Biden’s jab rule: Businesses with over 100 workers have until Jan. 4 to enact mandate


The Biden Administration today announced that businesses with more than 100 employees must have their workforce fully vaccinated for Covid-19 no later than Jan. 4.

Those who do not comply must enact weekly testing of their unvaccinated workers, and unvaccinated workers will be forced to wear masks, while vaccinated persons will not, according to the regulations released by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on Thursday.

Also, by Dec. 5, any unvaccinated person working for one of the companies affected by the mandate will be required by federal regulation to wear a mask while on the job.

More than 80 million Americans are thought to be affected by the regulation, which also orders companies to give paid time off to employees who want to get vaccinated, as well as paid time off for any side effects, through Dec. 5.

Companies that do not comply may be fined up to $14,000 per violation. Any further or defiant noncompliance could draw even higher fines, OSHA said.

OSHA says this new rule will supersede any state or local laws that prevent such mandates. There are no exemptions for those with natural immunity to the Covid virus.

“OSHA determined that workers who have been infected with COVID-19 but have not been fully vaccinated still face a grave danger from workplace exposure to SARS-CoV-2,” according to OSHA.

It appears the agency is starting to work on widening the mandate for those employers with a workforce of less than 100.

“The agency is moving in a stepwise fashion on the short timeline necessitated by the danger presented by COVID-19 while soliciting stakeholder comment and additional information to determine whether to adjust the scope of the [emergency temporary standard] to address smaller employers in the future,” OSHA said, asking employers to offer their guidance on whether the Biden Administration should “impose a strict vaccination mandate (i.e., all employers required to implement mandatory vaccination policies as defined in this [emergency temporary standard]) with no alternative compliance option.”

Several lawsuits from Republican-run states are in the queue, which may lead to a court-ordered hold on the OSHA rule.


  1. “OSHA determined that workers who have been infected with COVID-19 but have not been fully vaccinated still face a grave danger from workplace exposure to SARS-CoV-2”
    So let me get this straight, the dangerous ‘vaccine’ is not enough to protect someone that is ‘vaccinated’ so now everyone will be forced/coerced to get it?
    If the ‘vaccine’ works good, then why doesn’t it work good?

    • It’s not a vaccine it is a shot. A vaccine by definition “any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production.” Even with the shot you still can get infected. So it does not rate to be called a vaccine.

      • There are many vaccines that you can get and still be infected with the disease the vaccine is designed to protect against. The influenza vaccine comes to mind, but the same holds true for pretty much every vaccine to one degree or another.

      • Good point, Steve-o. The flu vaccine from a guess of which of last years strains to pile in there is also terribly ineffective statistically. It is mostly for the gullible so it is an excellent comparison. Although it has a safer track record in the long term and it is not even close to as dangerous as this clot shot.

  2. Dunleavy better stand up for us Alaskans. they want to mandate, punish and fine hard working Americans to not take the jab but immigrants can walk right in, no testing, no jab required and get $450,000. COMMIE CLOWN WORLD.

  3. A lot of angry people are now going to be royally pissed off losing their livelihood along with facilitating the speed of destruction of many businesses and a already faltering economy, good job dumb a$$ and all the schmoes who voted for this royal idiot in office.

  4. This would be like Israel be forced to buy their Covid-Vax from Germany.

    oh never mind. Israel did the math and decided to buy the Covid-Vax from Germany because its safe and effective. Though the historical perspective is fascinating. In Anchorage folks are saying health-mandates are like what the Germans did to the Jews, All the while the Jewish State is buying Covid-Vax and Boosters from Germany. Just saying

      • It is fully working in Israel as advertised-why are you making stuff up?
        Now that folks are getting boosted case numbers have flattened.

        • DB
          While your statement may be factual on any single particular day it is inaccurate and misleading to say Isreal shows the vaccine to be working as advertised . You can cherry pick numbers all you like but it doesn’t make a credible point. Daily cases on a side by side comparison mean nothing. Example- on August 16 Alaska had 273 active cases and Israel had 8,797 active case and you can find days that the numbers are opposite. One, more accurate, way is to separate into the 10 months pre-vaccine vs. 10 months post vaccine. If you look at Isreals numbers you will see that in the first 10 months of Covid there were around 376,000 cases and around 3100 deaths (pre-vaccine). In the next 10 months (post vaccine) there have been almost 1,000,000 cases(yes, 1 million) and over 5,000 deaths totaling over 1,334,000 and 8,000 respectively. Many more cases and deaths after vaccines than before in an equal time period. The same holds true for Alaska. If you look at Alaska during the same 10 month time frames you have 43,000 cases and 270 deaths pre-vaccine vs. 97,000 cases and 490 deaths post vaccine totaling over 139,000 cases and 763 deaths. Once again more cases and deaths post vaccine roll outs.
          If you really look at total numbers many places with high vaccine rates have higher total cases and deaths post vaccine. Take your vaccine if you want but don’t use partial numbers to make your point of why you want others to take it unless you are willing to discuss the facts. You can say there were less deaths per cases post vaccine but why were there so many more cases post vaccine if it reduces transmission. If it doesn’t reduce transmission and possibly increases it then what…

