‘Alaskans for Posterity’ illegal ad activity links back to Lottsfeldt Strategies, Ship Creek Group


Alaskans for Posterity, a shadow group meant to trick voters with a name similar to Americans for Prosperity Alaska, has broken campaign laws by spending money to oppose candidates, while not disclosing its top three donors.

Read: Shadow group emerges as political player, mimicking Americans for Prosperity Alaska

The group has spent advertising dollars to do a radio air-bombing of Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and has published a flier in the past month attacking Eagle River Assemblywoman Jamie Allard. Both are declared candidates.

Who is paying for the ads? That’s the secret that Alaskans for Posterity doesn’t want to reveal.

Must Read Alaska has linked the Ship Creek Group to the Alaskans for Posterity, and it’s clear that principals and satellites of Ship Creek Group are involved.

But the radio ads targeting Dunleavy were placed by Gonzalez Marketing in Anchorage. Gonzalez Marketing shares the same building as Lottsfeldt Strategies. Lottsfeldt Strategies has a close business alliance with Ship Creek Group, whose managing partner John Henry Heckendorn came to Alaska to work for Jim Lottsfeldt and run the Rep. Andy Josephson campaign.

Lottsfeldt, who mainly lives in Portland these days and travels the world extensively, comes from a longtime Alaska political family and works primarily for Big Labor, Democrat candidates, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

The radio ad targeting Dunleavy ran from Oct. 11 through Oct. 15. It appears that when Alaskans for Posterity was notified by APOC that the ad was illegal, the group pulled it down, rather than run it through Oct. 24, as planned, with their top three donors revealed.

The Alaskans for Posterity group’s flyer also claimed, without evidence, that Assemblywoman Allard is responsible for the Covid crisis.

Allard has begun the process of filing a complaint with APOC about the group for not revealing its top three donors. The typical fine is minor — it’s $50 a day for every day the people who bankrolled the attack ads are not revealed. But it’s obvious the group doesn’t want its financial backers known as evidenced by the work it has done anonymously — so far.

Americans for Prosperity, the group of conservative activists, told Must Read Alaska that there’s little it can do to legally to block Alaskans for Posterity from copy-catting its name. State Director Bernadette Wilson said other state chapters around the country have faced similar challenges with fake name-similar groups trying to confuse voters.


  1. Another example of the “Smoke & Mirrors” of the radical left, Ecco-Terrorist, and Authoritative Socialist movement we find ourselves up against.
    If liberty and freedom has any chance of prevailing, then Traditional Conservatives are going to have to throw the rules out. The mindset needs to change …
    – Win at any cost.
    – Search and destroy.
    – The ends justifies the means.
    – Civility and fairness have no place in this culture war.

  2. We’ve got these ads running now in Juneau. After all the propaganda that’s broadcasted they ask you to call a phone number. Is it the same in Anchorage? I was in my garage with greasy hands so I couldn’t jot down the number. I haven’t heard the ad since. They are going all out as I was listening to iIHeart radio and this came on (iheart does have local ads so this is how they came on). Everyone should write down this number and call it. I’m curious who answers and what they ask.

  3. “You will only keep your republic if you remain a moral society.” One of our forefathers stated this years ago. The cabal hates our forefathers and has corrupted society, which has been on purpose, because there can’t be anything more powerful than their centralized government.

  4. So will the Dunlevy administration wring its hands and say “Oh my!” or will they actually do something? Are we taking odds?

  5. What is Alice Rogoff up to these days?
    I would find it hard to believe she has lost all her interest in AK?
    Seems to be a lot of outside money trying to influence votes on both sides of the aisle right now.
    Next election cycle is gonna get dirty…all the lefties will be crying the lack of more draconian mandates caused the c-19 surges.
    Crazy how the liberals became the party of denying us our civil liberties & constitutional rights.

  6. Thanks for using this picture of me. It’s a favorite.

    And I know know you’re not really into calling to fact-check your stories, but if you had I would have told you I have zero involvement with Alaskans for Posterity. Yes, I used to rent an office in Steve Gonzalez’ building. So?

    By the way, I was business partners with Art Hackney for many years. He was the guy that introduced me to Dem politics when he took the Sam Cotton campaign into our shop. So maybe you can weave that into some bigger, weirder conspiracy story next week

  7. Has anyone called the phone number given? I haven’t heard the ad again but I would like to call the number to see what’s up. Suzanne, if you could do a follow up article with the number that would be great.

  8. The real culprit here is the fundamental lack of Education amongst would be voters. I mean if you confuse Prosperity with Posterity you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. However an exemption might be made for those who get off of their posterior and look up the meaning of these similar sounding words.
    BTW whatever became of Sam Cotten?
    He was a well driller wasn’t he ? Now days the Democrats don’t put up real world candidates like Sam, they get punks with outdoor-writers diplomas.

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