Alaska GOP chair to a certain Alaska senator: Alaskans have voted for Trump. Confirm his nominees

Carmela Warfield

The chairwoman of the Alaska Republican Party published an open letter on Friday, calling on Alaska’s senators to confirm the nominees of President Donald Trump.

Already, it appears that Sen. Dan Sullivan has been cordial and receptive to Trump’s nominees. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski has launched an opposition to the nomination of Pete Hegseth for secretary of Defense. The confirmation vote is expected Friday in the Senate, and Murkowski was the first Republican to oppose Hegseth, with Sen. Susan Collins close behind.

That Murkowski behavior is not playing well with the Alaska Republican Party in general. Murkowski was censured by the party for such behavior in the not-too-distant past and may face another grassroots rebellion.

Carmela Warfield, party chairwoman, just returned from inaugural events in Washington, D.C. and wrote a to-the-point letter, published today on social media, that, without naming names, appears to be focused on Murkowski’s hatred of Trump. The letter says:

“The election of President Donald J. Trump was the beginning of the new Golden Age of America. His America First agenda brings much-needed change to our country and includes securing our border, unleashing America’s energy and natural resources potential, and rebuilding our military.

“The American people have spoken—President Trump was overwhelmingly elected with a mandate: an electoral college landslide and the popular vote by millions. For our part, Alaskans decisively delivered our endorsement of President Trump and his America First agenda by almost 14 points, because we Alaskans know President Trump’s agenda is laser-focused on rebuilding our great state and our nation.

“Unlike Biden, President Trump respects and values Alaska and understands Alaska‘s incredible importance to our nation—he knows the road to American energy dominance runs right through the great state of Alaska.

“The fact is, President Trump is already delivering on his promises to Alaska and America and has done more for our state in the past four DAYS than Biden did during the last four years, during which he enacted more sanctions against Alaska than the country of Iran.

“The President has carefully selected his cabinet to execute his America First agenda and to fulfill the promises he made to voters. This week, one nominee, Pete Hegseth, will be confirmed as Secretary of Defense. He has been thoroughly vetted and affirmed by many, including Sen. Roger Wicker, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and our Senator Dan Sullivan, both of whom say Pete Hegseth is the right person for this job, qualified to help make America safe again and ensure Peace through Strength. This support is echoed by numerous members of our great military and our fellow Alaskans and Americans.

“We thank Senator Sullivan for his service to our country as a retired Colonel in the U .S. Marine Corps Reserve, for the care and due diligence he has shovm during the advice and consent process while vetting the President‘s nominees, and for his continued service as our U.S. Senator. By this time next month, President Trump’s cabinet will be in place and working to help the President rebuild our United States, including our military.

“The Alaska Republican Party stands proudly with our President — ready to work together to preserve our values and restore our great country. We also say THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP for the Executive Orders that will open our state for business!
The Alaska Republican Party will be actively working to increase our number of registered Republicans, to make our Party even stronger, and we will be ready for the 2026 and 2028 election cycles. To all Senators, we say confirm President Trump’s cabinet and let’s get to work.

“Thank God, it is morning again in America, and we are ready and eager — for our country, for our state, for our children and future generations — to help President Trump Make America Great Again.”


    • Princess Lisa’s inheritance of her Senate seat from her corrupt father via nepotism was utterly shameful, and should have been an automatic disqualification for ANY further consideration of her by the voters of Alaska. It still galls me that so many Alaskans have chosen to disregard that fact, not to mention her consistent pro-globalist, pro-deep state, pro-Washington establishment voting record.

      Lisa Murkowski is the poster child for what is wrong with Alaskan, and US, politics today.

        • And you are like an ostrich who is determined to keep its head in the sand, Greg.

          Honestly, I really do believe that, given your consistent pattern of making nonsensical and counter-logical posts here, you troll MRAK only for the perverse pleasure of inciting others to righteous indignation.

        • My liberal friends are excited that she’s turning. They say “she only stays registered as a republican so she can get re-elected, but that won’t be necessary for much longer.” Even they know her true “color” is blue. Why can’t republicans be mad about that?

      • Honestly.
        You REALLLY THINK she won by being WRITTEN IN?!?!?!
        They likely cheated here like everywhere else.
        It is not who CASTS THE VOTES,
        THAT MATTER.

        • Big damn deal, AK Raven, only losers play by the rules. We take what we want. To what advantage do the godly wallow in “goodness” and stupidity! It’s written in our genes to survive, and these ain’t times to be nice and cuddly! Take a lesson from Musk and Trump–true paradigms for enlightened manhood: me, me, me, and me!

        • No, AR, I do not believe that our RINO Pprincess Lisa honestly won in her underhanded write-in election. There were innumerable reports that many of those writing in her name did NOT spell it exactly correctly, as required by law.

