Alex Gimarc: The Democrats abortion fear campaign aimed at AWFL voters



Following the Supreme Court opinion on Dobbs in 2022, Democrats decided to run on abortion every single election. 

The technique is to terrify their core constituency of affluent white, female liberals (AWFLs) with endless lies about conservatives attacking their right to choose. Generally they use ads. Pro-abortion ballot initiatives enshrining abortion in state constitutions have been floated in the last two national elections.  

The goal is to turn out the single, college-educated women in sufficient numbers to elect Democrats. The goal is never to actually solve the issue, so it ends up being a festering carbuncle on the carcass of political life for as long as the tactic works for democrats, and for as long as the seemingly mentally ill liberal women targeted, who all claim to be intelligent, put up with it.

We here in Alaska have been treated to a series of ads funded by a national group “Vote Alaska Before Party” all summer.  While never mentioned, these ads all support Mary Peltola’s reelection bid for congress.  hey uniformly bash Republican candidates in the primary. 

Note that this is all Outside money, being spent by the group headed by political operative Jim Lottsfeldt, to help Peltola win the primary Aug 20 and the general on Nov 5. 

While Lottsfeldt’s radio ads never mention Peltola, they do talk a lot about the three conservative candidates. They go after Nick Begich for supporting the Supreme Court Dobbs decision, which allows states to decide the abortion question. They bash Nancy Dahlstrom for taking over $160,000 from groups who want to ban abortion nationwide. Finally, they go after Gerald Heikes for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood. All three candidates are darkly labeled as too extreme for Alaska.

A deeper look into this uncovers the fraud Lottsfeldt and his national democrat backers are executing on voters in Alaska.

In the Begich case, Dobbs put the issue squarely back in the hands of elected officials in the states — legislature and governors. Courts are no longer players. Suggesting that some national abortion legislation – for or against – is possible is little more than a lie.

Lottsfeldt’s Democrats continue with their attack on Dahlstrom, claiming that taking money from people who don’t like abortion is extreme. Does this also mean that taking money from the pro-abortion world is likewise extreme?  While it should, it is apparently not in the Democrat fever swamps.

The final, and most laughable claim is that defunding Planned Parenthood is somehow extreme. Note that this is the same Planned Parenthood that is currently running a nationwide chop shop for commercial sale of aborted baby parts.  

This was uncovered by Project Veritas in a series of videos in 2015.  Then California Attorney General Kamala Harris went after the reporting in court in 2016 with the goal to make sure nothing saw the light of day.

Not ignoring a new revenue stream, Planned Parenthood managed to insert itself into middle of the burgeoning gender affirming care industry targeting young girls for their “services.”  They used their position in the public schools to prey on pregnant teens as a vehicle to become the second largest provider of gender hormone therapies nationwide.  Like with their abortion advocacy, this is usually done without the knowledge or participation of the parents of these minors. 

Defunding these predators of young women would be a vast improvement in political life.

But Lottsfeldt’s Democrats who fund this and the candidates they support like Peltola aren’t interested in any compromise, any discussion, or anything else. All they want is the election win. And they are ready, willing, and able to terrify a bunch of women to do it, shamelessly feeding their fears and creating mentally ill people who will do their bidding every election.  

It has worked well for them for years. It’s time to break up this game.  

Alex Gimarc lives in Anchorage since retiring from the military in 1997. His interests include science and technology, environment, energy, economics, military affairs, fishing and disabilities policies. His weekly column “Interesting Items” is a summary of news stories with substantive Alaska-themed topics. He was a small business owner and Information Technology professional.


  1. Pretty easy. If you do not want to have a baby, use birth control and MORALS. The left has no moral compass, no class, and no ideas. All they are is an agenda machine. If they think abortion (killing babies) makes sense, then they are not people we want to be around. Ever. Do not elect anymore of them, and clean this dam nation up!

  2. Liberals like Peltola would have us believe that we have only one freedom, and that is the freedom to abort unborn babies. They totally ignore our other freedoms, which they are happy to trample on.

    When Peltola tells us she wants to protect our “freedoms,” she really means to protect just the freedom to abort. Besides, that “freedom” is already protected by our State constitution. So it’s a red herring. There is no threat from “extremists” to amend the AK constitution. The real extremists already won. Yet they call Nick Begich an extremist because he wants to let the people of Alaska to decide the abortion issue, which they already have.

