Alaska Life Hack: Alaska land auctions underway


The Department of Natural Resources has opened the 2022 Alaska State Land Auction, Offering #493, which includes 186 road-accessible and remote parcels from Prince of Wales Island to the Interior.

“Alaskans feel a powerful connection with their land, and there is something special about owning a piece of property where you can put down roots, build a home and build a life in our beautiful state,” said Gov. Mike Dunleavy. “Land auctions are just one of the ways DNR helps implement my vision of putting Alaska land into Alaskans’ hands, and I encourage everyone to consider taking advantage of this opportunity.”

Alaska residents may submit sealed bids in person, by mail, or online until Oct. 4 at 4:30 p.m. Apparent high bids will be announced Oct. 19. Bidders may purchase up to two parcels.

Free auction brochures can be downloaded from the DNR Land Sales website at this link.

Parcels not sold at auction may be available through over-the-counter sales to Alaska residents, non-residents or businesses, starting on Nov. 2 at 10 a.m. OTC parcels currently available for purchase are posted on the Land Sales website’s Over- the-Counter section. DNR offers competitive in-house financing for land purchases. For more information about OTC sales, check page 25 of Auction Brochure #493.

The state also has an agricultural land auction underway at this link. The auction features 27 parcels available for sale in the Nenana-Totchaket area.

Nenana-Totchaket area was planned as a farming project decades ago, but access to the area limited the agricultural development. A new bridge constructed over the Nenana River, which was completed in 2020, was the key to unlocking the development of millions of acres of land owned by the State, Alaska Native corporations, and the University of Alaska.

With access barriers removed, combined with increased interest in creating sustainable food sources for Alaska, the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture started building a 30-year development plan for the area.


  1. Nenana? Boy, these duffers would get a taste of real Alaska, and be gone. 50 below weeds out the wanna-bes. hehehe

  2. It is very easy to overlook essential facts when dreaming. No electricity, developing your own water supply by rainwater catchment or well, developing your own sewer system, the high cost of building in remote areas, lack of convenient access, no cel-phone reception, etc. Its a lifestyle choice anyone should be very thoughtful about before submitting a bid.

    • Wayne Coogan,
      Many may be willing to trade away modern amenities for solitude and the Freedom that comes with the shedding of those chains of slavery called modern conveniences.
      You Sir choose to live in a crowded metropolis called Auke Bay and surrender vast sums each year to Secretary General Rorie Watt and the Politburo of Juneau for the privilege of maintaining a residence. Others might realize that the cost of supporting the disease called local government exceeds the cost of owning a Kubuta diesel electric generator , a Sat Phone and a Ski-doo.
      As for the cost of building a structure, you might be surprised how cheap one can build when you don’t have to comply to the latest U.B.C. regulations.
      In the end, it’s about freedom and one’s right to choose.

  3. The DNR has done this for decades, so please stop interjecting Dunleavy and making the article sound like a campaign ad for him. Dunleavy proposed allowing residents to use a voucher for the full statutory PFD amount, instead of receiving a PFD payment, towards purchasing DNR land. Some legislator with the stupid name of Click merely suggested the timing of that idea wasn’t ideal, and Dunleavy collapsed like the sack of garbage he is. Vote that coward out.

  4. Wait I was under the assumption this was indigenous land and I am but a visitor… shouldn’t I be buying the land from a native corporation? Why does dnr have the authority to sell native land?

  5. I’m glad to see the state continuing working to support the private sector gave land in private title. It was the expectation at statehood and we have a lot further to go. The policy of only developing Anchorage and the railbelt should be discussed by the elected servants in the sessions. This is part of the promise at statehood to develop this entire state over fifty years later.

  6. We need more settlement areas in Alaska. Areas are settled then Nato decides the policy is to moved everyone to Anncreeeeeeeach and then God sorts it out as who can live here. Also the health department and her handmaiden?s.

  7. When my great grandfathers got here it was all about helping the settlements and settling. It didn’t work and we”re still trying and failing bunches. Lots of extinctions as far as settlements/villages goes though.

  8. You said it Aunt Dot and then the land turns into a dump because of all the krap they hauled in while trying to become one of those “wannabe” homesteaders!! No one really realizes how hard it is to start from scratch out in a roadless location. If there is a road OR trail, the amount of stuff hauled in is even more!

  9. Later the Boston pedigreed send their well fed descendents in to dig the detritus and call it archeology while the people of the land watch in awe and applause as their family items are donated to “museums” and false narratives are written. Ignorance is bliss and pervasive.

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