Breaking: Dan Fagan returns to airwaves on KVNT


A legend in Alaska talk radio is coming back to the airwaves in Alaska after taking 18 months off. Dan Fagan says retirement is not all it’s cracked up to be.

“It’s been 18 months since I walked away from the microphone – believing at the time – I was done for good. But how much golf can one man really play? On Monday, I’m jumping back into the battle, ready to fight, fight, fight, as our next president has called us to do. My show will air between 7 & 9 AM on KVNT 92.5 FM in Eagle River, 104.5 FM in Anchorage and 1020 AM in the Mat-Su Valley and streamed globally on

Fagan was also a popular columnist here at Must Read Alaska until his retirement. Hopefully he’ll get back on his keyboard and contribute in this space, as well as over the airwaves. Fagan moved to New Orleans a several years ago to take care of his aging mother. His show, which ended in December of 2022, ran five days a week for four years. Prior to that, he had a long history in journalism and pioneered conservative blogging in Alaska with the Alaska Standard, which he stopped publishing years ago. He’s also written opinion columns for the news site for New Orleans.

Here’s one of his last columns at MRAK:


  1. “………how much golf can one man really play?……….”
    Why don’t you keep playing and let us know? If there is something that this society has way too much of, it’s another “voice” making noise. Thanks for your service, but I don’t think your return is going to help anything except your income.

    • Can you imagine living in a society where ideas are no longer debated, and conversation becomes simply attacks on character and people if the idea does not comport with the person launching the attack? Concepts, proposals, and animated discussions are always second to ad hominem. Some desire that. Some do not.
      Those who do not believe in character impugning believe the marketplace of ideas will bankrupt bad ideas, regardless of the author. Those who desire personal attacks over idea evaluation may fear their idea will become bankrupt if exposed to the market.

      • Spot on. Well penned. Listening to the drivel of r/t above and reading it on almost every topic by the same word salad king.
        Reminds me of the old saying “ opinions are like A hole” common sense……… not so much.
        Ain’t no fury like a woman scorned.

      • “Can you imagine living in a society where ideas are no longer debated, and conversation becomes simply attacks on character and people if the idea does not comport with the person launching the attack?………”
        I don’t need to imagine it. We live there. But since Mr. Fagan had been a prominent voice during our downslide to today for a good 20 years or so, how is his comeback from retirement in the Lower 48 going to be our salvation today?

    • “If there is something that this society has way too much of, it’s another “voice” making noise.”

      Well said, Reggie! And no doubt you’ll volunteer to start with your own.

      • I have a lot to say that keep to myself. Frankly, yeah, the things I have said publicly for the past half century or so has been for naught. People don’t want to listen to anything. They want to talk. It’s all about their “First Amendment rights”. “Peaceful protest”, and all that great stuff.
        Which is exactly why I’m asking why Mr. Fagan’s return to the public airwaves is somehow now going to make a magical difference. Does he have something new to say? Did he move to the states and discover some sort of magical mystery to share with us?

  2. Welcome back, big boy. Maybe you can bring a touch of class back to Anchorage by simply grunting and thumping your chest!

  3. Dan didn’t get it all right, not by a long shot, but he keeps the conversation going and he will occasionally change course when he’s wrong and that is rare. His return is a good thing.

  4. Is Dan sitting in Anchorage while doing the show, or is he sitting in New Orleans and doing the show from there. God Bless Reggie Taylor.

  5. Welcome back Dan, as long as you don’t push pebble mine on the radio as Trump said no through Army Cor. of Eng. permit denial and pebble’s parent company Northern Dynasty’s security’s fraud conviction and cannot ever apply for another federal mining permit again, nobody likes a lier, good riddance 😉

  6. Praise God! Thank you, Dan!!!!!!!

    We greatly need your “truth matters” point of view! Missed you!

    The Palin cult is still at. They even lied to Trump, telling him false things about Nick Begich, turning Trump against Nick. They’re lies instead of truth based.

    By the way, sadly, still, no one here is telling the truth about vitamin D. The vast majority of Alaskans are deficient even right now in summer, so many are unnecessarily depressed, can’t sleep soundly enough, and making Big Pharma rich, having many physical ailments that inexpensive vitamin D fixes, since most people are still not getting enough sunlight exposure to their skin, which will no longer be possible again in one month from now until May 2025, because the sun angle is too low.

