Alaska Legislature pre-filed bills II: Election holiday, Chinese purchase of land near military bases, internet pornography, and more


The second list of pre-filed legislative bills were released by the Legislative Affairs Agency on Friday. The Legislature gavels in on Tuesday at 1 pm, and the first tranche of pre-filed bills, revealed earlier this week, is at the bottom of this list. Check back with Must Read Alaska for in-depth reporting on some of the following bills:

HB 250, Rep. McCabe, Relating to municipal and school board elections; declaring Election Day a holiday; relating to terms of office for municipal mayors, municipal governing bodies, elected utility boards, and school boards.

HB 251, Rep. Rauscher, Exempting certain foods and drinks prepared in a person’s uninspected home kitchen from state labeling, licensing, packaging, permitting, and inspection requirements; and permitting a person to acquire meat from a producer by way of an ownership share in an animal if certain conditions are met.

HB 252, Rep. McKay, Prohibiting certain transactions by or with foreign adversaries.

HB 253, Rep. Wright, Relating to refrigerants designated as acceptable for use under federal law.

HB 254, Rep. Vance, Relating to liability for publishing or distributing pornography to minors on the Internet.

HB 255, Rep. McCabe, Relating to the Port of Southcentral Alaska; establishing the Port of Southcentral Alaska Authority to manage and operate the Port of Southcentral Alaska; and providing for an effective date.

HB 256, Rep. McCabe, Relating to closure of plants and facilities of a public utility and discontinuance, abandonment, or suspension of a public utility service.

HB 257, Rep. McKay, Requiring the Department of Natural Resources to make Cook Inlet seismic survey data available to certain persons; and providing for an effective date.

HB 258, Rep. Stapp, Relating to general relief and burial assistance; and providing for an effective date.

HB 259, Rep. Vance, Establishing the Council on Human and Sex Trafficking; and relating to the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

HB 260, Rep. Stapp, Repealing programs for catastrophic illness assistance and medical assistance for chronic and acute medical conditions.

HB 261, Rep. Josephson, Establishing certain offenses concerning vehicular homicide; relating to homicide; relating to attorney fees; relating to preservation of evidence; relating to authorization to intercept communications; relating to juror counseling; relating to temporary detention and identification of persons; relating to fines; relating to sentencing; relating to voter eligibility; relating to the Violent Crimes Compensation Board; relating to license revocation; and providing for an effective date.

HB 262, Rep. Josephson, Relating to increases in rent for dwelling units; and providing for an effective date.

HB 263, Rep. Josephson, Relating to the obstruction or hindrance of lawful trapping of game; and providing for an effective date.

HB 264, Rep. Vance, Requiring the Department of Family and Community Services to adopt a uniform screening tool; requiring shelters for runaway minors to screen minors for victimization relating to sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation; requiring the Department of Family and Community Services to screen children in need of aid for victimization relating to sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation; and relating to the duty of the Department of Family and Community Services to investigate the experiences of missing children in need of aid who have been located.

HB 265, Rep. Vance, Changing the term “child pornography” to “child sexual abuse material.”

SB 173, Sen. Hughes, Safe Schools Act, Requiring school districts to grant qualified persons an assigned duty to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds under certain conditions; relating to standards, training, and continuing education in firearms training for qualified persons granted an assigned duty to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds; relating to communication of school districts with state and local law enforcement; and relating to school crisis response plans.

SB 174, Sen. Bjorkman, Relating to the Honor and Remember Flag and the Honor and Sacrifice Flag.

SB 175, Sen. Tobin, Relating to an electronic product stewardship program; relating to collection, recycling, and disposal of electronic equipment; establishing the electronics recycling advisory council; and providing for an effective date.

SB 176, Sen. Tobin, Relating to membership on the board of parole

SB 177, Sen. Hughes, Relating to artificial intelligence; requiring disclosure of deepfakes in campaign communications; relating to cybersecurity; and relating to data privacy.

SB 178, Sen. Bjorkman, Relating to school terms: “A school term may not begin before the first Tuesday in September.”

SB 179, Sen. Bjorkman, Prohibiting municipalities from levying a tax on the transfer of real property; prohibiting the state from levying a tax on the transfer of real property; and relating to municipal taxation of mobile telecommunications services.

SB 180, Sen. Kawasaki, Relating to unfair trade practices and consumer protection; relating to fees charged to consumers; and providing for an effective date.


  1. Apparently MatSu legislators are not happy with one failed Port and now want to screw up Anchorage’s port. Losers

    • Do you seriously think The Port of Anchorage is a success? It needs 2 billion worth of repairs just to keep operating at current miniscule levels. It needs dredging every year at more than 10 million and has been mismanaged and a drain on Alaska for decades. In large part it has contributed to the lack of development in the entire state. The naked mayor changed the name to Port of Alaska. Now it is time to get professionals involved in managing both Ports for the good of the state it is named after, not just Anchorage.

      • I did not say POA was a success, I said Port Mackenzie is a failure and who would want the losers that mis-managed Port Mackenzie to run the POA.

  2. The bills that they have proposed are fine but I hope that they can find the time to do there number one job and get the budget done on time

  3. I think the elect make too many bills every season. Most of them have always been dumb. To a someone trying to make their life show for something the many bills gives an illusion.
    The number one priority is always been the budget not bills.

  4. Men have a duty to ban abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and transexuality, but feminist embrace these things with gusto. There is no middle ground, fatherlessness is currently institutional and the mommas wed the government.

    Vance’s Bills, seeking to protect minors from sexual abuse, are just scratching the surface of the institutionalized abuse. A minors biggest protector is the father, when you emmasculate him and divorce him from his children, the children are separated from their most powerful ally. This is why we need to return to patriarchy, empowering men, and demanding men to protect their children.

    Ask Vance why she doesn’t cosign HB205 and end state sanctioned child sacrifice abortions? If you embrace rights to child sacrifice, you’ll embrace pornography, homosexuality, transgendering, and fatherlessness and then you’ll try to look good by having the government take over the father’s duty to protect and lead.

    • Hmmm…that’s some food for thought–that makes me want to puke. My father was no dad. He was an abusive alcoholic who grew up in the romanticized 1950s. Forcing women to stay with men like the parasite he was is barbaric and does nothing to improve the outcomes of children. You sound more like you want some taliban-esque, Christian fundamentalism as the law of the land.

  5. We need to be reading what these guys have written up. Democrat lawyers writing up and filing bills, Democrat reps worried about our electronic devices not being properly disposed of while they are demanding everyone be on solar and wind power when these systems don’t even have proper recycling or disposal plans? They are pushing so many things through that people don’t take the time to read or comment on because there is just too much bullcrap. We are going to have so many laws that we’ll be researching to see when and where we can take a deep breath.

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