  3. Y’all get what you wanted for 50 yrs, don’t cry over it. Republicans always whine when their unpopular ideology comes back and bites them. It’s quite simple, stay out of a women’s personal health, stay out of our bedrooms and let people make their own decisions on what their kids read. I know it’s hard when you are a brainwashed Trump cult member but you are the minority of Americans, most of us actually believe in freedom, you only believe in freedom if it suits your narrow ideology. Basically y’all should just shut up and mind your own business.

    • And likewise, RINO, please keep your bedroom off of our streets, out of our libraries, away from our children / grand children, and off our TV screens. Sound like a fair deal?

    • “……..It’s quite simple, stay out of a women’s personal health………”
      I don’t care about “women’s health” any more than you do. A child is not only a woman’s. The child, by biological fact, has a father. He cannot be held financially responsible in raising that child or powerless in the decision to kill the child at the complete whims of the mother.
      Sorry, despite your dreams of total tyranny, it just isn’t going to be that way. Don’t believe me? Okay.
      Experience reality. It’s just now starting, and it gets rockier from here………..

    • Actually Rino, they already stay out of women’s healthcare. Real Healthcare that is like pap smears and the like. (as in treatment of a disease process, injuries and prevention)
      Abortions are in the very vast majority of cases elective procedures. Furthermore there is nothing “reproductive” about an abortion, as the sole goal is to terminate the process of reproduction, while not caring one whit about the health of the unborn person.

      The supreme court decision did exactly what you demanded, keep the federal government out of this issue and let the people of the various states decide how they wish to handle this

      The stories of women not getting care for ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages are in my opinion greatly distorted. Neither an ectopic pregnancy nor a miscarriage deal with a living fetus and are considered medical emergencies. I believe that most of these stories leave out pertinent details to portray a picture that will serve their cause.

    • Rino says: “… stay out of a women’s personal health, stay out of our bedrooms and let people make their own decisions on what their kids read. I know it’s hard when you are a brainwashed Trump cult member but you are the minority of Americans, most of us actually believe in freedom, you only believe in freedom if it suits your narrow ideology. Basically y’all should just shut up and mind your own business.”

      Dunno where you learned math, but abortion is an issue that involves 3 people – mom, who you appear to care about, Dad, who is on the hook for care for the next 18 years, and the kiddo, who has no say in the festivities whatsoever. You would only allow a single person to unilaterally make all decisions, which seem to be about something other than the freedom you claim to care so much about.

      In my world, kids ought not to be exposed to porn in the public schools – any porn, gay straight or anything else. Please elucidate us on why porn in the public schools is a Good Thing.

      What is free about fathers and kids having no say about abortion? Dad pays out of his pocket for a couple decades. The kid pays for it with his/her life. How is this freedom?

      And you end with that precious little directive from the left these days: sit down and shut up. How cute. How droll. How intelligent. Problem is when your rights (unilateral decision to abort) start overriding other rights (those of Dad and the kid), then we have a discussion, one that will not end up in the place you think it will (the Chappelle worldview for instance – if you can kill them, we can abandon them). Cheers –

    • “…stay out of a women’s personal health, stay out of our bedrooms and let people make their own decisions on what their kids read.”
      How is abortion for convenience “health?” Removing a healthy baby from a healthy mother is the opposite of health. Despite the propaganda peddled by the leftists, the overwhelming majority of conservatives are OK with abortion when it is an actual medical dysfunction that is the reason. But, because your business of filming creampie videos results in pregnancy too often is not for health.
      Now… the bedroom statement. What republicans are insisting on invading your bedroom? Please name them, and provide info on how you know they are interested in what happens in people’s bedrooms. Again, aside from the propaganda from the left, I do not see a lot of republicans caring.
      And, finally, the problem is not what kids read. It is where the books are displayed. Tell me, RINO, do you have any problem with saying a child should not be allowed into an R or NC-17 rated film? Or that a child should not be allowed into a strip club? Somehow, I find it difficult to believe that you would be OK with allowing the Bush company to admit minors. If parents choose to provide these sexually explicit books into their homes, no republican would have a problem with it. It is having them in the schools, and in front of grade school age children that is the problem.
      Again, aside from leftist propaganda, where are you getting this idea that conservatives are interested in what people read?

    • Ya Rino we did not have wars going on 3 fronts when trump was in office. And the economy was booming. Not sure what your point is. ?? Another interesting thing that I question. We have sent over $265 billion plus military hardware to Ukraine and barely a cent to our own people in Lahaina who lost everything. Shameful.

