Biden tells insiders he won’t quit race, making his supporters like Peltola go into hibernation

Rep. Mary Peltola

As Democrats face what some are calling an “existential threat” to the party itself, President Joe Biden may be in denial, telling campaign insiders that he is going to win.

It looks less and less likely that he can do so, as Democrats are actively looking for alternatives.

Statistician Nate Silver said today that it’s one of the “craziest asks” in the history of American politics to expect people to vote for someone who will be president until he is 86.

The polls back up what Silver is saying, especially compared to polling from four years ago.

On July 3, 2020, polling showed Biden was 9.6% ahead of Donald Trump, 51.1% to 41.5%. These were national surveys aggregated by Silver’s

But on July 3, 2024, the New York Times has release a poll of registered voters says that 49% are for Trump and 41% for Biden.

That’s a 17-point shift from polling the same point in the campaign during 2020.

Biden Democrats like Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola have gone into hibernation. As the Democrats look toward their nominating convention in Chicago starting Aug. 19, they can’t back away from Biden, because he might be the nominee, but they can’t stand by him either, because he might not be the nominee. No Democratic candidate wants to be tied to him, including Peltola.

Silver’s prediction says that for the first time ever, Trump is forecasted to win the popular vote, 53.8% to 46.2%. That’s getting close to landslide territory, leaving loyalists like Peltola in trouble, as Alaska is likely to reflect a strong turnout for Trump.

What does a Biden Democrat like Peltola do? She can’t stay in hibernation until the November and pretend that voters will only care about fish on Election Day.

The only thing Alaskans know of what Peltola thinks about Biden is what she said in December: Biden is one of the “smartest, sharpest people” she has met in Washington, D.C.

Either she has been revealed to lack judgment, or Peltola has been shown to be a partisan, willing to lie to Alaskans on behalf of her political ambitions. After all, she has met with Biden on eight occasions in the White House. The Alaska Democratic Party has also remained in radio silence on the fate of the top leader in their party.

The New York Times is reporting growing discontent and a distancing from Biden.

“Democratic leaders in the House and Senate were not urging their members to rally around Biden on Wednesday. Instead, they were listening to a myriad complaints from across the party, including its centrist wing and its progressives,” the newspaper reported.

“The message from leadership was that members should feel free to take a position about Biden’s candidacy that was best for their districts. Members of Biden’s team … were working the phones, trying to tamp down the growing discontent.”

That could be the signal Peltola has been waiting for in order to distance herself from Biden.


    • I remember laughing when Begich said at the GOP convention several months ago, Mary Peltola is asking Alaskans to give Joe Biden four more years. I don’t know if Joe Biden has four more years.

      He was right then and he’s right now!

  1. IMAGINE when JESUS tells her go into the pit GOD MOCKING OATH BREAKING CLOWN ARE NOT WELCOME. This is why we are all here to sort the clowns from the worthy ones out free will.

    • Jesus wants you to seek serious, intensive mental health. And a 4th grade grammar teacher.

  2. One often-overlooked truth in all of this is that things WILL NOT get better for Joseph Robinette Biden as time passes. He will NOT become more cogent, more aware, smarter or physically stronger. He may have some better moments but at eighty-one, and soon to be eighty-two, he will have more problems and more incidents. I do not wish this for anyone but this is a fact of aging. Ignoring this fact creates perils for the country, himself, his family and his political party.

  3. WELL Now(!!!), if Joe Biden does actually win the election in November, could we reasonably conclude that the elections are truly rigged, maybe those Dominion Machines are somehow compromised, maybe there’s some element of truth to the Ballot gerrymandering, possibly that illegal aliens are in-fact affecting key critical elections in swing states?

    While we’ve been told that Mary Peltola (I think her indigenous name is something like … Hawk Tauh) is “nice” and that she’s likely to be re-elected just because of this niceness, we really should understand that we (ie: Alaska and Alaskans) deserve so much better leadership, that of course our best options is none other than … NB3. Then, and only then, she can drift away into hibernation, obscurity and irrelevance. Maybe(???), Daddy’s Little Princess can do the same in a few years too! Neither of these two women will bring anything of meaningful “benefit – gain – value – service – honor” to Alaska and/or Alaskans.

  4. Anyone who says they know what will happen next is talking out of their backside.
    We’ve never been here before. The Founders and Framers never imagined this possibility.

  5. An amazing number of media people and politicians have been covering for Biden going back to the last election. That dishonesty has gotten them into this pickle. Hopefully it is a wake up call for the more gullible of us.

  6. The national exhibition of the two political parties doesn’t change the (verifiable) facts in the matter. Ostensibly the reason the sideshow was staged was to showcase each politician’s platforms and how they will represent the interests of party members to demonstrate they’re not simply entities representing their own interests in pursuit of the presidency. One of the two candidates has presided over a cabinet of cantankerous crooks who sat in their offices on Capitol Hill engrossed in that of their family members and own self-enrichment, not accomplishing much of record at the behest of a minority that elected him and delivering much less, pretty much only to a very small minority of the wealthiest Americans. That fact cannot be changed only reinterpreted with whatever lens one might choose to use, whereas the other candidate represented more than three years of service to the country, as a President who’s delivering on sound campaign promises in tandem with the talented aides and appointees he’s surrounded himself, benefiting the majority of Americans in real time, though in the form somewhat of a cardboard cut-out of the man on the stage, enduring and providing endless source of income tax-payer generated income for the members of the other political party persistent in their own navel-gazing petty snipe hunts without so much as any actual accomplishment to the benefit the American tax-payer -at least that seems to be the case as highlighted by the public media entranced and under the spell of the show.