        • DB?!?
          That’s hilarious.
          What is Israel on now? 4th clot shot per person? Or 5th?
          Why do many ‘boosters’?
          If the ‘vaccine’ works good, then why doesn’t it work good?

      • Indeed, let’s look at the numbers in Israel.
        Israel has more than 10 times the population of Alaska, yet we have roughly the same number of cases per day, we have roughly the same number of severely ill or hospitalized people with covid. That means Israel has about 1/10 the cases and hospitalization rate that we do per capita.
        Oh and the majority of cases and hospitalizations are in the unvaccinated, both here and in Israel.

        • According to Forbes, NPR, etc., you’re dead wrong.
          And if it actually worked like a decent vaccine, the ‘vaccinated’ shouldn’t have to care if others joined their cult. They’d be protected.
          If the ‘vaccine’ works good, then why doesn’t it work good?

          • Because 40% unvaccinated still makes it the number 3 killer in Alaska. The unvaxed overload our hospitals, and causing a burden on health care facilities and who is paying for that burden?

            Non-smokers shouldn’t care if others smoke, except we have to pay for it so we tax cigs heavily. Same for alcohol. Are you suggesting we should tax the unvaxed?

          • I’m not sure what Forbes or NPR are saying, check with the Israeli Health Ministry or any of the news sources in Israel.

          • DB (I wonder at what those letters are for. I wonder less when I read your comments.), natural immunity is 27 times better than any clot shot ‘immunity’. There are plenty of breakthrough infections in the (not overwhelmed) hospitals.

        • Steve O
          Since your statement is so similar and in agreement with DB I’ll answer similarly.
          Your statement may be factual on any particular day but it is inaccurate and misleading to say Isreal shows the vaccine to be working. Daily cases on a side by side comparison mean nothing. Example- on August 16 Alaska had 273 active cases and Israel had 8,797 active case. One way is to separate into the 10 months pre-vaccine vs. 10 months post vaccine. If you look at Isreals numbers you will see that in the first 10 months of Covid there were around 376,000 cases and around 3100 deaths (pre-vaccine). In the next 10 months (post vaccine) there have been almost 1,000,000 cases(yes, 1 million) and over 5,000 deaths totaling over 1,334,000 and 8,000 respectively. Many more cases and deaths after vaccines than before in an equal time period. The same holds true for Alaska. If you look at Alaska during the same 10 month time frames you have 43,000 cases and 270 deaths pre-vaccine vs. 97,000 cases and 490 deaths post vaccine totaling over 139,000 cases and 763 deaths. If you really look at total numbers many places with high vaccine rates have higher total cases and deaths post vaccine. Take your vaccine if you want but don’t use partial numbers to make your point of why you want others to take it unless you are willing to discuss the facts. Hospitalizations are another story and require much more scrutiny to have accurate data and that is hard to accomplish in a comment section. There are credible studies out of Vermont, Massachusetts and Isreal which are all highly vaccinated areas that show more vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths. Studies including pre-vaccine availability data agree with your assertions and many studies including only post vaccine availability show the opposite.

    • I’m guessing that you don’t realize that this is so devoid of logic that it seems intentionally farcical?

        • Yes, DB, yes they do…please cite Nationwide MANDATES to do so rather than VOLUNTARILY doing so….I shall wait….

        • Also, the flu vaccine is actually a vaccine from a guess of which of last years strains to pile in there is also terribly ineffective statistically. It is mostly for the gullible so it is an excellent comparison. Although it has a safer track record in the long term and it is not even close to as dangerous as this clot shot.

    • Thank you for the dumbest analogy ever. Let me straighten you out. Forcing people to take an injection which may kill them is “like what the Germans did to the Jews”. There. That was easy now wasn’t it.

  5. I supported Dunleavy when he ran although I am known to not be overly happy with him currently. If he doesn’t fight against this disgusting violation of human rights, I will not be able to support him again. Dunleavy has said on radio shows that I have heard recently that he doesn’t feel he has the right to tell businesses if they can or can’t enforce their own vaccine mandate privately – well then neither should Biden. This is absolute blackmail. They are forcing businesses to perpetuate this on workers with their ability to feed their families and maintain a home.

