Alaska Life Hack: Advertise with Must Read Alaska

Must Read Alaska Logo
Must Read Alaska Logo

Must Read Alaska celebrates its sixth anniversary this month. For an upstart news organization, it’s a big deal, but while we celebrate, we’ve also got bills to pay here at the little news site with a big mission as we head into Year Seven.

MRAK has become go-to conservative news site for Alaska, with an amazing base of followers who appreciate “the rest of the story” being presented. MRAK isn’t like other news organizations — it has no paid staff, but it has a huge readership. Every day, MRAK takes on the mainstream media to correct the record and allow conservative voices to be heard. Our motto is: Better leaders, better policy. That’s what drives our mission to improve life in Alaska for all.

This project started as a newsletter that went out once a week. That grew to three times a week and a website that has news posted each day. It’s a lot of work.

That’s why we are asking for your support as a business. We welcome your ad on this website, which has an average of 20,000 visits per day. Our readers are typically between the ages of 35-64. Nearly 62 percent of MRAK readers are men.

Now, as the economy of Alaska is ready to rebuild, reach out us at [email protected], for ad rates and availability.

Perhaps you cannot advertise at the moment. You can still help Must Read Alaska stand strong by donating today. The donation link is always at the top of the page on the right.

Thank you,



  1. I will continue to support MRAK and consider advertising as well. My constructive criticism would be that the home page seems sterile. Suzanne does prolifically amazing on producing stories that are sent by email to subscribers. But if you check the home page, it is awkward and not updated with recent stories (without a lot of navigation). I would suggest having a more “Drudge-like” format with numerous links to all stories.

    As a potential advertiser, I would wonder how my product or service would appeal to the typical reader of MRAK as most current ads are oriented to political campaigns.

    All the best!

  2. It be nice to see an array of small businesses representing different industries whose its owners have a more conservative mindset buying space and flooding the MRAK website. These days, its not easy knowing who is who and who respects all customers not just the money they can earn giving shotty service nor just serving a specific type customer deemed acceptable looking.

  3. Advertising in MRAK would at least assure that their ads wouldn’t pop up in a “Debbie Does Dallas” video.

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