          But hey, when the law also says that no ballot initiative can have more than one subject, and a corrupt Alaskan judge allows it to go forward anyway, as in 2020, what the Hell difference do rules and laws make, when those in power egregiously disregard and violate them?

          Princess Lisa is as illegitimate a senator as Usurper Joe was an illegitimate president.

    • Tommy, I’m pretty sure Lisa doesn’t have a history of having to be carried out of strip clubs passed out drunk. Nor any suggestions of spouses having to hide in the closet while she was drunk and abusive. I doubt you could find stories of her screaming “death to all Muslims!” But then I’m sure that none of these actions would disqualify her from your MAGA mindset would they Mr. acronym guy.

      • But Princess Lisa, Queen of the RINOs, does have a history of crapping on her consituents while engaging in gross nepotism, electoral corruption, and consistent pro-globalist, pro-deep state support.

        I will celebrate on the day when that foul women is finally dead.

        • I don’t want to celebrate, but will not mourn.
          she is as bad as the rest of them.
          “They represent us”.
          NO. They are SUPPOSED to represent us.
          They are PAID to represent us.
          Idk wtf is wrong with her, but she needs to RETIRE to somewhere all that (I assume) bribery money can buy.

      • Oh, so the only possible “bad” background in your world is the one our new Secretary of Defense was accused of?
        That is really simplistic of you.

  1. I can’t believe the bashing I’m getting from my relatives and friends all because Lisa Murkowski voted against Hegseth. They’re saying that she must be a RINO deluxe. Can’t disagree with them on that point. And they aren’t residents of Alaska.

  2. I am SO VERY proud of our Alaska GOP Chair! We now have someone in leadership who has the spine to speak out against those who claim to be conservative Republicans, but only use the (R) in front of their name to get elected and Ranked Choice Voting to skew the vote. Murkowski needs to be recalled/censured and barring that, Alaska, don’t forget her actions when it comes time to vote. She needs to be gone!

    • Grow up! The chair is as immature as she writes and as ineffective as she shows in her letter. The Alaska GOP is without good leadership today and it appears highly likely those with experience and decision making skills are in the shadows. How did 90,000 republicans end up with this chairman in a closed meeting with 74 votes to put her in a job she is not qualified for or capable of approaching in a mature manner?
      Give me a break!!

  3. Unfortunately, with regard to this ongoing intransigence, it is not going to be different this time. The pattern is not about to change, only intensify.

    With that in mind, when a certain Senator has been stinking the place up for years on end, it is probably beyond that Senator’s right to take exception to rightly being referred to as Old Stinky.

  4. It is high time to RECALL Murkowski. She is not representing her constituents. This has been going on far too long. Step it up Senators.

      • what makes you think HER “winning” was any more legit than Biden’s was in 2020??
        (No one in history has ever been written in and WON when they didn’t even get enough votes to make it onto the ballot in the primary!)

    • Evans, she is doing a fine job representing the people (Dems) that voted for her, and she knows it. She has cast a spell on most Alaskans and will hold the seat until RCV is ended.

    • J Evans, US Senators can not be recalled. The constitution does not provide a mechanism for a recall.
      The senate could kick her out, but that’s clearly not going to happen. So until our liberal friends quit voting for her (and we still have RCV) she’ll stay where she is, enjoying the conservative label for new to Alaska republican voters and support from all those planned parenthood progressives and the bush. Libs like it because they don’t even need to field a real candidate and spend money on that person. It is just sad!

  5. Lisa Murkowski needs t be gone from the Republican Party and if this chair person had any intestinal fortitude, she would have the backing of the National Party and rid the Republicans in this state of Lisa Murkowski.

    • Easy to take pot shots at the chair. She can’t unelect Lisa and she can’t force Lisa to unregister as a Republican, any more than she can force Cathy Giessel, that snake, to unregister. Registration is not done through a fascist system like you want. It’s done by individuals when they register to vote. that’s all it is. No one can get Susan Collins out either, except the general voters. If you are mad, DK, then work to get rid of jungle-primary, ranked choice voting, because that was what worked to keep Lisa in office … unless you want to do it like the old Soviet Union system. Good luck with that.

      • Still doesn’t matter. There are 53 Republicans and one more vote from the VP on ties. She is meaningless to the Republicans and has no power anymore. Murkowski, Collins, and McConnell can whine all they want but cannot hold back any nominees. This election on the Republican Senators was as important as the election of President Trump. These three have lost all their power.

        • Well, I still plan to start calling her & letting her know that I personally will be going OUT OF MY WAY to let ppl know what a POS she is & actively working to oust her.
          Such a CONSTANT traitor.

    • Under current law, DK, especially RCV law, that is impossible. She can run on ballot as a Republican no matter what anyone says as long as she is a registered Republican

      The party could be more outspoken against her policies and positions. This public letter by Carmela is a good thing.