  6. This is illogical to the point of psychotic. Hijacking people’s employment for an injection that stops neither the acquisition nor transmission of its largely survivable target virus is insane. Why, Joe?

    • Cedric,
      We are gearing up, but in Fairbanks, and have a mechanical position. Absolutely no required jabs, masks or other nonsense at our facility. No one has ever been out one day over this SARS virus either.
      Prefer people around who are not experimenting with these toxins due to the increased viral load they carry and effects of shedding the toxins.
      The vaccine shedding effects others negatively.

  7. Next the government will be telling me where I am allowed to eat, what time I can shop, and what bathroom and public fountain I can use. Why do employers need federal contracts anyway? Its all coming down to the basic you love your Freedom or do you love money? Well you know! If this country implodes like that prosperous babylon city, the compliant employers will still lose its federal contracts if there is no country. Then what was the compliance all for!?

    • But, he is enacting this mandate for the greater good.
      How many atrocities throughout history started off with “It’s for the greater good?”

  8. It is very telling that the Biden regime keeps extending the so called ‘mandate’ for vax compliance. As time passes, the hammer that they thought they wielded is dissipating. More companies are saying Let’s Go Brandon to the regime. The huge loss in Virginia and other places this Tuesday has totally neutered the regime. No company is going to utterly destroy themselves for a toothless ‘mandate’. The legal basis for the feds to impose such a mandate grows weaker by the day. Two things to watch closely: (1) the fury of parents over vax ‘mandates’ for their children. (You thought Critical Race Theory was a biggie!). (2) when people start understanding there has been readily available, very effective, and inexpensive therapeutics for early treatment of Covid that has been suppressed by the government at all levels. How many thousands needlessly died by self serving corrupt government policies which demonized these therapeutics and terrorized doctors from prescribing their use? The Tuesday night political bloodbath will pale in comparison. The Biden regime, big pharma, democrat party, mainstream media etc. will all suffer ”bigly”.

    • ?? Hoping. At this point I would opt for weekly testing. Even vaccinated I would not disclose but simply test, as even vaccinated I am still not exempt from contracting nor transmitting. For me it is a matter of principal. There should be no mandate.

      • The testing swab contains a carcinogen, so go ahead a continue sticking a cancer causing toxin up your noise if you want, weekly. I won’t!

      • And since the clot shot doesn’t actually protect, those in the cult should still have to swab just as much, if not more.
        The only decent immunity to this is natural. That should be the gold standard if it were at all about the science.

    • Of course it doesn’t. They’ll become new leftist voters as soon as they’re given an endless stream of our tax dollars and finish their indoctrination seminars. Obama did the same thing in a smaller fashion. He bus, trucked, flew and railed illegals into America for quite some time while protected by his DOJ and activist judges.

      • The government is negotiating with the ACLU to pay $450,000 to each alien who claim they were “separated” during their criminal entry into the United States.

    • Of course not! They have been admitted among the privileged, for now. Their purpose is voting. Once the left has completely changed our country to a Marxist elitist structure, only then will the illegals have served their purpose, and will be treated like the rest of us. Of course as ‘serfs’ they will be finally legal. ?

    • Nor does it apply to Congress the USPS and others. There is not an emergency if you selectively apply the pressure.

  9. There are some LTC/ALF’s I Alaska that are requiring all staff be vaccinated and not offering any exemptions.

    • “President Joe Biden says all federal employees will have to be vaccinated and weekly tests are not an option to get out of taking the shot. But one big group of people who get paid out of the federal treasury won’t have to get vaccinated: Congress.
      The thing to remember is that the president controls the executive branch of government but can’t tell the legislative branch what to do, so Congress can make its own rules about vaccine requirements.
      House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said back in April there would not be a vaccine requirement for members of Congress and their staff.” Article in Poynter September 13 this year.

      The very fact that this is going on, and congress is exempt from vaccination makes all this seem even more strange! What is going on with that!? Vaccinate everyone but not those people why? Even more of a reason to just say NO! What we are just ignoring those Drs that spoke in Anchorage at the summit? Jig is up… We know the Biden Regime are up to NO GOOD!

      • If we had a functioning media, there’d be a “vaccine manufacturer collusion” investigation going on right now.
        Who’s profiting from kickbacks, and who has actually avoided taking the vaccination amongst those profiteers.

      • Curiously… Congress is an employer with significantly more than 100 employees. Gee, I guess that part of the mandate is flexible as well.

