreation opportunities.

Begich filed for office in late October and has been chalking up an impressive list of endorsements, including from several Republican districts, and leading Alaskans from across the state.


  1. Unfortunately for Nick, the name Begich has been forever poisoned for me by Mark. I don’t care how you say Begich all I hear is Mark rationalizing another tax increase or fee.

    • That’s an embarrassing intellectual condition you got there G. There is a treatment for it though: reason.

  2. Tara Sweeney, a pro development Alaskan Native from the North Slope, impressive resume, is it not time to have an Alaskan Native explaining the importance of resource development, the role the joint partnerships with the oil industry with the Native Corporations, and the environmental safeguards we have in Alaska to members of congress ? Tara would bring an unique perspective to Alaska’s fight for resource development.

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