      To make it possible to eliminate someone from registering as a Republican would probably require a change in law giving political parties the option to do that through some process.

      You could join another party or start one with other people, but you’d probably end up with the same problems once it grew under current law.

  6. And why is Lisa Murkowski still a card carrying member of the AKGOP? And what if Dear Bernie Sanders (a communist in my opinion) wanted to change party’s? Would the GOP enroll him??? If there is no limit to how much destruction an individual can do to a party, why even have a party?

  7. Good job Carmela! I know people don’t want to name names or disparage other Republican Party members, but you reach a point where you just have to call a spade a spade, lay your cards on the table & let the chips fall where they may. For better or for worse.

  8. It’s too bad this urge for endorsement didn’t come sooner, before Senator Murkowski took a public position. She gets lost in all the little voices, forgetting to hear and work with Alaska’s voice.

  9. The Alaska GOP Chair has cajones! Who knew? Way to go, girl! She has to know Lisa’s establishment party pals won’t like this and stop writing checks. Perhaps this will be the final straw that forces Lisa to either seek professional help for her TDS and play ball for the team or switch jerseys and move over to the (D)ems. Either way, she no longer plays on the varsity squad. Her C Team game play and doublespeak shows everyone that she needs to be Cheneyed. The sooner the better.

    • Grifter grifter grifter grifter. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya

  10. Nancy and I are at wits end. We don’t know what to do about “the Lisa problem.”
    Does anyone out there have a good suggestion?

  11. I emailed Lisa Murkowski that being a pylon that Trump has to work around is NOT going to help the nation get onto a better path and could significantly impact the level of cooperation Trump has said he would have for Alaska issues. The people have voted for Trump and Trump is attempting to work for the people. She should work WITH him, not against him.

  12. Representative government has a basic flaw…people disagree on how things should be handled. We do claim to be democratic in nature, however, with majority rule as long as what the majority want is constitutional and legal. So Murkowski should be required to obey the will of the majority as long as doing so does not violate her oath of office. Alaska voted overwhelmingly for the Trump agenda and that agenda will be implemented by his appointees. Lisa has no option but to obey her Alaskan constituents, in their majority, regardless of unproven, defamatory accusations that are not only unproven but contested by some falsely credited with making them. Unfortunately our representatives don’t seem to understand their role as representatives of the people who elected them and that’s why, like Lisa, they go off pursuing their own agendas. It’s a symptom of elitist rule that members of political dynasties often display…like the Murkowski Dynasty.

  13. Sorry, her letter needed to be a lot more pointed than that. I cannot understand for the life of me why the Republican Party allows murkowski to use the R moniker. Can just anyone say they’re an R without adhering to the platform? murkowski doesn’t even come close. The Republican party should disavow themselves of murki and take away her ability to use the R label.

  14. Her fourth largest single contributor was the National Republican Senatorial Committee.’
    Cut it off.

    • Well, we could seek out more Ruth Bader Ginsberg types.
      You know, the one that said DURING HER CONFIRMATION HEARING,
      “The age of consent must be lowered to 12”.
      Or that lesbian preacher lady that decided to lecture the NEW president (& everyone else on a super special day) on the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER instead if, oh, idk, maybe PRAYING FOR OUR NATION? ???
      Vs a guy that reportedly got drunk & out of hand in public ONE TIME- & the rape crap?
      And as long as you’re being all judgemental, can you explain why Nancy Pelosi thought it necessary to OPEN A LIQUIOR STORE THAT DELIVERS TO YOUR OFFICE(??!!) INSIDE THE CAPITOL?

      Yeah, Hegseth’s just evil.

    • A cabinet full of furries, men pretending to be women, DEI hires, bobble heads, pedophiles, and drug addicts. Just like the last adminstration.

  15. You cannot Recall, a Senator. Lisa will be Senator of Alaska for the next 4 years. She and her family hate President Trump. She has hinted at leaving the Republican Party, and joining the Democrats. There is nothing we can do to stop this from happening. We are better off keeping her in the Republican Majority then letting her Cross the Isle, and give the Democrats another seat to strengthen power in the Senate. If Senator Susan Collins from Maine joins Lisa it could upset the power in the Senate. We are only a few seats ahead. As worthless as Lisa is, her sitting on the Republican side of the Isle is more important than how votes or talks. Like Binky the Polar Bear, don’t give her a reason or opportunity to Turn on You. She is almost at that point. You can see it in her eyes. The best thing to is not upset her. We had a chance to vote in Kelly Thishbaka and blew it. Now we have to QUIETLY live with OUR MISTAKE. Sorry I had to post this, but that’s the way it is.

