Attorney General issues statement on recall process


The Alaska Attorney General has just issued the following statement on the application submitted today by a group seeking to recall Gov. Michael Dunleavy:

“Following the routine practice for recall applications, the Department of Law today received a request from the Division of Elections to conduct a legal review of the recall application for the recall of Governor Michael Dunleavy. The department will focus on whether the recall application includes sufficient grounds for recall under AS 15.45.510. The grounds for recall are (1) lack of fitness, (2) incompetence, (3) neglect of duties, and (4) corruption. The department will complete its review within 60 days,” said Attorney General Kevin Clarkson.

“I see no need to treat this application any differently than other election applications. I am here to provide legal advice and defend and uphold the state and federal constitutions. The Department of Law will advise the Division of Elections in the same manner it would any other recall. And 60 days will give us adequate time to do a thorough legal review and provide our legal recommendation to the director,” Clarkson said.

Several people, including members of the previous administration, started the effort to recall the governor shortly after he submitted his budget in mid-February. They have now delivered over 49,000 signatures to the Division of Elections in a request for a formal petition, which would require more than 78,000 signatures.


    • Sec. 15.45.630. Bases for determining the petition was improperly filed.
      The director shall notify the committee that the petition was improperly filed upon determining that
      (1) there is an insufficient number of qualified subscribers; or
      (2) the petition was filed within less than 180 days of the termination of the term of office of the official subject to recall.

  1. None of the grounds for recall meet the requirements by statute or by legal interpretation. Dunleavy was only doing what he promised to do during his campaign…..and he kicked a$$ in the election. Most of the recall organizers are from the Walker camp…..the DISGRACED Walker camp. The former governor who got us into the mess in the first place. And the guy who gave us a Lt. Governor who likes underage girls and shamefully cheats on his wife. …….and his mistress.

    • Sec. 15.45.630. Bases for determining the petition was improperly filed.
      The director shall notify the committee that the petition was improperly filed upon determining that
      (1) there is an insufficient number of qualified subscribers; or
      (2) the petition was filed within less than 180 days of the termination of the term of office of the official subject to recall.

  2. The very fact that the recall effort started so quickly after he took office indicates either amazing intellectual insight and fortune-telling skills OR evidence that some angry people that found a big stick they can wave around and make it look legal by framing it in the word, “recall.” While some use sticks to build, others use sticks to bludgeon.
    It’s one of those situations like the Affordable Care Act where Pelosi said, “We won’t know what is in it unless we pass it.” Let’s do it Alaska style: “We can’t recall Dunleavy unless we start the process right away. After it’s started, then we’ll find out what we can recall him with!”
    Some people shouldn’t be allowed big sticks if they can’t handle their emotions.

  3. Yawn… so the people that didn’t vote for Dunleavy in the first place signed on to recall him. Isn’t going to happen. Talk about a waste of resources. He tries to save a buck and they just can’t handle it.

  4. I still think that most of those that are for recall fail to understand that it doesn’t mean they get to vote for a new governor.

    • Sec. 15.45.630. Bases for determining the petition was improperly filed.
      The director shall notify the committee that the petition was improperly filed upon determining that
      (1) there is an insufficient number of qualified subscribers; or
      (2) the petition was filed within less than 180 days of the termination of the term of office of the official subject to recall.

  5. Leave it to those miserable Democrats, and I truly mean miserable. Their lives aren’t complete unless they keep themselves in a perpetual state of misery. Democrats have very poor reasoning skills and don’t articulate well because they don’t process well from foundational structure. What they are good at, however, is projecting a core belief, or attitude, and building emotional platforms which become political platitudes….and eventually movements for the masses to blindly follow. Their endless pursuit of man-caused climate change is a case in point. At its core, the early proponents know it was nothing more than a ruse to mobilize and gain wide attention. They succeeded. The ceaseless brainwashing and pounding has driven this movement into the schools, universities, media, businesses, government, and even the Republican Party. And the entire global warming movement is now out of control, with a false narrative looking for facts to back it up. And when true facts aren’t available or don’t fit the false narrative, they make up facts. Truly amazing what the Democrats can accomplish by employing dishonesty and hysteria. And so many of us fall for it.

  6. The Democratic Party has the style of a Communist/Fascist/Nazi Party with their actions and language which is absolutely repulsive. With what is happening in Alaska and all over America it is hard to recognize America from a Third World Country in Revolution. I remember seeing a Nation of Norman Rockwell paintings in Saturday Evening Post instead of what I see today. That is what we need to return to. Governor Dunleavy is trying his absolute best to do just that by eliminating all this wasteful, unconstitutional, unlawful spending and I haven’t seen that done by any Governor before in my lifetime. Government has been spending us into bankruptsy and that must stop or America will no longer exist. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr, sui juris

    • Sec. 15.45.630. Bases for determining the petition was improperly filed.
      The director shall notify the committee that the petition was improperly filed upon determining that
      (1) there is an insufficient number of qualified subscribers; or
      (2) the petition was filed within less than 180 days of the termination of the term of office of the official subject to recall.

      • In Article 3 Recall, it appears there is a material difference in the evaluation of an “Application” or a “Petition,” with the evaluation of a Petition much more circumscribed. Sec. 15.45.630 clearly applies to a Petition.

        • Sec. 15.45.550. Bases of denial of certification.
          The director shall deny certification upon determining that
          (1) the application is not substantially in the required form;
          (2) the application was filed during the first 120 days of the term of office of the official subject to recall or within less than 180 days of the termination of the term of office of any official subject to recall;

          (3) the person named in the application is not subject to recall; or

          (4) there is an insufficient number of qualified subscribers.

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