Mount McKinley’s got style to Associated Press


The Associated Press is publicly recognizing North America’s tallest mountain as Mount McKinley, following an executive order from President Donald Trump that reverted the name to what the mountain was called from 1917 to 2015, when Barack Obama changed the name to Denali.

For now, however, AP will not change the way it refers to the Gulf of Mexico. Trump renamed the gulf the Gulf of America, but AP says he has no jurisdiction over the body of water’s name. They are sticking with Gulf of Mexico.

Here’s what the AP wrote about the place names and its decisions after the Trump executive order:

“President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. The body of water has shared borders between the U.S. and Mexico. Trump’s order only carries authority within the United States. Mexico, as well as other countries and international bodies, do not have to recognize the name change.

“The Gulf of Mexico has carried that name for more than 400 years. The Associated Press will refer to it by its original name while acknowledging the new name Trump has chosen. As a global news agency that disseminates news around the world, the AP must ensure that place names and geography are easily recognizable to all audiences. 

“The AP regularly reviews its style guidance regarding name changes, in part to ensure its guidance reflects common usage. We’ll continue to apply that approach to this guidance and make updates as needed.

“There are other examples where the AP refers to a geographical place by more than one name. For example, the Gulf of California is sometimes referred to as the Sea of Cortez. The U.S. government has designated that body of water as the Gulf of California, while Mexico recognizes it as the Sea of Cortez.

“President Trump also signed an executive order to revert the name of North America’s tallest peak, Denali in Alaska, to Mount McKinley. Former President Barack Obama changed the official name to Denali in 2015 to reflect the traditions of Alaska Natives as well as the preference of many Alaska residents. Trump said in his executive order that he wanted to “restore the name of a great president, William McKinley, to Mount McKinley.”

“The Associated Press will use the official name change to Mount McKinley. The area lies solely in the United States and as president, Trump has the authority to change federal geographical names within the country.

“The AP Stylebook will be updated to reflect both decisions.”


  1. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is responsible for geographic name usage. You don’t change these kind of things by Executive Order. I mean, to me, it sounds kind of petty on Trumps part, especially given how during his first term every one of the GOP Alaska Congressional delegation was opposed to the name change. Its also hilarious to see how most on here are all in favor of EO’s when they agree with their political worldview, but when Biden did it, he’s a Marxist. Would be nice if some of you at least admitted your own bias.

  2. “…….. it sounds kind of petty on Trumps part………”
    Yeah, just like it was petty on Obama’s part. I still call the Washington football team the Redskins and the Cleveland baseball team the Indians. Let the games go on. Maybe the public will eventually get sick of this crap?
    Yeah, probably not……………

  3. Mount McKinley was NOT first summited by an Alaskan Native, as publicized and heroized in recent publications. A first rate researcher at UAF made a break through investigation using tremendous visual and photographic research and discovered Mt. McKinley was in fact first summited by an all White climbing party. Mt. McKinley shines again.

    • Good info, Mary. The book about an Alaska Native being the first, is a book of fiction. Good for outdated DEI studies, which will quickly disappear thanks to Donald J. Trump.

      • Yes, it was, Greg. Each group of whom presumably had their own unique name for the mountain, “Denali” being only one of those names.

        And even given that, I have to ask, “so what?” We, current Alaskans, have given thousands of names to different geographical features in Alaska, some of them derived from native names, many of them not. How is it some sort of sin for the white man to give white man names to local landforms? That attitude strikes me as the typical Western civilization-hating self-loathing of the typical radical leftist, but I certainly do not share it.

        • Budweiser, Shlitz, Coors, Michelob, Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker double black , etc, etc. were named by Whites, but the heaviest users don’t seem to want a name change……
          at least here in Alaska. But thanks for your input, Mr. Forkner. Always nice to see your side of the story.

    • Are you for real? Do you genuinely believe a people who have lived on this land for thousands of years at no point ever summited Denali before a group of random colonizing white people? Calling the book about the Native Alaskans who summited the peak DEI? Do you even know what DEI is??? I really hope not because if you do this is such an impressively uneducated,ignorant grossly entitled take and exhibits a serious and frankly concerning lack of critical thinking skills on your part. You know other people can see this right? Embarrassing.

      • Anna, your little Marxist diatribe sounds like it came directly from the soon-to-be-obsolete
        DEI studies program at UAA. Did you plagiarize from the introduction page? You bunch of college misfits are really going to be outcasted during the rest of this decade.
        People have moved on from your radical diatribes. You are so ……..Old World.
        Good luck in the age of Trump, little girl.

  4. It is literally the gulf the encompasses South, Central, and North Americas so should have called it the Gulf of Americas and remained more accurate..Maybe add the slogan, ‘The Birthplace of Hurricanes’..? ? ?

  5. By your own admission of being against changes of “these kinds of things by Executive Order” then you should applaud Trumps actions as he merely in-effect reversed the Executive Order by Obama that changed it from McKinley to Denali, an action which you state is something that should not be done. So, WTF are you whining about?

    Biden isn’t a Marxist because people didn’t agree with his EOs. They weren’t really his EOs. That senile fool didn’t know what he was signing. He is a Marxist by proxy because those that were actually creating the EOs for Biden to sign ARE Marxists, which is the political worldview driving the purpose for those EOs in the first place.

    • Wrong as usual, Greg.

      The perverted concept of “birthright citizenship” is not only a logical absurdity practiced by not ONE single other nation in the world, it is not mentioned at all in the US Constitution, either. Illegal aliens — yes, I am calling them what they are, ILLEGAL ALIENS — are “not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States”, and therefore their children are not qualified for automatic US citizenship. Just as the policy is in EVERY other nation on earth.

      • Actually you are quite wrong. Many other nations practice birthright citizenship. However, I believe that the USA and Canada arre the only major net in migration counties that do.The others are all minor countries that are trying to encourage in migration.

    • Birthright citizenship was not intended for people invading our country. It was put on the constitution in regard to slaves who were forced here against their will. It has been grossly abused. I hope the issue goes to the Supreme Court.

    • No, because he has not been shut down. The issue will now be adjudicated, which is as it should be. I wonder sometimes at our trolls’ reading comprehension and ignorance of civics.

    • Yo Greg – can you point me to the part of the Constitution, specifically the part of the 14th Amendment that defines birthright citizenship? You can’t? No surprise.

      Trump has thrown a gauntlet down to the courts who have been making it up as they go. He may be successful. He may not. Either way, we will get the ball matriculated a bit farther down the field after all this is over so we know what to do next. Cheers –

  6. Trump’s obsession with Mt McKinley?
    LOL. This is another one of Dermot’s rants and alcoholic rages. So what if Dermot hates Trump?
    It’s really funny to watch these Left-wing, washed-up, so called journalists come even further unhinged. Pushing daisies is the best remedy.


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