      • MA,
        Paragraphs? This is a run-on sentence like no other. It’s well over 100+ words, meandering hither and yon with no discernable point…quite the accomplishment really, in saying absolutely nothing.

        “That fact cannot be changed only reinterpreted with whatever lens one might choose to use, whereas the other candidate represented more than three years of service to the country, as a President who’s delivering on sound campaign promises in tandem with the talented aides and appointees he’s surrounded himself, benefiting the majority of Americans in real time, though in the form somewhat of a cardboard cut-out of the man on the stage, enduring and providing endless source of income tax-payer generated income for the members of the other political party persistent in their own navel-gazing petty snipe hunts without so much as any actual accomplishment to the benefit the American tax-payer -at least that seems to be the case as highlighted by the public media entranced and under the spell of the show.”

    • N,
      The question is which do you think President Bìden is and which do you think President Trump is.

  7. What has Mary done in the past few years to run on? Hasn’t done anything for the fish, hasn’t done anything for our state, hasn’t done anything for the Natives, hasn’t done anything for our country. I’m glad to hear bribem is staying in the race and I look forward to seeing both Mary and bribem fired!

    • What Mary has done is support the leftist/globalist Davos crowd.
      And, that is more likely to get her support (and re-elected) than supporting the average Alaskan.

  8. An unfortunate incident likely Greg. Note from the Democrats we don’t know how that hefty 2 ply got pulled over his head and duct taped honest. And that’s how marxest and Muslims roll.

  9. Senator Peltola has always been part of the deep state! They are the reason she got into office, with deep pockets and dishonesty.

    Besides closing down the State of Alaska just what has she accomplished for the State of Alaska?

    Well, we need some true leadership true leaders that can take us to new Heights and keep us Safe at the same time.

  10. I am now an independent and I have not officially even declared residency.

    I am a third generation Republican and I am a conservative-but I do not give a shit about the movers and shakers that have Carte Blanche over what they will support to achieve their tax write off.

    I am mission focused and here is the deal.

    You do not have control over how your legacy will be interpreted.

    I have been a rideshare driver in Las Vegas and Bullhead City, AZ on a multiple of gig worker platforms.

    One night in Las Vegas I was out on the strip. You may or may not know but all that free money changed the clientele in Las Vegas at that COVID time and that is where I was.

    Ground zero.

    I am a village girl. From a place where there are no roads.

    Growing up where I have, I do not have a barometer for personal harm.
    So going back to this particular experience at that particular time…

    I am a social butterfly and I have been a bonafide Trump supporter so I went out and about in Las Vegas when Biden was on his way to be elected.

    I was out there when he named his Black woman VP.

    I sometimes go out in these situations flat broke- this was one of those nights. I don’t say that like I have a choice- I am broke and living by juggling bills with bad credit all the time.

    But sometimes a girl needs to take a break from the weight of barely surviving to talk to a stranger and we all were broke and taking a break.

    On this night this is what happened.

    I was looking for freedom – and you know that I learned more than I expected- but I found out more about myself and so many others at that heightened political cluster F.

    So was everyone else. We were are being the misfits of Las Vegas.

    And it was magical.

    We were living.

    And as an Alaska Native woman. Being an Alaska Native woman kept me from harm.

    I got to have a conversation with black men that told me they picked me up because they thought I was a Trumpster.

    I was in the back seat of their car and I talked about being a Native American.

    Then they opened up and told me VP Candidate Kamala Harris made her political climb by standing on the necks of people in her own communities to be taller.

    People think that the black community was up in arms over Donald Trump.

    Many were up in arms over Kamala Harris and her stomping down while jumping that broomstick.

    After some debate I was dropped off on a random dark road in Las Vegas to walk. And walk I did.

    I walked and found the Orleans Casino. A black gentleman man in a truck gave me a ride to where I needed to go.

    He is small business owner that makes custom dog homes for folks in Vegas.

    And he is incredibly talented.

    As are the gentleman that hosted me and my antics so we could have the absolute candor of discussion.

    For the record, Mary Peltola was having a non-candid conversation in Air Force One with a Joe Biden.

  11. Mary is very consistent. She does exactly what her democrat handlers tell her to. Nothing more. Nothing less. They aren’t at all interested in anything she might say. If she plays ball with the democrats, she will get invited to the right parties & hang with the other low echelon democrat apparatchiks. That’s what Alaskans are getting from their vote for Mary.

  12. Peltola is doing exactly what Obama did in the Senate, vote Present until you arrive in the White House. And like Obama, their both frauds

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