Biden budget seeks to spend hundreds of millions to train school teachers in radical gender ideology



President Joe Biden’s budget proposal seeks to set aside billions of dollars to push progressive gender, sexuality and race ideology at home and around the globe.

Released this week, the $7.3 trillion budget also proposes spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to train school teachers in diversity, equity, and inclusion dogma.

The White House touted the spending in its announcement of Biden’s budget, which includes $3 billion to “advance gender equity and equality worldwide.”

Funding for domestic projects of the same kind are robust as well though, including for public education to “improve the diversity of the teacher pipeline.”

In fact, Biden’s budget prioritizes training a new generation of teachers who embrace progressive ideology on race, gender, and sexuality.

For example, the budget includes $30 million to increase the number of teachers who go through the Hawkins Centers of Excellence, a federal effort that sets up programs to trains teachers in inclusivity on race, gender and sexuality.

Those training programs must be set up at minority-focused colleges such as historically black colleges and universities or colleges focused on serving Native Americans or Hispanics.

Once established, the taxpayer-funded program must “examine the sources of inequity and inadequacy in resources and opportunity and implement pedagogical practices in teacher preparation programs that are inclusive with regard to race, ethnicity, culture, language, and disability status and that prepare teachers to create inclusive, supportive, equitable, unbiased, and identity-safe learning environments for their students.”

In another similar funding item, the budget sets aside $95 million for the Teacher Quality Partnership Program, another federal effort that administers grants for training teachers.

According to the Federal Register, this grant program prioritizes teachers of color over white teachers in order to “create inclusive, supportive, equitable, unbiased, and identity-safe learning environments for their students.”

“The Department recognizes that diverse educators will play a critical role in ensuring equity in our education system,” the agency said.


  1. Just remember: Orange Man is icky, sends mean tweets, and has a bad combover.

    Is sacrificing kids worth it to remain never Trump “pure”?

  2. Our public school system structure evolved out of the enlightenment era when all things Prussian were in vogue. Prussia was not only using innovative structure (grade level and age division), but also recognized the social engineering possibilities in training the masses to be good workers. The structure was adopted by our country and the social engineering aspect has grown over the decades. Now the leftists are in charge and they make no apologies or even try to hide their evil brainwashing and indoctrination intent. I feel sorry for teachers today and others working in the system that truly do care about education. The system is a failure for real learning of academics and thinking, but has been a massive success, sadly, for shaping what we now have today.

  3. Is the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights willing to preemptively rule on the proposed federal budget item, and in doing so, effectively render a 10th amendment type action to nullify the budget item on the basis of it being either a Civil Rights Violation or in violation of Alaska state law?

  4. Publicly funded schools are harming millions of school-age children. What are you personally planning to do about it?

    • I just had a serious conversation with my daughter as she is struggling with her families inability to afford private school for her two young daughters who are at preschool age and absolutely refusing ASD public education for them.

      I reminded her the value of their physical well being and mental stability are more important than any other item on their list of priorities for balancing their budget.
      ASD’s failure in academic achievement is second on the list of priorities for her children’s development.

      Homeschool or private school are the only solution to the marxist style of rule ASD uses when dealing with concerned parents comments at meetings regarding their persistent attempts at keeping queer pornography on the shelves of the school libraries all bought and paid for with public money.

      The actions taken by the tyrannical teamwork of Bellamy/Bryyantt’s refusal to let a very prominent and influential “REAL” DR. Ben Carson speak to under privileged students who deserve the most assistance in Anchorage shows their true colors when it comes to keeping a tight fisted grip on struggling communities.

  5. Guess what? We have Governor Dunleavy that adds to the idiocy of the Biden Administration in the same way.
    So, what else is new?

  6. Pull your children OUT of public school now! This POTUS PUPPET is hell bent on forcing this LGBTQ equality bs down our throats without any sign of stopping. Protect your children from these freaks that our own POTUS is making seem so safe and ok. None of it is ok nor should be allowed in schools. The ONLY thing schools are supposed to be for is learning math, science, history and reading and writing. Period.
    When there are not enough kids for a school to

  7. This is why Americans need to cut the government off. There are legal and lawful ways to quit paying taxes, but it is a process that needs to be followed properly. Ann Vandersteel has spoken about this process on occasion. Look up her podcasts/videos.

    • Here is one fellow that explains how to legally and lawfully quit paying taxes. You may think he sounds like he has some marbles loose, but just listen and give it time as he gets deeper into the topic. Pretty interesting and definitely food for thought! (


  8. This is why I advocate for a peaceful separation. People filled with this ideology are never going to stop. And this is unacceptable to us. A line which we will not allowed to be crossed. There is no compromise here. I have no wish to force people into my (our) worldview, though I know we are right, as we do not wish to be forced into theirs. The proof is what path allows human flourishing and it is clear which one does. The end result for them is their own self destruction (which His Word also makes clear) and along the way they will carve a path of misery for all near them.

    • A serious question. Assuming you get the separation you want, what will you do when that group becomes liberal? Opt out again?

      Were called to spread the Good News, not run and hide.

      • > not run and hide.

        I view it as more of cut bait. Second Timothy, chapter 3, verses 1-5 come to mind- esp. the end of verse 5 with “avoid such people”. When others have given themselves over to a reprobate mind there is nothing that can be done but to save a remnant.

        > what will you do when that group becomes liberal

        There is nothing liberal about these people. If there were we would not be having this conversation. They are totalitarian and authoritarian leftists. There is no give, negotiation or surrender. You have to kill them, segregate them or separate from them. Everything else is marking time and usually “boiling the frog” (which is us). Of these three options separation is the most peaceful. As far as future proofing against this happening again each generation has their burden of their time. It is up to each generation -as it always is.

        The founders created a beautiful and wonderful document that was tossed in the early-mid century and we are in the end stages of consequences because of their tragic decisions. As an example of many this is a quote from one of my prior heroes, William F. Buckley. “And this means that we have got to accept Big Government for the duration …through the instrument of a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores.”

        Except the duration never ends and in the process the freedom spirit of the people is crushed, the government becomes so deformed and massive it is beyond recognition, and/or the Constitution is filled with penumbras that mean whatever those in power want them to mean. We defeated the Soviet Union. And then we became the Soviet Union.

        How do you suggest we move forward with these people?

        • Jeremiah 29:11
          Jeremiah 3:12-19
          Isaiah 40:9

          And especially
          Jeremiah 29: 6-7

          Nobody said the Great Commission was easy.

        • Excellent observation micah. As we move towards the End of the Age, we can only have one Master. Man’s rule has become totally corrupt, and for those who are watching, we are instructed to Come out of Her (the Scarlet of Babylon). Those who would corrupt the children will not enjoy a happy ending

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