    No one is saying anything; though, high enough vitamin D levels were the key to the USA overcoming Covid. Dr. Pierre Kory wrote an entire book telling the truth about Ivermectin, but knows inexpensive vitamin D was the main, easy-to-implement solution that would have changed the face of Covid!

    Dr. Pierre Kory: A national VITAMIN D campaign to get levels above 50 would have changed the face of Covid!

    “If I were ever put in charge of the response to this, first thing I would have done: a national public service campaign telling all the doctors to check the vitamin D levels of all their patients, and put them on a replenishment protocol, getting those levels above 50 [ng/ml]. If you had just done that simple thing, the government knows, and they’ve known for decades that in some estimates, 90% of our population is vitamin D deficient. And that’s deficient even according to their very low levels of vitamin D. Had we done a national vitamin D replenishment campaign , that would have changed the face of this [sweeping his hands to his sides, palms down, like an umpire signaling ‘safe!’].” – Dr. Pierre Kory, July 14, 2022

    Dr. Pierre Kory @ Sen. Johnson’s forum: A national VITAMIN D campaign could have protected us from Covid mortality. The only thing they recommended was Tylenol

    Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: “Big Pharma is terrified of vitamin D — it threatens the disease model. We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide [for Covid]; would have been very easy to do”

    This is the most comprehensive site on vitamin D, put together by a retired engineer:

    100 illnesses are listed on the main page with thousands of links to studies.

    Our main problem in Alaska is spiritual, so most men are compromised through lust, etc., so evil forces are easily taking over Anchorage and America. But low vitamin D is also a significant factor, and is easy to fix, but Big Pharma has been stifling the truth to make money: “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”

    We need a Great Awakening:

    Rand Paul in 2013: America Needs a Spiritual Revival — “Don’t look toward your politicians for all the answers. Look to your spiritual leaders. This country needs a revival and a cultural reformation, but it’s not going to come from government or a law”

    Rand Paul in 2012: Spiritual leaders need to step up and bring in the Third Great Awakening ! To be fully pro-life, “war is the last resort!” “I think we really are in spiritual crisis as a country and we need a re-awakening. We need a rival. In my state at Cain Ridge Kentucky in 1801, Pastor Barton Stone started the Second Great Awakening. It was a tent revival. People by the tens of thousands came. This isn’t something a politician is going to do. I think we need other leaders we need to be in search in just not answers from Washington, we need answers from our spiritual leaders.”

    “History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.” – Douglas MacArthur

    Dan, THANKS for for being faithful to what is true, instead of telling people what they want to hear — standing up to the haters in this truth and freedom fight!

    So glad you’re back on the air, and KVNT will have archives of your shows to be listened to at any time!

    God bless!!!

    • Here’s just one vitamin D fact about breast cancer that most Alaskans don’t know, which would save Alaskans $billions, along with their health and lives, but all we hear on the radio is non-profit Providence telling women to get mammograms.

      Analysis of 70 Studies Finds 71% LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK with VITAMIN D Level of 60 vs. 20 ng/ml

      Experts say that if everyone’s vitamin D levels were high enough, hospital visits in general would be cut by two thirds!

      A large percentage of Alaskans work for Big Pharma, so they were monetarily incentivized to defend the Covid disinformation and not look into and tell the truth about high enough vitamin D solving Covid for most.

      And of course, our government (including Dunleavy and Dr. Zink) and our mainstream media are in collusion with Big Pharma.

      I told Nancy Dahlstrom about vitamin D. She said she knew about it because she had worked with former Alaska State Rep. Paul Seaton, who tried to tell Alaskans the truth about vitamin D for many years; though, she didn’t seem interested in doing anything about it.

      Why don’t all Alaskans know this, especially because of our low sun angle and SAD, seasonal affective disorder, which the media has been mum about since Covid.

      And since black lives absolutely matter, not informing them that dark skinned people need up to 10 times the amount of sunlight to get the same amount of vitamin D as whites? Blacks died at twice the rate of whites of Covid, mainly because of low vitamin D. Whites who had the same low D numbers died at the same rate.

