Alaskan of the Year: Kelly Tshibaka


Must Read Alaska readers have spoken, and say Kelly Tshibaka, who ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, is Alaska of the Year. Overwhelmingly.

Thirty-five percent of respondents to our poll, running for the past three weeks on Facebook, said Tshibaka is the most admirable Alaskan. She was followed by Mat-Su Borough Mayor Edna DeVries, Rep.-elect Jamie Allard, Rep. David Eastman, and Rep. Mike Cronk. Other Alaskans were mentioned, including Dr. Anne Zink, Dr. Ilona Farr, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson and even Rep. Mary Peltola and Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Tshibaka announced her campaign to run for U.S. Senate against Murkowski in March of 2021. She fought tirelessly working each and every day on the campaign trail, coming from a relatively unknown candidate to a major threat to the Murkowski dynasty.

Due to the new voting system that made it an open primary, Tshibaka was not able to become the Republican Party’s sole nominee on the November ballot, even though she had the Republican Party’s endorsement, and Murkowski was censured by the party. In the end, Murkowski won, and Tshibaka came in second — 117, 299 votes to Murkowski’s 135,972 — after Murkowski picked up nearly all of Democrat candidate Pat Chesbro’s second votes in ranked choice voting.

Tshibaka, born and raised in Alaska, left for college in Texas and then graduated from Harvard Law School. She went to work for the federal government as an inspector general, fighting fraud in government, and married and started a family before moving back to Alaska to join the administration of Gov. Mike Dunleavy. Two years later, she was running against Murkowski for the Senate.

The 2021 Alaskan of the Year was Jamie Allard, then an Anchorage Assemblyman and now heading to the Alaska Legislature as a representative for Eagle River.


  1. Good Choice,Kelly’s a very smart Lady, just to bad that these entrenched parasites like Markowski have ways of circumventing the election processs and basicly rig a election , and it doesn’t help matters when Low information and not very smart People vote for these same old Gulls in Government, hopefully People will educate themselves and find some commen sense in the future and Vote these life long parasites out. Kelly would have won easily in a head to head contest , hopefully she find it within herself to run again!

      • Likely she will see a repeat of 2022 in 2026 under r-c-v unless dan sullivan decides he won’t run which would be extraordinary. Then
        She’ll have to race against the democrats pick who’d may play by the race or homesexual cards. She ain’t very popular among democrats despite
        she attended a liberal ridiculous school as harvaard. Hopefully We still have a country to
        hold an idiot election. Anything can happen to our America while we are vulnerable during these next 3 long uncertain years.

        • Harvard has welcomed diverse admissions applications. You should ask for packets to be sent to you and start preparing admissions packages right now for your grandkids. THEY CAN GO TOO!

    • Actually she wouldn’t have won since Murkowski overtook her for the lead before second choice votes were even counted. Nice try though.

      • Actually she would have but not for the ballot measure designed by Lisa folks to make it so Lisa would not have to run in a Republican primary. Kelly would have eliminated her in the primary.

  2. For a first time Canidate to run Statewide for a National Senate Seat—Kelly did an Amazing Job. She didn’t loose, she just INTRODUCED herself to the the people of Alaska. Whatever election she decides to enter—-She Will Win. Look at the Forces raised against her. Almost 20 years of Lisa’s Billions of $ stuffed into the pockets of thousands of Special Interest, Kendell and the RCV Scheme to do away with Party Primaries— Lisa’s weakest spot. Millions of .Mitch McConnel negative Campaign Add money at the last minute, the Chesbro Democrats in the second round vote.To stand against all that, and do as well as She Did; She could run for any office and WIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS KELLY &. THE WHOLE FAMILY OF TISHBAKA’S.. Thank You for letting us meet you. This is just the Begining.

    • Thanks for support for Tshibaka family. I love them all too! Kelly is not only amazing but inspirational. The Lord God directs her path, impact and steps. God bless. And we await your next success-steps!

    • I like your post Sarge and completely agree,,,,,Thank you for introducing yourself to us Ma am and rest assured we will support you again except stronger.

    • I agree. She can use Lisa’s old state room. But please let us know when you’re coming, Kelly. We want to hide all of Lisa’s old bar exam test score results. Lisa keeps them as souvenirs to remind herself that she and Frankie have similar IQs.

  3. 20 years of computer enhanced selections is a tall hurdle. Kelly nearly overcame it, which was truly amazing and inspiring. Liberty will not be relinquished without a fight, even if we have to start back closer to the origin. We needed her truthful spirit and still do.
    Merry Christmas to Kelly and the Tshibaka family!

    • My bet is that the Tshibakas will not reside in Alaska much longer. Methinks the Washington, DC area calls them back in the springtime or early summer.

        • Democrat losers come to MRAK because they know the Truth can’t be found anywhere else. Go get drunk and stoned on Christ’s birthday, Democrats. It will make you feel better. Then call your shrink tomorrow morning.

    • Guess being born and raised in Alaska is not enough for you, Jim. She is more Alaskan than half the state at least.

      • And then got out to school and work as soon as she could and stayed away workingdeep state federal government jobs in Washington DC-the pit of deep-state work.