      • Yeah, who cares about the US Constitution and that pesky separation of powers problem? The reason this mandate is unconstitutional has a lot to do with the separation of powers that you would throw out the window.

  10. If we applaud the vaccine mandates, can we also applaud Texas for their laws on abortion? Since it’s our bodies, but not our choice? ????? Didn’t think so, f*cking hypocrites! Let’s go Brandon!

      • Hmm…DB, allow me to articulate more clearly what you have just posted actually means….

        Upon one hand, anti-abortion laws are designed to protect an as yet unborn, but still existing human beings’ RIGHT TO LIVE, which is basically within the Constitutional tenet of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness , no?

        Upon the other hand, these vaccine MANDATES, which may, and often DO cause harm INCLUSIVE, and up to death, are NOT a basic Constitutional tenet, as said MANDATES do NOT follow the basic Constitutional tenet of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, amongst ANY living human being that resides within this Nation as a citizen….

        Try again…though you shall fail within the next attempt just as you have within this instance….

        I would invite you unto the practice of ‘critical thinking’, formally known as ‘common sense’, but that would be for naught…sigh….

        • “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is from the Declaration of Independence, people frequently confuse these words from the Declaration of Independence for the words in the US Constitution.

  11. Other states are already suing. Can someone drag Dunleavy out from behind his mother’s skirts and tell him to tell the Alaska AG to do likewise?

    God I loathe that man. Bill Walker, for all his 10 billion faults, at least fought for what he believed in.

    • To be fair, he did just a few days ago. His most recent executive order did in fact instruct the AG to pursue legal challenges to any federal vaccine mandate.

    • Implying that the scum sucking thief B Walker might be better than Dunleavy is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read (and the competition is stiff).
      I don’t really care for the jelly spines Dunleavy, but he is so massively better than PFD traitor Walker.

  12. So, they’ve pushed the “comply by” date back to accommodate the holiday season.
    Clearly, this is an emergency.

  13. Is this the line in the sand? Is it our 1776 moment? God help us all because we are being led by a tyrant and America will soon be free no more.

  14. So, let’s see if I have this straight.
    The vaccine does not prevent me from catching the virus.
    Nor does it prevent me from getting symptoms, however, it is supposed to moderate/minimize those symptoms.
    It also does nothing to stop me from spreading the virus to… well to everyone.
    And, since my symptoms might be minimal or non-existent I am more likely to interact with others, therefore spreading the virus even more than had I not been vaccinated.
    So… what benefit does 100% vaccination provide, exactly? Why the mandate?

    • The vaccines were engineered for the virus initially released. Because they are so “leaky” and used in mass during the height of the virus, it pressured it to mutate.
      The boosters are not re engineered, just a boost of the old recipe. Therefore they suppress natural immunity from all other viruses, bacterias and illnesses and “protect” from a strain that no longer exists.

    • At what cost? I mean this was a famous Barack tactic. Push hard for edicts to get it out into the public and allow the courts to catch up. And the courts then have to maneuver through the social construct minefield.

  15. Biden belongs in the Level 4, lockdown wing, of a dementia ward. WTF is he doing in the White House? This country is all eff’ed up over this mindless Democrat.

  16. Unfortunately, Biden is just a soulless trojan horse, completely incapable of launching the sort of coordinated destruction that we have seen over the past 10 months, yet intimately involved in being the face of it. None of this is an accident, or a collection of coincidences. His cultural revolution will continue to be televised.

    Turn it off, if you haven’t already.

  17. As an aside, inclusive within this edict is the mandated and / or forced vaccination of pregnant women by a party that is rabidly pro murder of unborn humans…

    Throwing out the baby with the bathwater / vaccine takes upon a whole new meaning, does it not?

    The end, apparently justifies the means, no matter the process or causation, no?


  18. What are Don “The Dean” Young, Murkowski and Sullivan doing about this?
    At a minimum, the oldest serving Congressman with years longer in congressional service than the President’s storied past, should be at 1600 Pennsylvania giving a lecture on how laws are passed. He ought to be demanding Biden follow the Presidential Oath. Maybe he can take his “knife” with him.

    Ahhh….who am I kidding? They are buddies, peas in pod, brothers from a different mother. In fact, I imagine the Dean probably agrees with the Executive Branch making royal edicts to protect his re-election possibilities.

  19. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. This is because human nature does not change. This is because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Today’s America reminds us more and more and more of Germany in the early 1930s. With proper credit given to German pastor Martin Niemoller…

    – They came after President Trump, but I said nothing because I did not like his tweets.

