Anchorage has three potential school superintendents as finalists to replace Deena Bishop


The Anchorage School Board has narrowed its search for a replacement for Superintendent Deena Bishop, who announced in November that she will retire in June.

The three finalists hail from Texas, Sitka, and Colorado.

Texan Jharrett Bryantt is an executive in the Office of Talent at the Houston Independent School District in Texas, which is described as one of the largest school districts in the nation. Bryantt has been an assistant superintendent and served in other capacities since 2013. A Teach for America alumnus who taught math and science in Houston before moving into administration, he has a doctorate in education leadership and policy from University of Texas.

Alaskan Frank Hauser has been the superintendent of the Sitka School District since 2021. He served as principal of Robert Service High School in Anchorage and as assistant principal of curriculum for Dimond High School. He was named 2019 Alaska Principal of the year by the Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals. He is a graduate of the University of Alaska and received his Masters from UAF; he has been in Alaska education for his entire school career.

Coloradan Mathew Neal is the current superintendent of Woodland Park School District, a position he has held since 2021. Neal worked in Kuwait as superintendent of American Creativity Academy and has worked in other leadership capacities in Colorado and Wyoming.

Some 23 people applied for the position of Anchorage superintendent. A search firm, Ray and Associates, managed the nationwide search on behalf of the board.

Complete information about the candidates and the interview process is at this link.

A virtual community town hall with the three finalists is planned for March 29, 5-6:30 pm. Details:





Webinar ID: 974 4618 5123


  1. Why not Alaskans, why not pump our own oil with our oil rigs and our Alaskan workers and refine our own gas and sell our gas to ourselves and who we want. Why not Alaskans for Alaskans by Alaskans why not Alaskan oath integrity. Why not Alaskans oath integrity by someone who actually lives in Alaska for Alaskans. Why not oath integrity???

  2. I really hope the choose an Alaskan. The super before Deanna Bishop was from outside with no ties to Alaska. He announced he was leaving before his first year was over.

    • Not true. The superintendent before Bishop was Ed Graff who was the assistant superintendent to Carol Comeau. He was superintendent for about 2 years and left for Minneapolis. Mr. Browder was from Miami and was a very good superintendent who tried to change things re accountability. But he was chased out of town by the teachers union.

  3. I know sitka conservatives should be feeling hopeful they could
    be rid of the mask enforcing hauser. If they lose him maybe sitka kids can start breathing good clean salty-cedar air agian.

    • I am surprised none of the candidates are brown color either by birth or tanning salon.

      Democrats made such ruckus in 2020-2021 about black lives matter, you’d think this year we’d see more new people of a minority groups running campaigns. Quite the opposite we are see new republican conservatives of a minority group stepping up and receiving the support.

      ASD wanted to make equity in hiring a new superintendent, which we all assume they mean racial. Their lack of racial representation here, shows equity for the board means homosexual equity candidates who’d continue the agenda.

  4. Which one is the gay transgender with a criminal record who supports beating puppies?

    These white men show just how much APS really thinks about “inclusion”

  5. Wait. Isn’t the Sitka based Frank Hauser the guy who wouldn’t and didn’t listen to his community members about unmasking the kids in schools there and threatened to call the cops on them if they didn’t continue to wear their masks?

    Quality applicants if he’s an option.

    If there are any parents in the ASD system who care about not ending up with vaccine and mask mandates again in schools, I would suggest they do their homework.

    I see the liberal leftist school board and assembly have narrowed it down to people they can puppet.

  6. The guy from Houston looks like he’s been a professional administrator since 2013, so exactly how much has he taught? Give it to the Sitka guy and tell him to adopt a real education plan instead of this emotional bs that is currently being forced on the kids.

  7. They wouldn’t dare hire a conservative, Christian. Oh no! The kiss of death on an application form for education or government work.

    • If you are talking about Dave Donley, he has been a Republican for many years. It is obvious you have never been to or listened to an ASD Board meeting. He has been the only one to stand time and time again against the libs on the board. He gets absolutely no support from any of them. So please know what you are saying. before popping off after reading an article.

      • What/who are you talking about? Dave Donley is not in the running for ASD Super. Please try and pay attention Judy!

  8. Don’t be fooled by appearances: These three are likely the most woke of the most woke. Besides, the winner can pop in here for maybe three years and pull out $1.5 million in compensation plus bonuses for each transgender athlete they can enter into competition.

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