Are Americans boycotting companies for being too ‘woke’?


As American companies begin to express political leanings, they are taking a beating from American consumers.

Sixty-six percent of Americans who answered a survey said they had boycotted a company over political issues — mostly because companies were too liberal.

According to a poll conducted this month by the Trafalgar Group, nearly 41% of Americans boycotted a company for taking a public progressive or “woke” stance.

On the other side of the political equation, 24.5% of Americans have boycotted a company due to its publicly known conservative politics.

Another 34.7% of Americans said they don’t take part in such marketplace boycotts.

The poll was conducted June 5-9 among 1,088 respondents who were likely general election voters.

Of those who were declared Republicans, 68.4% had boycotted a company for being publicly woke. Twenty-six percent of Republicans said they didn’t take part in such boycotts.

Of those who were declared Democrats, nearly 15% had boycotted companies that were publicly woke. But 45% had boycotted companies that were conservative or that espoused Make America Great Again values. Forty percent of Democrats didn’t take part in such boycotts.

Trafalgar asked another question: With the public backlash against companies like Bud Light and Target, do you believe businesses should continue to promote political themes during pride month, or should businesses seek to be neutral on cultural issues?

Democrats — 48% of them — said that companies should continue to promote political themes, and 37% said companies should be more neutral.

Republicans took another approach — less than 6% said companies should get political, while 82% said companies should stay out of political themes.

The poll results are at this link.


  1. I boycott the woke companies and Chinese products.
    There’s a lot of alternative products and services.
    Do your homework, you’ll find adequate alternatives.

  2. In the not so distant past, companies never did this for one reason. It was merchant suicide and they knew it.
    Fast forward to today, those people still believe it’s dumb for any company to basically “take sides” for political reasons. I personally have boycotted Hersheys, Target, Anhauser Busch products, and others pushing the mental retardation of transgenderism with the alphabet people.
    Not to mention any other companies that jump on the bandwagon.
    That is apparently the only thing that gets their attention. When money isn’t flowing.
    Get woke, you will go broke.
    We have to stand up for what is right…

  3. As much as possible, yes.

    It’s always stupid business to insult your customers. And shoving wokeness in our faces is insulting.

  4. And on this very day, how many woke Americans will spend their money on Chinese products, even though they use slave and child labor to produce these items. Are their slaves the wrong color to cause concern?

  5. For a business to even THINK about getting into political or social frays, is absolutely insane. Think about it on a small scale first. If you sold hotdogs from a street cart, do you really care who buys them? Especially from a business perspective, does it matter how a particular customer votes? Does it matter how they raise their children? Does it even matter who they sleep with? Of course not, because you are there, at that moment in time, to provide goods (in this case the hotdogs) in exchange for money, in the form of the purchase price. You can go to political rallys and your customers can do the same, but at the moment of sale, you are providing an item to a customer who is willing to give you money for it. That’s all! Scale that idea up to a brand such as bud lite and you can see what a truly colossal screw up it is to get involved in a political/social debate. Bud lite is BEER! What political or social argument would dictate whether a person drinks beer? NONE! IT’S BEER! There may be a couple of religious restrictions against beer (not a good idea to sell beer in front of a mosque or a mormon church for instance) but otherwise the entire population is your target audience for beer sales. The moment you, as a company, start supporting or badmouthing any part of that population, you are restricting your own sales target.

  6. Well we still have freedom to shop where we want I use mine to shop at stores with values I am in tune with. Soon when the feds have control over your money that will likely change as they will force us to buy what they want you to.

  7. Cola-cola and Kellogg’s has a long list of products I no longer purchase. Miss my cheez-Its.
    Every once in a blue moon the theater will have a movie that isn’t a comic book of animated piece of poo poo. The family will or will not partake in 70% of those base solely on the name of the wannabe actors in it.

  8. “Building a better mousetrap, literally, shouldn’t involve politics”, said the trapper.

  9. Keep money local, create or trade for your own, or learn to go without and be happy about it (which is pretty easy).

    No longer support with attention, money, or clicks those who would seek to oppress you and educate your children to their values. They are a rancid and corrupt lot with zero legitimacy.

  10. Toshiba , Nike, Coke, Mc Donald’s, Target and all Disney and movies. Boycotting alcohol for different reasons.
    The List keeps growing.

  11. Like I said, it’s all about chasing the dollars. Walk through Dimond Center and notice the lack of pride displays and merch.

  12. Amazing how much “power” a simple credit card can have when users stop supporting certain businesses and products.

  13. In our house we proudly boycott WOKENESS!!!
    Also, once a company goes woke, even if they cave to conservative boycotts, our family boycotts for life!

  14. The “f your feelings” crowd sure seems to have the thinnest of skin. When you’ve lost Chick-fil-A to wokeness perhaps you’re getting worked up a little too easy.

  15. What if we just started painting businesses Red, White, or Blue? Red paint for republican owned, white for non-political, and blue for democrat owned. That way we know who to give our business to or withhold from, and there are no more surprises after already spending money in the businesses.

    Like-wise we could make little elephant and donkey patches that people could put on their jackets, clothing, or business vehicles so that employees of said companies can represent their political views where they can be visible to the general public.

    It would be great. We could ban all the blue donkeys from conservative (almost all) gas stations and force them to use that electric they’re all so crazy about so that they are no longer hypocrites about the dangers of our fossil fuels. See how they like that.

    • How about we just all just zip up our lips and don’t talk about any current events nor candidates nor influencers? A shut mouth will last for 30 mins before the person gives their opinion. Hahahaha. I wish I had that self control to not talk anything about current events and leaders like a former employer of mine answered my question he does’t share admitting political. That’s following wisdom when he was a business owner of two places and economic contributer to his community. He don’t want to create discomfort for any customers knowing he has employees dependent on how much business his restaurant can generate. I respect a quiet employer and admire when he is fair meaning he hires anyone willing to work hard not just those applicants most like him and follow his views so he can help his preferred crowd only by giving them a job for earning money when everyone needs money.

  16. Youbetchurboots… and these are permanent boycotts. Never to return even if attempting to retract the anti-American values posture.

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