Breaking: New commissioner of Public Safety is James Cockrell


Former Alaska State Trooper James Cockrell is returning to state service as the commissioner of Public Safety. Gov. Mike Dunleavy made the announcement today in Kenai at the Kenai Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center.

Cockrell had been named head of the Troopers in 2014 and had served with the state on and off for decades, retiring in 2004, and then again in 2007, and most recently retiring in 2017. Cockrell worked as a Fish and Wildlife officer, and as head of Alaska Wildlife Troopers.

Recently, he was working for Marathon at the Kenai, Alaska refinery as their site security supervisor.

Former Commissioner of Public Safety Amanda Price had leaked the information out four days earlier on Facebook.


  1. Yet another layer of the onion and another facet of Ms. Price. Clearly she was poorly suited to her prior responsibilities for more than one reason.

    Loose lips will have no place in law enforcement.

  2. Exactly. This lady could have accepted her dismissal, with grace, and simply said they accomplished x, y, and z together but ultimately did not share the same view of the direction of the department. If people wanted to articulate she then could, politely, but when pettiness and arrogance gets in the way of reason, this is what it looks like. “Serve at the pleasure of the Governor” means, he can fire you if he didn’t like the way you parted your hair that day. It’s an appointment. It’s a political appointment. By definition it’s based solely on whether or not you are fulfilling the wishes of the person who appointed you. If the Gov had asked her to break a law, that’s one thing, but a staffing decision? One he apparently asked her to hold off on and she didn’t? Now, more than a month later, she’s still trying to thwart his admin by leaking things? It just looks awful. Who would hire this person? It’s a shame too because it seemed like she did have some good ideas and was working well on some levels. There’s a bright person there who probably could do some good but ego has now handicapped that.

  3. So what if Ms. Price informed us early. Big freeking deal. Frankly, I hope she writes a tell all of all the nastiest secrets the police have. That could make a whole bunch of them start having stress induced palpitations…

  4. Soooo, in some Constitutional states, there’s a guy, a Sheriff who takes complaints of Constitutional misfeasance who takes complaints about government non-compliance with the Constitution by public servant or servant(s) and has authority to declare unconstitutional color of law non-effective laws made by pongers. Is this our guy? Or Alaska is not allowed to have one of those Constitution defender guys in the great north hinterlands. They are enormously helpful where they are “allowed” by pongers to exist.
    Answer me please.

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