  16. Vance has cast the 51st vote in the Senate. Hegseth has been confirmed. The entire nation is looking at Alaska and asking, “WTF, Alaska, what’s with Murkowski. You need to vote her out!” Challenge accepted. Lisa: this bought you nothing but more ire from Republican voters. Not Republicans in ‘the club,’ but more average Alaskan republicans have so had it with you. Enjoy your last few years. Doing whatever I can to support any conservative who can put in the work to give you the Liz Cheney treatment.

    • I’m wondering what was going on. Was McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins just throwing a tantrum, or was there another vote out there that stabbed them in the back at the last minute? McConnell used to be a pretty good vote counter.

      • Howdy Reggie. It was Mitch who gave Lisa Millions of Republican Campaign Dollars to flood the Airways with Anti Kelly adds. It had never been done before with so much money that was spent by the Republican Party to defeat one of its own in a Primary. The ads where also high octane quality—-very psychologically put together.. Lisa, Susan and Mitch are the last gasp of the Bushe’s Military Dynasty. Thank GOD ALMIGHTY, that we have a System that allows for New Blood. And HIS Magnificent Servant George Washington. 1776—–and President Trump 2024

  17. Alaskan to Alaskan GOP: There are three branches of government. The legislative does not, and should not be beholden to the executive. Checks and balances are wise protections put in place by our Founding Fathers.

    • Murkowski is a traitor and a true threat to our freedom. She does not represent her constituents nor Alaska. In the end she will fall on her own sword. She has gone from disliked to hated literally today.

      • Threats to freedom are politicians who cannot think for themselves. I want three – not two or one – branches of government. The centralization of all power is the true threat to our freedom.

  18. Just saw the vote on Hegseth, and there it was as I said in the post above. Lisa and Susan Collins from Maine (R) voted against President Trump’s choice for Secretary of Defense. It took V.P. Vance to break the tie. Susan Collins owes her political life to the BUSH Family. When George and Barbara Bush lived in Maine for most of their lives they GROOMED Susan C Collins to be Their Senator. When Lisa got appointed to take Franks place, it was natural for her to hang out with her Republican companion. They both voted the way the Bushes wanted them to vote on most issues. That is why so many of Lisa’s votes don’t fit Alaska. It really BOILED OVER when Trump knocked Jeb Bush out of the 2016 ? Primary. Jeb was the Chosen One to carry on the Bush Dynasty. That is why the huge split in the Republican Party. Old School Bush Republican Party VS New Populist Trump party. The Bushes are dead and gone and Lisa and Susan and a few hold outs from the swamp are going to hang onto their power like Liz CEHENY, to the very end. Lisa will be our Senator from Alaska voting against President Trump for the next 4 years (EXCEPT for Alaskan Bread and Butter Issues). MAGA

  19. I hope she has no power in the Senate. No committee’s or no influence on anything. She is a disgrace to the people of Alaska and to the Republican Party of which she should not be able to use that designation since she is not and never has been Republican. She is even lower than a RINO if that is even possible.

  20. There was no strategy for Alaska, no reading the room. If Lisa felt compelled to blurt out her thoughts and position she could have done so, and closed by saying “but my constituents and the Republican party in Alaska ask for support of the President’s nominees, so I will vote accordingly.”
    The last four years has damaged Alaska’s economy severely, our interests were sacrificed, given as a token to each & every environmental group that the administration wanted to appease. It’s time to regain some ground so there is a future here for our grandchildren.
    It’s called strategy.

  21. I never voted for Lisa, never will. Frank the bank did this to us. Catch up folks. Her candidacy was birthed in corruption. Get off the government tit, get out of the bars, put the weed away and embrace truth. Your government is not your friend, your being lied to daily and with all its faults, the current elected administration is the only glimmer of hope we have seen since Reagan.

  22. When will we see voter integrity back in our state? We keep sinking lower and I hate that. Keep getting losers elected with outside dark money.

  23. When will we see voter integrity back in our state? We keep sinking lower and I hate that. Keep getting losers elected with outside dark money.

  24. AK GOP, thank you for your firm letter of support for our great President. Now, how about an equally firm letter to repeal the travesty of ranked-choice voting in Alaska? ???

  25. The chair of the Republican party should be spending their time trying to figure out how in the world the stated level candidates under performed President Trump. Think how crazy that is. Candidates with the same basic views without his baggage did worse in a state the president won by 15 points. The Republicans were massively outmaneuvered by a small minority of well organized Democrats. While Republicans were out blowing up balloons, running purity tests and getting really spun up on social issues the Dems ended up with control of the house and senate. That is going to be really costly to Alaska. Deep introspection would be the order of the day but instead we will get more ineffective posturing. Go team. Lisa is really worried about what you think.

  26. What a fun thread. I dont even have to read it all. To all the leftist whiners: your globalist whores’ days are numbered. BYE Murcuntski


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