The Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee voted to censure Sen. Lisa Murkowski during its quarterly meeting in Anchorage on Saturday.
The vote was 77 percent in favor of the censure resolution, which was offered by House District 23 Chairman Kris Warren.
Over 17 district Republican groups in Alaska had voted separately to censure Murkowski during the weeks following the historic second impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. A survey being conducted by activists had over 400 supporters in less than 72 hours in support of the motion.
Over a dozen party officers spoke in favor or, to a lesser degree, against the resolution, which was an inventory of some of Murkowski’s most egregious actions, including when Murkowski asked for the resignation of President Trump in January, following the protest that overtook the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump supporters were objecting to the certification of the Electoral College and surged into the Capitol.
Judy Eledge, chair of the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, spoke to the group, saying the Alaska Republican Party is “like the battered woman. She [Murkowski] beats the devil out of us. We just say it’s ok, it was not your fault, it was my fault.”
Michael Tavoliero of District 14 said, “What we have seen her do in three terms has done more damage to the State of Alaska, and it’s time to send her a message. This is the moment of truth.”
Barbara Haney of North Pole said Republicans in her district are more angry at Sen. Murkowski now than they were after she lost the primary to Joe Miller, and went on to run a write-in campaign to retain her seat.
Many who spoke recognized that a censure would lead to more division in the party. One officer said it would be better to take all the points from the resolution and present them to the senator.
“What we’re about to do, in my opinion, is destabilizing to the state of the party,” she said. “Never make Democrats smile.”
Another speaking against the motion said that the move would split Republicans in her district, many of whom tolerate Murkowski.
But William Deaton of Cordova said that although he sees the party as a “big tent party,” and could live with many of Murkowski’s wayward decisions, when it came to impeaching Trump, that was a bridge too far.
“She voted to impeach a private citizen,” he pointed out. His remarks received robust applause.
The resolution states that the party “separates itself from the conviction vote” that Murkowski cast. And it further resolves to find a candidate to oppose her in the coming election cycle. Murkowski is up for election in 2022.
Also, she is prohibited from being a Republican candidate to “the extent allowed by law,” according to the resolution.
The party has has an uneasy relationship with Murkowski, but the senior senator has won her elections by appealing to centrists and the big batch of “undeclared” and “nonpartisan” voters in Alaska, which comprises the majority of Alaska voters.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is said to be preparing a resolution or statement in support of Murkowski, which is expected to be released Monday or Tuesday. The head of that organization is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, an ally of Murkowski.
The resolution, as voted on:

Maybe she will run as a democrat, but most likely coast back in thanks to prop 2.
If we don’t replace the Diebold Voting Machines she will keep winning! She has rigged the voting totals since 2006!
We already did replace them… With Dominion
Republicans will never win again
At this point Lisa would probably get more votes as a NP in AK….
the republican party is getting old and younger generations do not see the benefit to join either club.
Does anyone think She cares! She knows she’s a shoe in
Elections are a thing of the past anyhow. We are now officially a Chinese Communist puppet government & Lisa is one of the lead traitors in this puppet Regime.
One sincerely hopes Alaska’s Republican Party focuses full attention on repealing Ballot Measure 2, the ranked-choice voting initiative.
Censuring Peoples Imperial Senator Murkowski seems more than justifiable.
In practicality, censure means little if Alaska’s election process can be corrupted to assure Murkowski remains in office.
Pointless gesture. Alaska had multiple chances to deal with her and didn’t. Now Alaska has to live with the consequences.
Choke on it.
As a member of the “big batch of undeclared voters” in Alaska, I whole heartedly agree with and support this resolution and censure of Senator Murkowski. Furthermore, I pledge to support ongoing efforts to remove said representative from the United States Senate by way of free and honest election.
RINOS are basically liars, all liars go directly to hell. (Rev 21:8) She will eventually obtain her just reward. But meanwhile let’s be rid of them all. Vote ’em out. Democrats should not be elected as Republicans. Bye, Bye Murkowski You won’t enjoy cold weather nor cold water where you’re destined to go
Let’s get down to business and find a candidate who can kick her a–. Suzanne said no. John Sturgeon said no. Who do we TRUST to run and WIN?
She is, who she appears to be; a corrupt, Washingtonian.
WTF Took them so long? Oh yeah, the neutered establishment types that dominate that lukewarm party of pathetic neo-liberals.
She donated campaign money to the Alaska GOP to buy their silence!
Anger is contagious – especially so when it gets out of control. This will not have a good ending. Yeah, we took a stand, shot ourselves in both feet and fell. To many, especially in the Bush, this exercise in contentiousness is offensive. Yeah, I’m angry at Lisa too – but politically, I pray this is not as big a mistake as I fear.
Senator Murkowski is a democrat trying to act like a republican. She needs to bow out and run as a Democrat. She doesn’t want to “go against the politacal grain” in a time when the Republican Party needs strong leadership. America needs men and women with passion and conviction to stand up for conservative values. That is NOT Lisa Murkowski. Where was she when the left was burning cities, destroying property and injuring police?…mysteriously quiet!!!