    • “……..your opinion is invalid……….”
      Classic anonymous tyrant. Your words are invalid and you have no action because the acts you’d love to attempt would prove fatal.

    • “your opinion is invalid.”
      Thanks for the laugh!
      Who elected you ruler of the universe and omnipotent arbiter of everything ???

  4. If you step into a boxing ring, with one hand tied behind your back, you will lose. Democrat big money is in the ring. If Republican big money does not step into the ring, dollar for dollar, then we will likely lose the fight.

  5. AWFLs who suffer from White Woman Savior Complex and TDS. I agree with the Supreme court, Trump, and Nick Begich that this is an issue that states/ voters need to decide.

  6. It is a major error to ever expect that the Left will “play by the rules”. The Left has no rules. They always play to win at any cost and without reference to childish notions like “honor” or “the truth”.

    At the national level, I believe the Left will do anything and everything necessary to elect the Harris/Walz ticket and retain power. Anything. And the Deep State will play the game too.

  7. The biggest aggravation that I have over the abortion issue is the total lying about “medical care”. I am getting pretty old but I remember 60+ years ago before the abortion issue took up so much space. There has always been the ability to take care of ectopic pregnancies and D&C procedures after a spontaneous abortion. We are being bombarded with stories of women being denied regular medical care because of the “anti-abortion” position. Is there some sort of medical tyranny going on to prevent doctors from providing this care? Are there so many rules and regulations that they fear losing their licenses? Have doctors performed regular abortions and then lied about it because they were in a medical facility that was against it? This whole issue is a mess and a lot of dishonesty is out there.

  8. I actually think this is a multi-pronged effort here.
    First to rile up the liberal voters to actually turn out,
    second besmirch as many republicans as possible, to give “independents” pause and
    third to assure that no other liberal candidate makes the final 4 to suck votes from Mary Peltola in the first round, hoping she will get enough votes to win outright.
    There is no other explanation of why they campaign against a gentleman, who has no name recognition and isn’t even running a real campaign at all.

  9. The author’s claim that Planned Parenthood provides gender transition services to minors is false. This from PP’s statement: “We’re not offering HT services for those under 18. Helping a teen transition medically is a process that involves not only medical providers, but also mental health professionals and possibly legal services. It also requires the involvement of the family in terms of education and consent. PPSP is not able to offer this service at this time and we will reassess offering HT to patients under 18 in the future.”

    • BS. Take a look at the link. They are still operating their fetal body part chop shop operation nearly a decade after the Veritas sting. Now they are adding transitioning “services.”

      PP is as dirty as they come. And apparently so are you. Cheers –

  10. Baby killing deranged bastards, you can’t make this stuff up. (Fetus good snack) lord have mercy. Nothing like using our kids as cannon fodder. These politicians that stir this c— are going to burn in hell.

    • “…….. (Fetus good snack) lord have mercy………”
      I suppose that snack claim is a matter of opinion, but I’m pretty confident that monstrous people = great fish bait. Sea lice definitely like it……….

  11. What a brilliant turn of phrase… forever tatooed on this mortal mind.
    “Planned Parenthood… a nationwide chop shop for commercial sale of aborted baby parts.”
    If ever there were a reincarnation of Murder, Incorporated, would not Planned Parenthood be it?
    The AWFL vacuous-voter concept seems reasonable, but questions linger:
    How many, at this late date, haven’t made up their voting minds about legalizing infanticide?
    For the dozen or so voters still struggling to rationalize support for the baby-parts industry, this much dark money, and more, will permanently assuage their doubts?
    Bottom line: What would persuade voters that fomenting abortion fear is not a noisy diversion to deflect attention, and questions, about where most of the dark money may actually be going, for example to ballot mills?

    • Thar’s money in juicing them little weasels. It’s not just a “good snack”, it’s an elixir of the gods!

  12. Speaking of snacks. via the NY Post- “Planned Parenthood offered free vasectomies and medicinal abortions in an oversized van outside the Democratic National Convention on Monday, giving men the chance to get snipped in as little as 20 minutes – and grab a taco on their way out.

    The van, which will also operate on Tuesday, has two separate rooms where patients who filled out a registration form could get the procedure done. The organization had sent out a registration link on Thursday – and all 40 spots for the services were filled by Saturday.

    Outside the van was a taco truck, as well as a stand run by the Chicago Abortion Fund, which offered patients goodie bags filled with face masks, candy, painkillers and cards of affirmation.”

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