Assemblywoman Allard to Knik Little Leaguers: Welcome home, you matter


Eagle River Assemblywoman Jamie Allard wants the Knik Little League All-Stars to know that the Eagle River community is proud of them for all their accomplishments and shares their disappointment for being disqualified from the Northwest Regional Little League Tournament in San Bernadino, Calif. because of one positive Covid-19 test.

Allard posted vinyl banners in two places in Eagle River, welcoming the team home. They are expected to arrive on Sunday, Aug. 15.

“I’d love it if all our neighbors in Eagle River would go to one of the locations and sign the banners with a Sharpie,” she said. One is located in front of Eagle River Walmart and the other is across from Fred Meyer, also in Eagle River. “The boys deserve it.”

Allard is working on an award from the Assembly for both the Eagle River High School Boys, who were high school state champions, and the Knik Little Leaguers, also state champs. The awards will be presented to the teams on Aug. 24 during the Anchorage Assembly meeting, and Allard has arranged for each player to have his own recognition to take home.

Allard coordinated with Mayor Dave Bronson’s office to have a pizza party at City Hall for both teams later this month.

Read: Tim Barto: Knik’s field of broken dreams


    • What do you care? You are not invited.
      Good for Jamie and good for Mayor Bronson to recognize these kids and their accomplishments and returning a ray of sanity to this city.

    • Greg, with all do respect just shut it. The mayor and assemblywomen are trying to do something nice for these kids so we don’t need you making a big fuss out of nothing. Now get of your basement and stop living in fear like a regular person, because the longer you stay down their the more likely you are to post something stupid like this.

      • You misspelled there. Just a follow up for you since I know you’re still interested in the world series. A Tulsa team tried to sue their way back into the tournament because of coach tested positive and then went and got an independent test that said he was negative. A Pennsylvania judge ruled that once out you’re always out. There are many players and teams that were forced out of this tournament so the Alaskan team isn’t alone. I would find some comfort in that rather than if my team was the only one that had to leave the tournament prematurely.

  1. I am proud of their parents for being Alaskan parents leading by example showing how to invest in their children.

    The registration fee, the right fitting cleats, workout clothes, uniform, baseball, bat, Mitt, pads, helmet, and time for practice with and without team ALL add up that money could be spent by the parent(s) on another purpose that doesnt do anything for the child nor their family except feed self indulgence and vanity.

  2. You keep writing articles about the boys but how about the girls who went to California and actually were able to play and I believe won two games. They did excellent. I work with a parent that did was super proud and I don’t blame him. They deserve a write up as well.

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