Anchorage trucks-for-Trump rally focused on prayer


Saturday’s Trump rally in Anchorage was as enthusiastic as the exactly one week ago, although it didn’t bring in conservative luminaries like Sarah Palin, and there was no DJ spinning the favorites this week.

Nevertheless, music was blaring from a car with a big sound system and all the doors wide open.

Between 75-100 people gathered at Cabela’s Parking lot in South Anchorage, with the rain stopping just before the event started at 1:30 pm. It was a good day for a Trump rally — and a windbreaker.

It was also a good day for prayer, just 30 days before the Nov. 3 election.

The group that gathered bowed their heads and prayed for the health of the President and the First Lady Melania Trump, who have contracted COVID-19.

Mayoral candidate Dave Bronson and rally-caravan organizer Joanna Potter also spoke to a crowd that gathered with trucks, cars, motorcycles, and Trump and American flags.

People have gotten a real civics lesson the past few years about what the media can do to a duly elected president, Bronson said.

“Just because you don’t take an interest in politics, doesn’t mean politics isn’t going to take an interest in you. And boy, it’s really taken an interest in our pocketbooks and our small businesses, and boy our media and the Deep State is sure attacking our president,” Bronson said during his brief remarks.

Then they started their engines and for the second week in a row, drove in a mile-long caravan to Wasilla, where they held a rally at the VFW Hall.


  1. I think we had a couple of hundred people there. Also the awesome greetings we got along the highway to Wasilla was AWESOME!! Then in Wasilla…honk honk honk for TRUMP!!

    • Lots of the honks in Wasilla were at the guy in a Class A RV with a trailer who cut traffic off twice. I totally agree with the sentiment of the rally, but word of advice- Don’t have your 4-way lights on while changing lanes repeatedly in traffic. I had to slam on my brakes when the guy in the RV with trailer cut to the left on the Parks between Palmer-Wasilla Hwy and KGB.

  2. Focusing on prayer is like focusing on Teletubbies.

    “People have gotten a real civics lesson the past few years about what the media can do to a duly elected president”

    Yeah, y’all thought about that during the last presidency, right? Duly elected but a black! You did everything possible to blot him out.

    • “Good! Your hate has made you powerful.” – Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars Return of the Jedi.

      Congratulations on becoming everything you pretend to hate. Cheers –

    • Obama was treated with kid’s gloves compared to the violence and vitrolic rehetoric towards President Trump and private business properties. In addition, the media fawned over Obama and never called him out when he needed called out……

      • Yep. Bill Clinton misappropriated millions from the Hatian relief fund. The Clinton foundation is so questionable, with pay for play and ethic violations, Hillary killing out boys in Benghazi, Obama watching cities burn and cops killed from ambush almost like Nero playing his fiddle as Rome burned. Yep, the anointed one was given plenty of passes.

  3. Recommended Reading List:

    The God Delusion – Richard Dawkins
    God is not Great – Christopher Hitchins
    The End of Faith – Sam Harris

    Read them if you dare…

  4. President Trump is being treated by dozens of the best physicians in the world. I would expect his medical bills to exceed a million if he has a speedy recovery. Because he is a government employee, our President doesn’t have to pay for his medical care. The taxpayers will get the bill. Of course, President doesn’t pay taxes. So a guy is too stupid to wear a mask, he gets sick, he gets hospitalized, he runs a huge bill, and he pays none of it. I’m praying. I’m praying real hard.

  5. I’m praying that the President pays his medical instead of requiring the hard working taxpayers of America (like me and my wife) to pick up the tab. I’m praying real hard.

    • President Trump doesn’t even take a salary. He is literally donating his life and time because he loves America and all it stands for. He could have retired very comfortably and enjoyed his later years in peace.

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