Biden refers to illegal immigrants as ‘newcomers,’ as he and Trump have dueling events at border


President Joe Biden is now referring to illegal immigrants as “newcomers.”

In a White House memo to Congress in which the president urged passage of a border bill that has, so far, been unacceptable to many border hawks in the U.S. House of Representatives, the White House said the bill “includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify.”

Biden scheduled a visit to the border the same day that former president Donald Trump was at the border, where Biden trumpeted his border security accomplishments on Thursday.

His accomplishments are many, according to House GOP Chairwoman Elise Stefanik:

Since Joe Biden took office, 8.7 million illegal crossings have occurred nationwide, with over 7.2 million known illegal crossings at the southern border.

The total number of illegal immigrants who came through the border with Mexico is greater than the population of 36 states, including; Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. 

Under Biden’s border policies, there have also been 1.8 million known gotaways — those who evaded U.S. Border Patrol.  

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2024 in October of 2023, there have been over one million illegal immigrant encounters.

In January of 2024, there were 176,205 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border. January was also the 35th straight month where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump. 

Under Biden, over 340 of these illegal immigrants whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to penetrate the Southern Border, exceeding all the encounters for fiscal years 2017 through 2022 combined. 

The White House claimed that the Southern Border was “secure” just days after the Venezuelan man charged with the murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley, had entered the United States illegally. But in 2022, Biden went on the record saying it was “not rational” to deport illegal immigrants from Venezuela.

Over 20,000 illegals from the People’s Republic of China have crossed the Southern Border since October. 

“Communist Chinese nationals are exploiting Joe Biden’s failed Far Left open border policies at “record-breaking figures,” becoming “the fastest-growing demographic entering the country illegally,” according to the House Republicans. “The surge in Communist Chinese nationals encountered at our Southern Border has raised serious concerns that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is exploiting the Biden border crisis for nefarious reasons.”

In August of 2022, Biden ended former President Donald Trump’s successful “Remain in Mexico” program.

And on May 10, 2023, Biden announced he would allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them. 

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has now admitted that 40% of catch-and-release migrants have disappeared into American communities, completely unaccounted for. 


  1. The coy terminology being used by these unhinged political elites, specifically with the term “newcomer” really is and means:
    … Illegal Terrorist Invaders
    … Stealth Adversary Army
    … Jihadi’s
    … Commies
    … Marxist Socialist

    Where are our elected leaders(Dan-Lisa-Mary?), Why are they so quiet(Dan-Lisa-Mary?), Why are they allowing this to develop into an existential threat(Dan-Lisa-Mary?), What exactly are they doing and when are they going to do something to rectify this(Dan-Lisa-Mary?).

  2. Newcomers ? Now you know full well Biden didn’t think of that word all by his nit witted self…..and calling MAGA supporters a threat to democracy……….!!! Really Joe ? Go Trump !!

  3. Invaders are newcomers
    Armed looters are mostly peaceful shoppers, especially if they wear masks
    Mentally ill and opportunistic males are eligible to compete in girls sports and use girls bathrooms
    And the beat goes on

  4. Importing future democratic voters who will be coming after “your” jobs for lower wages to feed the big corporations profits.

  5. “Newcomers” is quite an admission by a counterfeit president who occupies the White House by fraud and corruption.

  6. Unwelcome, unwanted, unneeded, criminal invaders. Shun them reject them, round them up, jail them , deport them. I would never give my respect or consent to an animal who rejects its own grand daughter and keeps a poor dog so abused it has attacked 24 people. A human who owned such an animal would be jailed. But not this wretched creature, it wanders the countryside stuffing its face with ice cream and sniffing little girls. The pride of the Democrats it is. The Fall will surely be epic.

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