Nepotism makes for poor leadership selection decisions.
Voters really need to take this voting serious. Murkowski is our weak link and has been allowed to turn our country upside down. Just look at what we have from it! Fewer Jobs, less oil, less dividend .and the list goes on and on. I think it is very important for every Alaskan to ask them selves, were we better off before she was in office than we are now? If you truly believe we are better off now I would like to here from you.
Crickets, Johnnie. Crickets.
Hello Alaska!
I’m talking to You, that’s everyone across the state
Vote this swamp creature out
No matter what side you’re on. She does not think of you are Alaska.
Yeahh! It’s about damn time!
More virtue signaling. SMH. We are turning into the Dems.
Maybe the catholic people of this state will also show some guts and remove the archbishop who punished the priest for not giving communion to murkomunist!
Do the Catholics in this state have a spine? Show it!!!!
Trevor Jepsen seconded the motion. Let that sink in.
Let’s get rid of her. To support Murkowski is to support a Democrat. She belongs in that party. I am an independent who votes for conservative candidates and she is not one of them. What about Dan Fagan’s choice to replace her, Kelly Tshibaka, commissioner of the Alaska Department of Administration. If Gov. Dunleavy will campaign with her in rural regions of the state that would help. Dan said she is “extremely bright, articulate, and clearly driven.” See MRAK March 4 story about her: “Dan Fagan: Alaska could stand to upgrade Senate seat in 2022 with Kelly Tshibaka.”
As a former member of the State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party, I am glad the they voted to censure Senator Murkowski. Wether this censure resolution is sent to Senator Murkowski or not does not matter. She will not care! I have sent polite emails to Senator Murkowski many times in the past concerning upcoming votes and I have never received a response.
Unfortunately there are thousands of uninformed or lazy mob mentality voters in the bush and the leftist cities. Some just won’t listen or don’t care. It’s sad to see what has happened to Alaska, the lazy government dependent have become the majority and the Alaskan work ethic and spirit are now the minority.
That’s not entirely accurate. The villages that I’ve lived in sponsor proud hard-working families. Sure they always could use some help who can’t use help? But to call them lazy is wrong. I see them work their butt off trying to get food for the table or wood for their fires or trying to keep a boat motor going for one more season. I’m not sure where you have been but you paint an entirely different picture than the Alaska that I’ve seen over the past 15 years.
Never voted for her and I never will. For the Alaskan Republican party as usual they are a day late and a dollar short. They and Murky are the reason I have no party affiliation.
GOOD. She is an embarrassment to the state of Alaska!
At this point in the reign of ‘She of the Murkowsi Clan’ I have lost all toleration for her and can not hold my nose to vote for her again.
None of this is posted on the Alaska Republican Party’s web site. This was embedded in the Breitbart article as the individual breaking the news: “Kris Warren, head of the Anchorage Republican Party group.” I looked on the aforementioned site and she’s not listed anywhere. I also don’t see any articles on said site expressing past and present displeasure with Murk. Again, thanks to Suzanne for keeping us all in the loop.
[…] Alaska Republican Party on Saturday voted to censure Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) at its quarterly meeting and pledged to support a primary challenger […]
I love that photo. Let me paraphrase in my opinion what went down. Lisa says I did what you wanted me to. I voted against the Supreme Court nominee. Feinstein says shut up or I’m going to slap the crap out of you. I don’t even know why we let a weak senator like you in our club. Lisa says just tell me what you want to do, I don’t care anymore, just tell me what you want me to do.
Finally the payback by outraged voters. The Betrayal of Alaska by Lisa Murkowski must end ! She cannot run as a Republican for reelection. She is a mouthpiece for the leftist liberals, and the Biden administration.
The threshold of tolerance for overlooking votes that do not represent the best interests of Alaska. Time for a new Senator to Represent us.
She didn’t bow down to the orange calf of the GQP party. Oh no! Because of idiotic moves like this censure, the GQP party is quickly dying. Looking forward to voting for Murkowski again. At least, she defends the Constitution, unlike the GQP members who support the terrorists that stormed our Capitol.
Sometimes a little rebellion is good from time to time. Keeps leftist socialist like yourself on your toes.
Your first error is thinking I’m a leftist socialist. But I understand that the GQP doesn’t know what centrist or moderate means.
Please, please, please do not let her get reelected. She is not a Republican. She is not for the Alaskan people. She is a stooge like President Biden run by the Democrats.
She had the gall to say she will not lose this election in 2021. That is doubtful…Why did Alaskans let this egomaniac in? Definitely need someone who will work for the people of Alaska in the republican party. Let’s get some new blood in there. She is such a swamp monster!
I wish I were 20 years younger, I’d take her on.
Murkowski is batting .1000! She has now voted for the following.
1. Voted against Oil
2. Voted against Women’s sports
3. Voted against our children by allowing a very sick person named Levine to promote chemical castration for our kids as HHS Deputy Secretary.
Murkowski, just resign now and save us the trouble.
Great, now we need to audit our election system, no matter what the incompetent Lt.Gov. says.
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