Alaska life hack: Canada to allow Americans through border starting Aug. 9


For nearly 16 months, Americans have not been able to cross the border into Canada, except for “essential travel” circumstances, and with very strict conditions for travel.

But beginning August 9, fully vaccinated Americans as well as permanent residents who live in the U.S. will be able to get through the border.

Canada closed its borders to all but essential travel from the U.S. in March of 2020, in order to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Travelers from other nations may also be allowed to enter Canada beginning Sept. 7, provided the “COVID-19 epidemiology remains favorable,” according to the Canadian government.

Deep dive into details of the opening of Canada:

Starting Aug. 9, Canada plans to begin allowing entry to American citizens and permanent residents, who are currently residing in the United States, and have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to entering Canada for non-essential travel.

Subject to limited exceptions, all travellers must use ArriveCAN (app or web portal) to submit their travel information. If they are eligible to enter and meet specific criteria, fully vaccinated travelers will not have to quarantine upon arrival in Canada.

Transport Canada is expanding the scope of the existing Notice to Airmen that currently directs scheduled international commercial passenger flights into just four Canadian Airports: Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, Toronto Pearson International Airport, Calgary International Airport, and Vancouver International Airport.

Effective Aug. 9, international flights carrying passengers will be permitted to land at the following five additional Canadian airports:

  • Halifax Stanfield International Airport;
  • Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport;
  • Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport;
  • Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport; and
  • Edmonton International Airport.

All travelers, regardless of vaccination status, will still require a pre-entry Covid-19 molecular test result. However effective Aug. 9, the Government of Canada is adjusting its post-arrival testing strategy for fully vaccinated travelers. Using a new border testing surveillance program at airports and land border crossings, fully vaccinated travelers will not need a post-arrival test unless they have been randomly selected to complete a Day 1 Covid-19 molecular test. There are no changes to the mandatory testing requirements for unvaccinated travelers.

“This strategy allows the Government of Canada to continue monitoring variants of concern in Canada and vaccine effectiveness. Using these layers of protection, the Government of Canada can monitor the COVID-19 situation in Canada, respond quickly to threats, and guide decisions on restricting international travel,” the government said.

The three-night government authorized hotel stay requirement will be eliminated for all travelers arriving by air as of 12:01 am EDT on Aug. 9. Fully vaccinated travelers who meet the requirements will be exempt from quarantine.

However, all travelers must still provide a quarantine plan and be prepared to quarantine, in case it is determined at the border that they do not meet the necessary requirements.

“While Canada continues to trend in the right direction, the epidemiological situation and vaccination coverage is not the same around the world. The Government of Canada continues to advise Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada – international travel increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19 and its variants, as well as of spreading it to others. Border measures also remain subject to change as the epidemiological situation evolves. As Canada looks to welcome fully vaccinated travelers from the U.S., the federal government will continue to monitor the situation and provide updated travel advice to Canadians,” the Canadian government said.


  1. Canada is as much of a joke as is the CDC, the WHO, Alaska’s health department, the Chinese propaganda machine, the illegal Biden administration, and the dying U.S. media such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and the rest. They all have “jumped the shark” into complete unbelievability. The King has no clothes. Why, whatever do you mean?

    • Correct. It’s a global conspiracy against the GQP, formerly known as the Republican Party. Hehe

    • Maybe Canada is set on *quietly* keeping the sea of COVID carrying hoards that are crossing the US southern boarder out. If so, good for them.
      We are stupid in the US, fighting our own citizenry over a US government funded, Chinese manufactured, COVID virus, whilst at the very same time, letting all and sundry enter the country illegally, and ship them willingly to every state in the union.
      Someone a little more conspiratorial may be excused in thinking the powers that be, want this COVID stupidity to continue on indefinitely.
      Maybe, just maybe, the Canadians have figured their southern neighbors out as complicit in this world-wide COVID conspiracy.

  2. Let’s help the Canadians out- shut down all trucking inbound to Canada. Wanna play the death jab card? You can suffer the consequences for it.

  3. Well it’s never going to get back to the “olddays” when travel to and through Canada was fun and easy
    As a long time time Alaskan that’s been through Canada countless times I say good riddance

    With all the disinformation and outright lies about the gene therapy experiments I for one won’t be getting the jab

  4. I’m probably going to get lit up for this, but I won’t bite my tongue on this.

    Canada has been living under the blanket of our protection (for free) since 1776, and they apparently don’t appreciate it. Had Trump remained in office, the border would have been opened long ago!

    Canada has little respect for our Nation, and it makes me sick!

    Internationally, the world is a corrupt governing body. We are born free, yet enslaved by our governments.

    • Joel, you have valid points my friend…
      It seems Canada forget who actually built that highway through the muskeg?
      “The highway, constructed in eight months, stretched 1,600 miles from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Delta Junction, Alaska.
      It was built by 11,000 soldiers in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.”
      Might be time for Americans to realize that our neighbor is not really our ally these days and start to realize this latest decision will hurt Alaskan tourism for years to come.

    • I agree , Canadians love to flock to Florida in the winter buy up modest homes and go to our Doctors and drink like fishes. Then complain about Trump and how they hate him. It was nice to go to Florida this winter, No Canadians crowding up our place. I guess this winter there coming back. Where’s our protection from their disease of Racism towards the USA

  5. The old days of traveling to and through Canada seem to over forever
    Good riddance to them

    This old Alaskan for one won’t be getting the gene therapy experiment as all the disinformation and outright lies by government officials has me more than skeptical

  6. Come on people, this is our little boy Trudeau and his big city socialists doing the bidding. Most Canadians are not onboard with this. However, your goofy president, Joe Biden, cancelled the XL Pipeline, which was a secured agreement to invest the US and Canada into a long-term contract of mutual interest for energy delivery. The US cancelled the contract after we held up our end of the bargain. Biden disrespects Canadians and valid contracts.

  7. The way I read it is you do not need to be vaccinated to travel through Canada currently – this must be for verifiable work or moving to/from Alaska only. You do need to have a Covid-19 test result that was taken within 72-hours of getting to the border. You also have to take a rapid test at the border and another one within 8-days I believe. You are allotted a certain amount of days, and a specific route that you must use to travel through the country.

  8. Vaccination requirements for entry into countries has been around for over 60 years. This is not new, except to those without historical knowledge. Get your “jab” take your trip and stop your whining.

  9. I’m not even remotely interested in Canada! Canada is like that friend that gives off airs of being high class and thinks they are better than everyone else. Then you find out they are just as corrupt as any other country!!!

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