Alaska Republicans vote in Ann Brown, chair, Mike Robbins vice chair

Ann Brown

The Alaska Republican Party elected current chairwoman Ann Brown as chair of the Alaska Republican Party. Brown has been serving in that role since immediate past Chair Glenn Clary left for a job out of state in 2021, and Brown moved up from vice chairwoman.

Brown, formerly from Fairbanks, now lives in Anchorage and has been seen as a hard worker and good fundraiser. She has good relationships with the Republican National Committee. She won with nearly 73 percent of the vote over her opponent.

Mike Robbins was elected as the party’s vice chair after Craig Campbell decided not to run for reelection to that position. Robbins is a longtime party activists and was the chair of the Alaska Trump inaugural party committee in 2016. He lives in Anchorage.

Charlene Tautfest of Soldotna is the party’s new secretary. The ARP’s new assistant secretary is Trevor Shaw of Ketchikan.


  1. Ann was the one responsible for not censoring Lisa oath breakers, after what McCarthy said to Cheney this is a fact we have to many oath breakers. Term limits & oath integrity is the fuel this country must run on. The citizens all voted that is why Florida did not fall, that stoped the steal in Florida. Citizens we are all we got. we are all lady liberty has we must all vote like our country depends on us for its life our vote is our only tool in our toolbox. Oath breakers so help you GOD you swore.

  2. All the “moderate” Republicans thought candidate Bronson was “too divisive” to support. Then he won. Shut up and Listen to your base AKRP and you won’t have these problems in the future.

  3. Great Choice! Times are changing and changing for the better!
    Let’s get these Republicans to the polls, en masse!!!

  4. On May 16, 2021, in “Must Read Alaska”, we asked Ann Brown:
    “What’s the GOP really about?
    The 150 Republicans who said they’d quit the GOP and form a third party because Liz Cheney got the sack, what should state GOP say to them, Ann?
    The Republican Estabishment who helped depose President Trump and disenfranchise 75 million Republican voters… how does state GOP react to that?
    Do you, Ann, have a clear vision of the state GOP taking a leadership role in reversing Alaska’s ranked-choice ballot scheme, abandoning Dominion vote-tabulating machinery, restoring traditional balloting at city and state levels?
    Did you read Clem Tillion’s essay in “Must Read”… the part where he said, “But nobody expected the judiciary to rule that the dividend was just another appropriation to be battled over by factions in our society.”
    or, “Back in the day, we really believed the Legislature would protect the Permanent Fund by protecting the dividend from being carved up and devoured by special interests and the lobbyists.”?
    Do you have a vision of Alaska’s GOP being the prime mover in restoring the PFD to something Alaska’s politically prejudiced judiciary can’t pervert for the benefit of special interests and lobbyists?
    What percentage of state GOP’s funding comes from special interests and lobbyists?
    Do you get “Must Read Alaska” legislative updates, eye-opening reportage on the mob of special interests squabbling for spots at the public trough?
    Do you know, Ann, the Alaska Lobbyist Directory contains 388 line items of special interests… none of whom represent poor schlubs whose lives and livelihoods were wrecked by China flu hysteria.
    … but some of whom may be influential GOP donors?
    Will this be problematic for state GOP when the inevitable budget crisis surfaces which can be fixed only by forcing income and sales taxes on productive Alaskans who aren’t protected by special interests?
    Under your leadership, will the state GOP help lead an effort to reform Alaska’s overpriced, underperforming education industry?
    Under your leadership, will the state GOP support Alaska’s taxpayer-subsidized infanticide industry?
    Under your leadership, will Alaska’s GOP recruit and support populist conservative candidates?
    Under your leadership, will Alaska’s GOP support a 2024 Donald Trump nomination?
    Thanks, Ann. May we hear from you soon?”
    Almost one year later, we’re still waiting for Ann’s reply.

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