Big donor steps forward for Dunleavy for Alaska



A large donation came in the door on Tuesday at Dunleavy for Alaska, the independent group working to elect Mike Dunleavy as governor.

Former gubernatorial candidate Scott Hawkins became the fourth-largest contributor to the independent expenditure group, with a $20,000 check.

“It was not my destiny to continue in the race for governor this year,” said Hawkins, who dropped from contention in June to focus on his health. “Nonetheless, we desperately need a fiscally conservative, pro-business leader in Juneau. Mike Dunleavy is the clear choice. Only he can end the hard-left, budget-busting governance of the past four years. I encourage my friends and colleagues in the Alaska business community to meet my challenge and respond in kind.”

“Terre Gales (chairman for Dunleavy for Alaska) and his team delivered a historic landslide victory in the primary.  I am pleased to help them do it again in November,” Hawkins said.

“Scott Hawkins is a class act and we are thrilled to have his support. With a little over a month to go this donation will help us reach voters with Mike Dunleavy’s uplifting message about Alaska’s future,” Gales said this morning.

Dunleavy for Alaska has raised $766,614 so far this year, with most donations coming in from Alaskans at amounts under $500. Much of it has been spent increasing the name recognition of the former Arctic educator, who became a state senator before launching a bid for governor.

As for the national polls, the state is increasingly leaning Republican as the election gets closer, with new polling data released on Tuesday:

Meanwhile, the Dunleavy for Alaska group, responsible for the brightly colored and iconic campaign signs, rolled out a new mama moose design for those who are collecting the whole set:



  1. This is very important. Throughout 2018 Dunleavy and Hawkins were the only candidates in the gubernatorial race that understand that Alaska can only have as much government as its private sector can afford. In particular, Walker and Begich talk about finding more money for government as equivalent to recovering from the Walker recession, and as all working people know that is a dead end. In the Walker-Begich economic model only Juneau recovers, and even at that the recovery is short lived. Alaska needs to produce more goods and services the world wants to buy, and Dunleavy and Hawkins know that and talk about it.

  2. I like those Dunleavy signs in the photo. Mostly because they remind me of two in my front yard that were just like it and were taken.

    Last election, folks took my Trump signs, too. In 30 years of politicking, this is now the second time for such thievery in as many years.

    It is a shameful debasement of freedom for folks to steal political signs from one’s yard.

    I won’t fight back in the same way, but will fight back, honoring freedom of speech.

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