    – They came after the J-6 protesters who have been locked up as political prisoners, but I said nothing because they seemed a little too “unwashed.”

    – They came after the historical monuments of Founding Fathers, but I said nothing because they’re from an age a very long time ago.

    – They came after soccer moms at school board meetings, but I said nothing because my kids are already out of school.

    – They came after the MAGA Nation, but I said nothing because I considered myself a college-educated moderate.

    – They came after the Christians/Constitutionalists/Conservatives in the military, but I said nothing because I never served in uniform.

    – They came after the citizens who carry 2A, but I said nothing because guns scare me.

    – They came after the police, but I said nothing because none of my family wears blue.

    – They came after the EMS/Firefighters/Nurses, but I said nothing because I was already vaccinated.

    – They came after Christian white heterosexual men, but I said nothing because I’m not a Christian white heterosexual man.

    – They came after the Evangelicals, but I said nothing because I don’t think of myself as that devout.

    – They came after Israel’s right to exist, but I said nothing because I’m not Jewish.

    – They came after the patriots who said the 2020 election was stolen, but I said nothing because I was scared and intimidated.

    – They came after conservative writers, authors, .coms, but I said nothing because I don’t read negative news that much anymore.

    – They came after the blue-collar workers who actually make things and build things, but I said nothing because the slave-labor goods from China were cheaper and easy to order / delivered from Amazon.

    – They came after the farmers, but I said nothing because I thought “climate change” was real.

    – They came after Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, and Roger Stone, but I said nothing because they can afford their own attorneys.

    – They came after Governor DeSantis, but I said nothing because I don’t live in Florida.

    – They came after Tucker Carlson, but I said nothing because I don’t watch FOX News anymore.

    – They came after Coach Jon Gruden, but I said nothing because I don’t watch the NFL anymore.

    – They came after the unvaccinated, but I said nothing, because I had already taken the vaccine (but really a therapeutic).

    – They came after the pastors, the priests, and the rabbis (they came after God ), but I still said nothing. Nothing at all. Not one word.

    Now they are coming after me. But there’s no one left to speak for me, fight for me, and stand with me. I wish I had stood up, spoken up, and fought when this all first started. Now it’s too late.

    Some lessons of history we never learn. Or we learn too late, again.

    • BRAVO Andy!!
      This post deserves a STANDING OVATION, but I’ve grown accustomed to silence in response to enlightenment.

  20. We as a people have been here before Folks. Kindly read up on your American Scripture or more to the point the “Declaration of July 4, 1776, where in Jefferson writes of the King “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a TRYANT, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people”.
    This is madness, this is a planned attempt to destroy the American economy and humiliate every freeman into taking a medical prescription that has proven to be ineffective and dangerous. But worst of all it creates a new sub-human class of American Citizen, the un-jabbed.
    What are we going to do about stopping this madness?
    Let’s Go Brandon!

  21. We’re about to see if Lisa is more interested in grandstanding than actually getting something done.

    There is a Gingrich era piece of legislation called the Congressional Review Act that allows congress to overturn an agency rule. EPA has new methane emissions aimed at the oilpatch inbound. And Xiden’s OSHA jab mandate also hits early Jan.

    We will see if Lisa leads the charge to overturn both of these. My guess is no, but I can always hope for the best. Cheers –

    • Actually, this legislation has already been introduced in the US Senate. Lisa is one of seven Republican senators who don’t support it. Her favorite line before she screws Alaskans is “I haven’t made up my mind”. I would call her a liar, but I know she needed five attempts to pass the bar exam, so she probably is that stupid.

  22. Does this “mandate” apply to all Guv’ment employees? Or, are the usual suspects and perps exempt from the mandate? Likely, it’s more intrusive rules for thee but not me!

    • That is the case. Congress opted out of crappy Obamacare and they are opted out of the forced clot shot.
      At least the ones they force get to pay their way.
      Must be nice.

  23. Is this the same Dunleavy who felt he had the right to close thousands of businesses last year? Yeah, thought so.

  24. This communist O’Biden regime continues it’s efforts to destroy the American middle class, small businesses and entrepreneurs. Why? To generate massive dependence on a central government. These mandates are crippling an already crippled economy. Loss of law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency workers, nurses, skilled laborers, truckers, etc, all for a vaccine that doesn’t work and causes lethal side effects? Nobody in their right mind should say Yes to the vax.

    • Joe Biden. Poops with the Pope. Farts with Camella. Sniffs hair with young girls. Drools with other Alzheimer’s patients. No wonder the Chinese are ready to invade Taiwan. The Russians are laughing. North Korea is going ballistic. And Pelosi is running the country. You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

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