        • Passed the bar exam on first attempt. Lisa passed, after many attempts, when daddy paid for the questions before exam #15.
          Lisa is a pretty stupid woman, compared to Kelly. But Democrats and Commies prefer stupid people, correct Maureen? You would know.

      • Bullwinkle; An Alaskan is someone who lives here year round, Alaskan Sourdough is some one that has lived here 40 years or more or born and raised. If you are an Alaskan, leave the state and back your a cheechako again.
        More than half the people that live in Alaska are not true Alaskans including Kelly.

    • What’s an Alaskan anyway? Kelly is going to be working behind the scenes.W-o-r-k-I-n-g unlike Lisa Murkowski who is following….

  4. She deserves it! Her heart and mission are all in the right place! Love her to bits! Mitch McConnell recently showed his true colors again with the Omnibus bill. And of course our illicit Sen. M voted along with him. What a tragedy! Maybe there’s a silver lining among this treachery we don’t see yet. Her future is bright.

  5. Howdy Jim, after Criss-Crossing Alaska many times, meeting with small numbers of people —-All Day, Every Day, for 2. Years. She is TRULY an ALASKAN.

  6. A good article and a well deserved honor for Kelly Tshibaka! Congrats!
    A little copy editing – “Jamie Allard, then an Anchorage” *Assemblywoman

  7. I don’t believe Kelly was ever an inspector general. She was an acting inspector general for a cup of coffee. Also, she was more of fraud committer than a fraud fighter. See National Reconnaissance Office Inspector General Report dated June 29, 2011. The IG “found sufficient evidence to support a conclusion that Tshibaka’s actions violated Title 18 US Code 287, False, Fictitious, and Fraudulent Claims, as well as CIA Agency Regulations and ODNI policies”. I guess her fraud is rather minor compared to what her endorser has committed. Alaskans must be proud.

    • I will guess that you read fake news and never gather facts before you spew venom. She was accused by someone she was investigating, and she was completely cleared. When you work for an agency that investigates fraud, you will be accused at least once, its a badge of honor when the bad guys accuse you,of what they are doing. Until you learn to write about actual facts, keep writing this fiction. Btw, get a real job.

      • Look at the paperwork. She was not completely cleared.

        Yes Molly be careful with fake news. Especially when Kelly is spouting it.

      • Molly, can you please provide any evidence that Kelly was completely cleared? I don’t think so as it doesn’t exist Ms. Fake News. Here is the documentation that supports my post:


    • I enjoy the freedom we have to espouse differing points of view, but I would rather not have to smell the stockyard, TI. Kelly is a class act that would have made a far better senator than Lisa ever was.

  8. Suzanne, why are you censoring the comments. My comments are based on verifiable facts. Is it because they are somewhat contrary to your narrative? Very disappointing.

    • Why do you come to MRAK, Trump It?
      Come to my office instead. I can get you some help from your severe depression and TDD.
      My psychiatric therapy sessions will help you, and yes, I do take Medicare and SS disability. Why would you want to continue to live with your disorder and hatred?

      • Well Dr. Dan, I come to this site to try and make a difference. If I can get one or two MAGA’s to accept facts rather than attack them like their mentor does the world is a better place. I currently do not suffer from Trump Defense Disorder (TDD) nor do I qualify for Medicare. You do understand that a patient must be at least 65 to qualify for Medicare benefits? I suspect you don’t care and regularly commit Medicare fraud. Additionally, I suspect you don’t understand the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.

        • Trump It,
          Your behavioral analysis is easy to assess just from your short paragraph. You sound like a person who is very disturbed by factual events, and would prefer to adopt the propoganda of your political party’s ideology.
          My office opens at 8:00am. I can have you taken-in on short notice. I know what your problem is without further diagnosis. You are at severe risk, my friend.

  9. Leaves the state at 15 YOA, lives in the Washington DC Swamp, gets imported back into the state just in time to make a presence before trying to jump into one of our senate seats…and she’s the best pick for Alaskan of the Year. What a joke.

    • Don’t like Alaskans representing the state or working the federal side in our nation’s capitol? Move the national capitol to Juneau. Keep busy on something positive (or at least profitable for the government wonks in Juneau) rather than carping about reality.

      • Personally I would hope you would see the irony of a deep stater who come back to fight the deep state Reggie.

    • Democrats have always been the true racists. And the true race baiters. Sophists always blame their immoral proclivities on someone, to make themselves appear better. Their MO is out in the open.

        • Maureen, did you know that cancer festers very quickly amongst those who feel distressed, depressed, and angry? Your rage is a huge risk factor.

  10. I gladly accept Lisa Murkowski as U.S. Senator! And, frankly, I have no qualms with Kelly Tshibaka voted as Alaskan of the Year–there is nothing lost in being gracious!

  11. ConocoPhillips should be the Alaskan of the Year. If the massive Willow Project is completed, Alaska’s balance sheet will OK for years with new oil flowing down the pipeline. Hopefully the joint partnerships with the Alaskan Native Corporations and big oil and with our Congressional delegation’s diligence, the Willow Project will go to the finish line.

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