      Most Alaskans don’t even know how much vitamin D to take, thinking that the RDA is enough, which is only enough to stop Rickets.

      All Alaskan women need to know this and many other facts about vitamin D.


      • Spot-on reference vitamin D, take it with K2 and magnesium to ensure it’s absorbed correctly. Amazon, or Costco, grab those 5000 IU gummies and go do some tentative research.

      • What are all of these people that are supposedly deficient in Vitamin D eating exactly? I’ve only had breakfast so far today and have already had 114% of my RDA Vitamin D needs. It really isn’t difficult to get enough on a daily basis. I’m usually around 250% of my RDA on a daily basis. I seriously doubt your claims.

        • cman,

          What you say proves how little most Alaskans know about vitamin D. Why do you think yoiu’re getting enough vitamin D by taking 250% of the RDA, perhaps 1500 IU? As I said, the RDA is just enough to stop rickets. Unless you’re getting sun exposure when the sun is above a 45° angle you’re probably deficient in Vitamin D, below 30 ng/ml in a blood test, not even in the normal range at all.

          The ‘safe’ level for Covid is considered to be above 50 ng/ml, and ideally we should be higher to fight off diseases and to feel the best. For example, I show that above 60 ng/ml is the ‘safe’ level for breast cancer, and more seems to show even more protection. See the graphs in the study, linked above.

          The safest level for all-cause mortality, including cancer is close to 100 ng/ml. 30-100 ng/ml is considered normal in lab blood tests, but normal is not ideal. Most Alaskans aren’t even in the normal range, determined by Big Pharma. Normal range for dogs is 100-150 ng/ml. Pets should be given vitamin D also. Vets can test blood levels. If they don’t want to, find a different vet.

          It’s impossible to get enough vitamin D from food alone, except for the original Alaska Native diet, which included salmon that was dried in the sun. Salmon already has D, but the sunlight turns substances in the skin into high amounts of vitamin D. Alaska State Rep. Paul Seaton talked about this while in office, and that now most Natives no longer dry salmon in the sun, so the Natives now have a serious deficiency problem. Big Pharma fought Rep. Seaton tooth and nail, because people taking enough vitamin D is bad for business — the “love of money” thing.

          Vitamin D capsules are produced by exposing lanolin from sheep’s wool to UVB rays, which is similar to what the Natives were doing by drying salmon in sunlight.

          Vitamin D is hormone that helps regulate the body in many ways. It’s not just a vitamin.

          Most people require taking 5,000 iu or more per day to get levels above 50 ng/ml, and especially to get in the ideal range of 80-100 ng/ml. And most 5,000 iu gel caps aren’t actually 5,000 iu. Many people need twice that much. It’s good to get blood levels checked in summer and winter.

          The Alaska Health Fair does inexpensive vitamin D tests, as does the lab listed in my fact sheet, which I put together when I was trying to tell people the truth about D during Covid.

          I put a lot of info into this, which also shows it’s virtually impossible to get enough D just from food. A Mayo Clinic article written by vitamin D expert Dr. Michael Holick, “Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective,” which proves vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare; though, many Alaskan doctors are still pushing this fallacy. Dr. Hollick explains how this serious misconception started 100 years ago, and never was corrected by Big Pharma, who make money on drugs they can patent and surgeries only they can do. It would be great if Dr. Hollick could come to Alaska during a future Alaska Covid Alliance Summit, so Alaskans could learn the truth.

          My fact sheet that covers a lot of issues relating to Alaskans and vitamin D:

          High Enough Vitamin D – Freedom From Covid Fear (for most) — Studies / How Much to Take / New Standards / 70% Lower Breast Cancer Risk!

          TRUTH MATTERS!

          Dan Fagan is all about the truth!

  7. Dan Fagan is/was a great talk show host. He has the uncanny ability to get to the Truth and unmasking candidates, elected officials and Deep Staters in Alaska. He digs and digs and digs to get the unvarnished from the shellaced.

  8. I didn’t care for his show last time, so I’ll probably not bother with it this time.

    However, I’m pleased his health and circumstances are good enough to allow him to return.
    I wish him luck.

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